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Lightlyseared's avatar

Is Musk's Sieg Heil salute at Trumps inauguration a sign of things to come?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35032points) 2 weeks ago

or is he just an idiot

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54 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think both.

smudges's avatar

It was no accident. He and trump both love to rile us up. Don’t bite.

Caravanfan's avatar

I read this question and saw the picture. I thought it was going to be something taken out of context or he was just waving with arm outstretched. But then I saw a video, it was indeed two Nazi salutes.

Blackberry's avatar

I want to see @seawulf575 answer.
And my answer is yes. So glad I got strapped before it was too late.

Kropotkin's avatar

It’s hard to say, but what a fucking timeline we exist in that this weird ugly little self-promoting charlatan and narcissist can also become the richest man in the world.

If your children have no discernible talent, just teach them to have enough confidence to take credit from the work and talent of others.

ragingloli's avatar

@Blackberry You know he is going to make excuses.
Like “It was totally ironic/joke”, or “you are taking it out of context” or “that was no Hitler salute at all”.

Pandora's avatar

Apparently he did it twice and the audience cheered. Yep, goes to show you they always were fascist and think Hitler was great for what he did.
Not an accident and not meant as a joke. They are showing us exactly who they are.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Plural to strike a phrase !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Swastika on the wall in the. Oval office next to the Co-Presidents chair !

filmfann's avatar

Sweet Jesus that is a straight up, unapologetic Sieg Heil!

Kraigmo's avatar

Trump opened the Pandora’s Box when he attempted to overthrow the 2020 election in a coup-by-court attempt.
If Democrats and the American public were intelligent (which they’re not), the Pandora’s Box could have been closed by convicting Trump.
The Box is now permanently open.
ANYTHING GOES in dealing with that man. ANYTHING GOES now.

MrGrimm888's avatar

As I’ve opined before, Musk likely values the US, as much as one of his expendable rockets.

Enriching himself further, by buying a US president, is one thing.
Being THIS reckless, and divisive, is criminal…..

Such things WILL lead to VERY BAD THINGS…

canidmajor's avatar

@Blackberry And yet, @seawurm remains glaringly absent from this thread, and I would also be interested in his take on the attempt to overturn the 14th Amendment.

flutherother's avatar

You don’t give a Seig Heil salute by accident, especially at a political event.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It was clearly to piss off Dems. Not something I’d have done though.
@SQUEEKY2 Why dont you message him, its against rules to mention other jellies if they arent in the thread.

canidmajor's avatar

@KNOWITALL apparently you are not familiar with Musk’s support of far-right German politics. No, it was not”clearly to piss ff Dems “. Learn a thing.

chyna's avatar

He is an idiot.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@canidmajor And that’s your Opinion, not a fact. Geesh Boomer, dont be rude or you’ll get it right back.

Blackberry's avatar

It’s very disingenuous to call him an idiot. It’s like calling the CEOs of Enron idiots.

They were much more sinister than that, and will negatively impact people’s lives.

Elon already has guys on site saying they have to work 12 hours 7 days a week, for example.

The guy is sinister.

Blackberry's avatar

We’re in trumps America, so you’ll take whatever treatment we give you. That’s how America works.

Deal with it or leave the country.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blackberry Thats why we voted for him. Duh.

Caravanfan's avatar

@KNOWITALL It is not an opinion to state that Musk endorsed the AfD party. It is fact.

cheebdragon's avatar

“ADL says ‘awkward’ Musk gesture ‘not a Nazi salute’: ‘This is a delicate moment’”

Caravanfan's avatar

@cheebdragon fuck the ADL. Someone says “Free Palestine” and they scream antisemitism. Someone gives a Nazi salute and they say, “This is a delicate moment”.

cheebdragon's avatar

@Caravanfan LMAO “fuck the ADL” ...seems pretty antisemitic.

Caravanfan's avatar

@cheebdragon Yes, you caught me. I am antiemetic. (eye roll).

The ADL is apologizing for a literal neo-Nazi sympathizer. So yes. Fuck them.

ragingloli's avatar

There was a German Jewish organisation that supported Hitler.
Did not do them any good.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Musk has also publicly stated his belief that Jewish people are attempting wipe out the white race by encouraging immigration to “white” countries.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Lightlyseared Where did he say that?

JLeslie's avatar

OMG I just saw the video in the article @cheebdragon posted. He knows what he is doing. Who just does that unless they are copying it or taught it. It could be just to rile people up and a dog whistle to the alt-right White Supremacists, but if the Republicans who are not racist say nothing it is shameful. They need to speak the hell up and denounce this behavior.

