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jca2's avatar

What do you think about Trump's inauguration speech and new Executive Orders?

Asked by jca2 (17081points) 2 weeks ago

Withdrawal from the World Health Organization, withdrawal from the Paris Peace Accords, close the borders, put the stars and stripes on Mars (not Bruno Mars but the planet Mars), there are only two genders, male and female. I can’t think of the rest off the bat.

What do you think?

I admit I had to google Paris Peace Accords.

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44 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

The acts of a megalomaniac tyrant.

Idiocy. But payback to his rich right-wing supporters.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

There was more than that. Designating cartels as terrorist organizations, Gov’t employment shall be merit-based now, national energy emergency,federal hiring freeze, ending remote work for federal workers, no more birthright citizenship for children of immigrants, no more asylum entry, create a new “external” revenue service, reverse the offshore drilling ban, open Alaska for drilling, rename the gulf of Mexico and mt. denali, pardoning of all Jan 6 protesters…

jca2's avatar

Yeah, I gave a brief summary of some points, am going out for the day so I didn’t have time to list all.

janbb's avatar

I’m trying not to pay attention to anything that this administration is doing at this point. He can’t hijack four more years of my dwindling life-span. When there’s meaningful action to take, I will take it if I can.

canidmajor's avatar

It encourages bigotry, isolationism, international aggression and white supremacy. Yippee. The Republicans must be so proud.

flutherother's avatar

The United States has come off the tracks laid down by the Founding Fathers. It was painful to listen to.

Demosthenes's avatar

I think a lot of it is pandering nonsense.

I think some of it will be more consequential. I’m interested to see the effects on border crossings and the immigration process.

He also rescinded a Biden order that sought to lower the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries. That one received less fanfare, for obvious reasons.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I agree with a lot of it, so I’m good.

seawulf575's avatar

I thought Trump’s inauguration speech was so-so. He had many of the same talking points he used during rallies. He also made swipes at the Biden administration for some of there goofier actions and policies. These are not the sort of things I would expect from an inauguration speech. And I think he missed an opportunity when he was talking about the hostages being released. Technically that plan was one that Biden’s administration came up with. He could have given a nod to that and said he will work to make sure the rest of the hostages got home. Yes, we all know Hamas didn’t care one whit about Biden and wouldn’t have gone with this plan if Trump had not been elected and threatened repercussions if the hostages weren’t returned. But acknowledging Biden’s efforts could have helped smooth over the Repub/Dem divide in this country.

As for the EOs he signed, I think some are great and some are not so great. Pulling us out of the Paris Climate Accords (not Peace Accords…the Paris Peace Accords involved the end of the Viet Nam war) is a good thing, I believe. As with so many of these things they focused on the US and made excuses for China and India who are the top two polluters in the world. So we were spending tons of money on something that wouldn’t change one thing in Climate Change. Not to mention some of the goals of the Accords would lead to more greenhouse gases and pollution rather than less.

Closing the border, using the military to enforce this at the southern border, declaring the cartels to be terrorist organizations are all good things in my mind. Stopping the CBP1 app is another great move.

The renaming of the Gulf of Mexico is foolishness in my mind.

The two EOs dealing with security clearances I was split on. Removing the security clearances from the 50 “intelligence experts” that said Hunter’s Laptop was Russian disinformation was a good one. Allowing WH staff to be given top secret clearances without vetting I think is bad.

The EO for genders is, to me, an odd one. I’m not disagreeing with it, but I think it is too much too quickly. The entire gender movement has turned into a clown show to me. You can be whatever you feel like at any given time you want to claim it. That is insanity. But there are many people that have been fully confused on their gender identity for real and this could impact them. That isn’t a huge percentage of the population, granted, but there should be some consideration for it.

The EO for doing away with DEI is absolutely, 100% a move in the right direction.

Flying flags on inauguration day was silly and childish. But then, so was the EO that demanded that the flags fly at half mast for a full month (from Biden). Stupid is as stupid does.

Eliminating EV mandates is a good thing.

Opening up land for drilling is a good thing.

Starting DOGE is a good thing.

Pulling us out of the WHO is, in my mind, a good thing. We have been getting ripped off by them and it appears they are not working for the good of all mankind as they like to claim. Basically anything having to do with the UN is a rip-off for us.

Putting a pause on TikTok is an interesting one to me. On one hand, I thnk TikTok as it has been is a dangerous thing. To many ways for the Chinese government to gather people’s personal information and allow them access into computers. On the other TikTok has become a huge revenue maker in the US. Biden’s heart was in the right place when he canceled it for security purposes. I suspect Trump is trying to figure out how to not impact the economy by losing millions in revenue and still maintain security. Selling TikTok to a US company would be the easiest way, but that could be something very difficult to do and could take time.

There are quite a few more. Some are offshoots of these and some are not. But taking the EOs a one whole is unfair and only makes for weak talking points. Each one has to be evaluated on its own merits.

JLeslie's avatar

Too much too soon. I think he signed over 70 executive orders so impossible to comment on all of them. Some of the ones that are being highlighted I listed below:

I think now defining the drug cartels as terrorists is just fine with me.

I think I’m still in favor of the Paris Accord, so I think getting out of that again is problem, but honestly I don’t know the specific objection to the accord, and I’m curious. Is it just they don’t believe the science?

As far as only having two genders in the US, the gender thing was getting way way out of hand, but I worry this is a step towards it becoming too restrictive. We shall see. I of course support people who want to transition from one gender to another. There are people born with ambiguous gender. I am against transwomen competing with women in sports, although I’m open to maybe changing how we look at that, but I don’t want to get onto a long tangent about it here.

I don’t mind a move towards a discussion about limiting birthright citizenship, but I worry the Republicans will go way too far, and I rather err on the side of keeping it how it is than too restrictive.

Why was McKinley changed to Denali in the first place?

External Revenue Service sounds ok to me on the surface. I am concerned about Trump’s people cutting back on things I completely disagree with, but I do agree with analyzing where money is going.

Why did changing the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America ever even come up? That sounds ridiculous to me and just making his anti-immigration chanting groupies happy.

Pardoning all J6ers is going too far. Some of them were incredibly violent. Does a pardon allow someone to say they have a clean record? Anyone who maybe had a harsher sentence than reasonable it could be argued to let some out of jail with time served, but some of them were horrific and absolutely deserved many years in jail. Oh, and calling them hostages is a disgrace. They are criminals.

Blackberry's avatar

The most realistic answer is that we have to wait and see what is hot air, and what ends up being a real lasting effect.

I think we all unfortunately know a lot of women are going to die on operating tables and immigrants will be abused, physically and sexually.

Colonizers have always dehumanized non whites, which gives them justification to treat them non human.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Pardoning all J6ers is going too far.

Hanging them all would have been appropriate. 2020 repeated the same mistake the USA made in 1865. Don’t coddle traitors.

Working to destroy civilization should have consequences.

raum's avatar

@seawulf575 Why is stopping the CBP1 app another great move? If you want immigrants to enter the US legally, wouldn’t you also want to streamline the process for them to actually do that?

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Traitor is the word I use too. Some were just ignorant following along, maybe that shouldn’t matter in the end, they still participated. Those who were there with a goal and plan to stop the signing of the vote and to kill our congressmen are traitors. It’s treason.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I only caught parts of it I think if your wealthy it will be fine, if your working class ,or poor, or a trading country with the US your going to get screwed big time.

mazingerz88's avatar

Are any of trump’s actions reversible? If yes then he’s merely enjoying performing for his adoring audience. The clown is having his cake and eating it too. Four years of this shit-show. Imagine that.

janbb's avatar

@mazingerz88 Drilling for oil in the Arctic and other derailments of climate change progress will not be reversible. And the deaths of women who do not get adequate obstetric care will not be reversible.

Jaxk's avatar

Strange that I didn’t hear a lot of screaming from the dems about Biden’s flood of EOs on his first day. Nonetheless, I didn’t see anything that I though was Horrible. Maybe a bit petty but not disastrous and a few quite beneficial.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t even want to think about it.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Stranger that I didn’t hear a lot of screaming from the dems about Biden’s flood of EOs on his first day.

So you believe all orders are equal and nobody can judge one to be worse or better than another.