Caravanfan's avatar

@JLeslie Ah, yes, thanks. That’s it.

Caravanfan's avatar

So just to get caught up, Musk is a racist, antisemetic , Nazi loving conspiracy theorist.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Theres also the sexual assault allagations…

Caravanfan's avatar

@Lightlyseared right, but those are just “allegations” lol. The other things are proven facts.

gorillapaws's avatar

I think there’s an element in Israel that wants to promote fears of antisemitism around the world because it creates fear in Jewish people and justifies the Israel project as a “safe harbor.” It’s why organizations like the ADL and AIPAC support truly repugnant candidates and allow scumbags to speak at Pro-Israel rallies.

What Musk did was vile and repugnant. I own 2 Teslas, but my next vehicles will be something else.

Also it’s likely that Biden/Harris’ stance on Gaza likely cost Kamala the election, so Netanyahu got his wish.

RocketGuy's avatar

@Lightlyseared – if Musk gets convicted of sexual assault, he would qualify for the US Presidency (although he was born in a foreign country).

KNOWITALL's avatar

So the Right is saying ya’ll are bashing an autistic dude and with context via the speech, he was giving them his love back.Now parents of kids on the spectrum are mad as well as some activist groups.

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL…and the Neo Nazis with the torches in Charlottesville chanting “the Jews will not replace us,” were just trying to light the path to a happier tomorrow? It’s a fucking joke. These guys were happy to dogpile on Tim Walz’s son.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gorillapaws I doubt it, that’s a whole other kinda crazy.
Honestly I didnt know he was neuro-d, just seemed like a proud kid.
Did you actually listen to Elons speech before judging him? Seriously because I did today and it changed my opinion from earlier today.

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL I can’t say I did watch the entire speech. I think if it were someone who didn’t give tens of millions? hundreds of millions? of dollars to help elect a guy who used to keep a book of Hitler speeches on his nightstand and is literally following Hitler’s playbook of scapegoating minorities and fostering fervent nationalism among a destitute working class, then I probably wouldn’t give them the benefit of the doubt, but I’d be willing to try to better understand the context. In this case, the burden of proof is on Musk to explain why his Hitler salute was really just a “my heart goes out to you” gesture that he repeated.

Sam Seder did a great piece on this.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I watched Elons entire speech. The salutes, were fairly early in his speech. If you look at just the picture, it’s awful.

However. Seeing it in real time, Musk 100% copied the Hitler salute. He even included the stern look, and aggressive snappy Nazi Germany movements.
Worse. Musk did the salute seemingly, with great pride.
It was the scariest thing I’ve EVER seen from the Trump circus.
It wasn’t once, either. He turned to the crowd behind him, and repeated the gesture again, precisely, to the people behind him.

I’m WAY beyond, discussing this. To me, this should require a MAJOR public speech from Trump, apologizing to the country, and I think that yes this was SO heinous, Musk should be fired.
To me, Musk did it early, because he knew all those wealthy people, wouldn’t just walk out. They were there, to fleece America.
Although I could only see Musk really, the room seemed to grow silent after his salutes, and clearly (whether they admit it or not,) Musk sort of forced everyone’s consent with whatever he was going to say with the gesture.

It was an “all in,” moment.
To be crystal clear to the public.
The gloves, are off. You have a SERIOUS problem in DC.

No joke, this could spell a Civil War, after all.

Trump really thinks, he can walk around and shit in powerful people. THAT is why he has been constantly pursued for his many crimes. He pissed off a LOT of important people.
Not just dems, as illustrated by Liz.

To make the corruption, more clear, people who formerly denounced Trump, are now chasing those 30 pieces of silver.

I used to live in Germany, as a child, and motions with your hands like pointing, were frowned upon. Or taboo.
I was told not to gesture like that, as it was too close to the Hitler salute.

This will be an unapologetic, gang rape of America.
Once the Nazi stuff starts.
It’s time for all of us, to see this for what it is, and act.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^A civil war is what China is probably waiting for before it attacks Taiwan. Putin no doubt already won.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I said “act.”
I believe it “could,” lead in that direction.

China would be wiser to annex large swaths of Siberia.
Putin has lost SO many men, and SO much hardware, Russia is using WWII era tanks, and artillery. The war, in so.e occasions with the Wagner group, had hand to hand fighting.
Putin has lost the support of the majority of his people, and it’s a matter of time before he is killed by either western special forces, or someone from within Russia. Likely another oligarch, or general.
They have resorted to using North Korean troops, who are apparently just there to die.
If this were a strategy game, (and it IS,) it would be far more logical, to go after an extremely weakened Russia. There ARE former Chinese citizens, living in China, so China could use that excuse.