Thanks for your brilliant analysis. What a great contribution to the discourse.

jonsblond's avatar

Four years of the trans community not getting the healthcare they need will lead to suicides. Four years of trans women getting attacked for using the bathroom they identify with will lead to assaults.

Less than 1% of our population is transgender and on day one Trump focused on them. It’s disgusting. How does policing toilets help with rent or grocery prices? MAGA priorities are ridiculous.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Co-President Mussk must be peeing in his South African pants, he is so happy.

Pardoning Oath Keepers and Proud Boys he wont need to calling the Armed Forces to bring retribution (and assassinations of his list of enemies) !

Some time in 2025 or early 2026 he’ll declare no more elections and all the Democrats will be run out of office or killed !

seawulf575's avatar

@raum There are rules for entering the country. CBP1 was an effort to normalize bypassing those rules. I get that the existing rules are a bit onerous, but then entering the country shouldn’t be as easy as buying a pack of cigarettes. But it is up to CONGRESS (not the POTUS) to change those rules. The first time Trump was in office he tried to get congress to do that very thing. He acknowledged it wasn’t the duty or within the power of the office of the president. Neither party has been interested in making the first step on that. Maybe with the current environment the Repubs will. But CBP1 was not following the rules. What it did was take what was happening when they entered the country illegally and tried to streamline that. That sends the message that it is easier to come illegally. It also allowed Biden and his cronies to use the talking point that “illegal entries” were down. It was semantics at best.

YARNLADY's avatar

You can’t EO biological truth.

seawulf575's avatar

@Jaxk It is a surprise, isn’t it? Much like all the pardons Trump gave. I didn’t hear all the outrage about the ones Biden was handing out. In fact I heard overwhelming support for pardoning people before they are even charged for a crime. I guess it should be okay for Trump to do that as well, shouldn’t it?

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie President McKinley died in 1901, so he probably never stepped foot in Alaska, as it was a Russian territory at the time he died.

Here’s a deep dive into the naming of the mountain, from Wikipedia. Long story short, it was Denali for centuries, and named after Presidential candidate McKinley by a gold prospector to show support for McKinley’s candidacy:

The Koyukon Athabaskans who inhabit the area around the mountain have for centuries referred to the peak as Dinale or Denali. The name is based on a Koyukon word for ‘high’ or ‘tall’.[23] During the Russian ownership of Alaska, the common name for the mountain was Bolshaya Gora (Russian: Большая Гора; bolshaya ‘big’; gora ‘mountain’), which is the Russian translation of Denali.[24] It was briefly called Densmore’s Mountain in the late 1880s and early 1890s[25] after Frank Densmore, a gold prospector who was the first non-native Alaskan to reach the base of the mountain.[26]

In 1896, a gold prospector named it McKinley as political support for then-presidential candidate William McKinley, who became president the following year. The United States formally recognized the name Mount McKinley after President Wilson signed the Mount McKinley National Park Act of February 26, 1917.[27] In 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson declared the north and south peaks of the mountain the “Churchill Peaks”, in honor of British statesman Winston Churchill.[28] The Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of the mountain to Denali in 1975, which was how it is called locally.[7][29] However, a request in 1975 from the Alaska state legislature to the United States Board on Geographic Names to do the same at the federal level was blocked by Ohio congressman Ralph Regula, whose district included McKinley’s home town of Canton.[30]

On August 30, 2015, just ahead of a presidential visit to Alaska, the Barack Obama administration announced the name Denali would be restored in line with the Alaska Geographic Board’s designation.[10][31] U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell issued the order changing the name to Denali on August 28, 2015, effective immediately.[9] Jewell said the change had been “a long time coming”.[32] The renaming of the mountain received praise from Alaska’s senior U.S. senator, Lisa Murkowski (R-AK),[33] who had previously introduced legislation to accomplish the name change,[34] but it drew criticism from several politicians from President McKinley’s home state of Ohio, such as Governor John Kasich, U.S. Senator Rob Portman, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, and Representative Bob Gibbs, who described Obama’s action as “constitutional overreach” because he said an act of Congress was required to rename the mountain.[35][36][37] The Alaska Dispatch News reported that the Secretary of the Interior has authority under federal law to change geographic names when the Board of Geographic Names does not act on a naming request within a “reasonable” period of time. Jewell told the Alaska Dispatch News that “I think any of us would think that 40 years is an unreasonable amount of time.”[38]