I do think they’ll go for Taiwan, but it does seem worth it right now. But to catch Russia by surprise, with them already bent over a barrel, would likely succeed without firing a shot.
If Xi pushed Putin, he would probably cave. He wouldn’t have a choice.
His “I’ll nuke people,” threat, is getting old.

Yes. The US, will do itself in.
It’s more a matter of how precisely, and when, than if.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^China possibly is still calculating how trump would respond once they attack Taiwan.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, @KNOWITALL , I only posted one of the very many reports of his support of the German far right, it’s not just my “opinion”. How silly you are.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@canidmajor right out of Musk’s mouth and he was brought up in South Africa during Apartheid ! ! !

He has no use for minorities !

KNOWITALL's avatar

@canidmajor I’m very dismayed at everything I’ve read about him the last few days. I truly had no idea this is one in many instances of hate speech./racism Thanks.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I thought Xi, had pretty much guaranteed that China WOULD invade Taiwan no later than 2027.
Regardless of what Trump wants, the US has spent many billions of dollars preparing for a Pacific conflict with China, in the near future. Military analysts, say it is inevitable.

If there are MASSIVE leaps in AI, or manufacturing of computer chips, there would be little need to invade Taiwan. But. The resource rish ground in Siberia, would be better than having to fight for and drill for oil in The South China Sea…

China has a massive military, but very little experience or training, and no experience coordinating all of that technology.
US Admiral Samuel Paparo (commander of US Indo-Pacific Command,) has been quoted as saying that IF China attacks Taiwan, the US would turn the China straight (between China and Taiwan,) into an unmanned drone “Hellscape,” “using a large number of classified US military assets.”

The F-35 program has been upgraded to fly (in the near future,) with 2–5 AI wingman aircraft. This is called, in military terms, a force multiplication.
As China has more boats, fighters, soldiers, etc…
The US military leadership, believes that our classified unmanned assets would give the US an “asymmetric advance.”

These programs, including the R and D, have cost many billions of dollars to this point.
So. The country is heavily invested, in this.

A Newsweek article from March 2024, reported that US troops were indeed now stationed on multiple islands around the main island. This is the result of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2023.
US Army Green Berets, from The 1st Special Forces Group, are now permanently stationed at at least two Taiwanese bases.

If the attack came soon, we would already have American boots on the ground.
So. They would be attacking us.
Which is supposed to be something we would take VERY seriously.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Sure hope you’re right that the US is willing to risk its soldiers’ lives helping Taiwan. Though can’t help but wonder if China is also considering just paying trump in exchange for Taiwan.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^The Chinese like Trump. They view him not only as easily manipulated, but as Trump thinks he’s a business person, they know they can put aside things like morality in talks with him.

The US is (was prior to Trump’s 2nd term) prepared to risk US troops for Taiwan 100%.
However. Watching Russia become the test dummies for a new type of warfare, got the attention of the powers that be.

Wildly expensive, but obsolete projects like aircraft carriers, and manned fighter programs (in America that’s the NGAD 6th generation fighter,) are essentially a military version of socialism. Older, and super wealthy, defense contractors are kept afloat by “decision makers” in the military’s upper ranks.
The F-35 program has been a R n D, and overall budget nightmare. That program went exponentially over budget, billions of dollars were pumped into the fucking helmets alone. But they kept failing, so they kept pumping money in.
There are currently 2 carriers being built, and they will be operational in several years. (As built, is VERY different, from functional.)
Bare bones, these massive targets for hypersonic missiles cost a staggering $13 billion/carrier. The service costs per ship over their designed “life cycles,” will be exponentially more…

While the US HAS wasted, is wasting billions of dollars on such programs, they simultaneously HAVE been quite active in unmanned drone assets, specifically air, surface, and subsurface vehicles.
The US’s main goal, was too help Taiwan defende itself.
The US troops there, are not intended to be be involved in combat. They are mostly there, to train Taiwanese defense and littoral combat. As I said though, their mere presence, means an attack on Taiwan IS an attack on the US.
I think US generals want to engage China, to slow their aggressiveness. They just prefer not to lose American lives, doing it…

I am genuinely curious about Musk’s role, in international defense concerns. Will he have Trump’s ear, during a conflict?
Worse, would Trump follow strategy advice, from a man who cheats at Diablo 2?..
With Hegseth, possibly going into seizures, if he has to go a few hours sober, it should be smooth sailing!

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