In December 2024, President-elect Donald Trump stated that he planned to revert the mountain’s official name back to Mount McKinley during his second term, in honor of President William McKinley. Trump had previously proposed changing the name in 2017, drawing opposition from Alaska governor Mike Dunleavy.[39] His 2024 proposal was strongly opposed by U.S. Senators from Alaska Lisa Murkowski® and Dan Sullivan®, along with Alaska State Senator Scott Kawasaki (D).[40][41][42] On January 20, 2025, shortly after his second inauguration, Trump signed an executive order requiring the Secretary of the Interior to revert the Obama era name change within 30 days of signing (i.e: renaming Denali back to Mount McKinley in official maps and communications from the American federal government). The executive order does not change the name of Denali National Park, and international entities are not obliged to follow the federal government’s name change.[further explanation needed][11][43][44]

Indigenous names for Denali can be found in seven different Alaskan languages. The names fall into two categories. To the south of the Alaska Range in the Dena’ina and Ahtna languages the mountain is known by names that are translated as ‘big mountain’. To the north of the Alaska Range in the Lower Tanana, Koyukon, Upper Kuskokwim, Holikachuk, and Deg Xinag languages the mountain is known by names that are translated as ‘the high one’,[45] ‘the tall one’ (Koyukon, Lower and Middle Tanana, Upper Kuskokwim, Deg Xinag, and Holikachuk).[46]

Asked about the importance of the mountain and its name, Will Mayo, former president of the Tanana Chiefs Conference, an organization that represents 42 Athabaskan tribes in the Alaskan interior, said: “It’s not one homogeneous belief structure around the mountain, but we all agree that we’re all deeply gratified by the acknowledgment of the importance of Denali to Alaska’s people.”

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575 The flag was to be flown at half staff not due to an Executive Order from Biden, but due to the U S Flag Code, re: death of a President.

jca2's avatar

sorry let me get a link that works.

jca2's avatar

NY Times had an article yesterday about the shock and despair the migrants felt yesterday, shortly after Trump took the oath of office, when they (the migrants) found out the app was cancelled for them to make their asylum appointments. I am guessing they’re either not up on their news, or didn’t believe it when he was saying for the past few months that he was closing the border. Why they waited till the last minute, I don’t know but it’s not that smart of them.

chyna's avatar

trump pardoning January 6 rioters, especially those harming police officers is now open season on all police.

YARNLADY's avatar

What is the point of swearing to uphold the constitution and then issuing an EO the directly violates it?

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Thanks. Seems like they could name something else for Mckinley. I’m still annoyed Washington Nation Airport was renamed Reagan, why the hell does that make sense?! And, the Florida Turnpike is Ronald Reagan Turnpike, and he was from California. Thankfully, I have never heard a Floridian call the turnpike Reagan.

Blackberry's avatar

Colonizers make rules for the citizens, not themselves. It’s well known they don’t actually have to do anything.

If every branch of government is compromised, there’s no retaliation for actions that break the rules…..

You should know this already. But leaders depend on you not paying to attention.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I doubt most recent immigrants are surprised. Most new immigrants were probably very worried about Trump taking office again.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@seawulf575 is that you? I had to check the name of the bottom of your post because I thought somebody had picked a similar avatar. I don’t agree with everything you said by any means, but that’s the most even-minded response I have seen you make on here. Thank you for giving an honest response and not just the usual right wing response!

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Thanks. I do try. If you go back and look, most of my posts are not rabid support for Trump or the right wingers. They mostly look at fairness across the board. If it is good for Dems then it should be good for Repubs. It’s the Libra in me. The problems on Fluther usually arise because I voice my opinion and then get ganged up on by those that are furious that I don’t chant the left-wing narrative along with them.

Curiosity though: how many times have you seen one of the left-wingers give the same kind of even-minded responses to anything that has Trump associated with it? Or when what the Dems are doing is questionable?

JLeslie's avatar

I’m watching now that the J6ers who went to jail were just a minority percentage of those who were convicted for crimes that day. They had done the most heinous of crimes. These criminals are now back on the street, and because of the pardon allowed to legally buy firearms unless they have other convictions preventing it. It is illogical to be obsessed with violent crimes by immigrants and not give a shit about violent crimes committed on January 6th. How in the world can anyone square that in their head?

On TV this morning they mentioned an article in Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. I have looked for or read either yet, but they sound worth reading.

filmfann's avatar

The pardoning of the Jan 6th insurrectionists greatly worries me.
By freeing them, he has created his own thug army who believe they can do whatever he asks and they will be protected.
If Trump says Liz Cheney should be killed, they may try to do that, thinking he will pardon them.
This is a nightmare.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump has his “Flying Monkeys” to do his dirty work including killing ! ^^^^

MrGrimm888's avatar

The Posse Comitatus Act, was passed in 1878. It has a very interesting origin.

In that era, the return of the white supremacists in power, and the rebuilding of the south, after the Civil War, was underway.
This was actually intended to stop the US from using Federal (military) forces, to try to stop the south from introducing the Jim Crow crap, into the previous lands of the confederacy.
How awful right?
Well no.
Despite the reason, this act would guarantee the protection of US citizens, from the federal military for over 140 years.

The sentiment that the illegals are a threat to National Security, is not something I disagree with.

However. By declaring the use of the DoD legal, for this effort of his to deport 20 million people in an impossibly short time, he has also left ALL of us vulnerable to the US military, going forward. In the beginning, this WILL make being a Latino (legal or not) at best inconvenient, and at worst a nightmare.

The war on the Cartels, is FAR more complicated, than saying “go get ‘em.”
The drug cartels, stretch through dozens of sovereign nations, mostly south of America obviously.
So. This sounds (to me) like the US will be conducting bombing missions, and urban warfare, in nations we are not at war with.
These operations go as far south as Venezuela.

US special forces, are no joke.
But. Some of these cartel leaders, will require air strikes, and special ops, in these sovereign nations WITHOUT WARNING or PERMISSION.
Is is BEYOND laughable, to believe that ALL the countries that we will have to be active in, will be fine with it…
Trump also seems to assume (or not care,) about being in military conflicts with one, multiple, or ALL the nations we will have to go into in Central America and South America, AND their allies in other parts of the world.

A realistic concern, with Trump and perhaps more with the P25 extremists, is that once America and the world, gets accustomed to our military presence everywhere, they will NEVER receed.
THAT, is precisely how a dictatorship, and/or fascist regime would want.

It is the most slippery slope, and historically has NEVER ended well. Not once…Ever…

IF these Nazis (their claim, not mine) succeed in pulling out the Illegals, whose next?
Nobody is foolish enough to believe Trump wouldn’t go after another demographic that doesn’t suit him.

His attack on the birthright citizenship, is poorly veiled, pure racism.

But that HAS been seemingly, the primary goal ALL ALONG; to “rid” this land of everyone except white Christians. Ya know, the one’s God made this land for?~

I expected Trump to free most J6ers, so I was prepared for that. Unfortunately, Trump pulled a Trump, and released and exonerated the 100% domestic terrorists…
That was…..disappointing.
Regardless, of what one’s political views are, as Americans we have laws.

I do honestly believe that most of the J6ers, were just having a “mob moment.” Unfortunately. That is no excuse, for anyone, EVER…

If Trump, has no real plans, of some racial purification, then why let out soldiers who are fighting for that?..

I guess my biggest overall problem, was that it was a fuck you moment, to EVERYONE not super wealthy.
It was the single most shameless, pathetic, and especially Un-American thing, I have EVER seen.

The words, and behavior, of those present, told a very clear story of corruption at the highest levels, in our government and courts.

I wish he had changed the name of the country. This is NOT, currently, America.

There is a part of me, that believes the country deserves this. As on it’s current trajectory it WILL crash and burn. And ALL the wealthy people from Trump’s oligarchy party, will come popping out in golden parachutes…

Sorry Earth. We failed you. Our dumbest people, multiply the fastest. The Achilles heal, of Democracy…

jonsblond's avatar

@KNOWITALL You are agreeing with a lot of heartache for marginalized people. It’s sad.

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