General Question

raum's avatar

Is this a bad idea?

Asked by raum (13636points) 2 weeks ago from iPhone

So I haven’t had the heart to take down the Kamala Harris sign in our yard.

This morning I noticed that it was gone. So I scrolled through our video footage. Planning on putting out another sign, sticking their picture on it and dedicating it to them.

But turns out it’s our neighbor around the corner. We know him. Ex-cop.

So now I’m thinking I may paint a sign with “generic” community people. But one of them will be a stylized version of him. No one else would know he’s being called out for stealing stuff off of people’s lawns. But he would.

Good idea? Enough to discretely call him out? Or don’t fuck around with a trump-loving ex-cop? Bad idea?
Putting this in general because although this idea is making me laugh, I do need some serious feedback.

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99 Answers

chyna's avatar

I would be afraid to mess with an ex-cop. I would let it go.

jca2's avatar

I agree with @chyna.

I think it’s one of those things you think of something you think as funny, you ponder it and laugh to yourself, and then you let it go.

Blackberry's avatar

Literally admitting to forgetting about someone entering your property to steal, because they’re an ex-cop…...

Doesn’t make cops look good….it’s almost like everyone’s avoiding the fact that they’re unhinged sociopaths.

Zaku's avatar

What was their body language like when they were doing it?

Do you know much about them?

I’d be curious to know more about what they were thinking (I can imagine a few different possibilities) but also wary of creating a worse relationship with a neighbor.

gorillapaws's avatar

Call the cops on him. If they don’t press charges, report the police to Internal Affairs.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’d just be the adult and let it go.

canidmajor's avatar

Aw, damn. Well, a public declaration calling him out would likely escalate things beyond redemption. If he is one of your neighbors, maybe quietly ask him to return your property, letting him know you have the footage. Neighborhood feuds can get really awful.

This sucks for you, I am so sorry.

Forever_Free's avatar

Validate the laws related to taking political signs down.
Not cool that a neighbor (ex-cop or not) took it down.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Id ask him and let him know you happened to see it in camera and wondered if you could have it back. If hes known to be a jerk, id let it go but neighbors should be able to speak freely when one trespasses and steals. He’s the one it should make nervous not you ya know?

raum's avatar

We aren’t super close. But we know him and his wife. We also know his kid, DIL and granddaughter (who live next door to them.) We’ve been in each other’s houses and invited them to our neighborhood gatherings.

He walks his dog every day by our house and we say hello.

His body language was super nonchalant.

I don’t want to create an even more awkward situation. I like where I live and don’t want to move. But also like wtf?

smudges's avatar

Maybe you could say something to the effect that you understood he took it down because Biden is out and trump is in, but you’d still like the sign back. It really sucks that you were put in this position.

add on – The more I think about it the more it pisses me off. I hate that you’re even in this situation. The threat of him being a cop (ex or not) is just wrong. He should not have done that and knows it.

raum's avatar

@Blackberry That is what bothers me. If he wasn’t ex-LEO, I probably wouldn’t think twice. And it’s upsetting to admit that I am.

On principal, I should call him out. But I also don’t want to ruin our neighborhood on principal. I know how quickly these things snowball.

And I don’t want his kid, DIL and granddaughter to have to deal with the negative feedback. I wouldn’t want to be judged on my parents political views or actions.

Zaku's avatar

“something to the effect that you understood he took it down because Biden is out and trump is in”
– Please don’t do this! This would normalize their abnormal and illegal act, and it even invents a weird reasoning for him doing it! Egad! An election is NOT a reason to remove someone else’s signs from their property!
– Also, telling someone else that “you understand” why they did something, that you don’t actually, is really messy in general, even for ordinary behavior.

raum's avatar

@Blackberry Not just ex-LEO. But I also know that they have multiple guns in their house.

smudges's avatar

You’re right @Zaku, and I retract that. I suppose I was thinking from a woman’s point of view and that sucks…that in your position I would try to give him an ‘out’.

You have to do what makes you feel ok – whatever you decide. There are a couple of reality shows that have to do with neighbors gone rabid.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

If you ask you know it is a BAD idea, just like taking the plug off the waffle iron and sticking it in your mouth.

ragingloli's avatar

Buy a can of spray paint. Spray “THIEF” in huge letters on his front wall.

raum's avatar


Okay, definitely not doing that.
Lurve for making me laugh though.

ragingloli's avatar

Send him an invoice for the cost of the sign plus fees (adminstrative fee, post delivery fee, him being an asshole fee, ex-cop fee)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. Don’t do it…unless you’re ready on tbattle it out in court. And you’d still have an excop as an enemy.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

This is a fuck around and find out kind of situation.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@raum I wish I was there, I love making bullies uncomfy.

mazingerz88's avatar

Just put up another sign. A bigger one. Closer to your house.

Kamala for President 2029 or something. That will make him lose sleep. Justice served.

raum's avatar

@mazingerz88 Yeah, that’s what I’m currently leaning towards. Bigger sign, but no drawing of him on my sign. I probably shouldn’t directly engage him about this. Can’t see it going well. :/

@all Thanks for all of your feedback. Any reason to not put out a new sign at all?

raum's avatar

Two part question!

What should my new sign say?
(This is in General. Yes, I’m talking to you, @loli. :P)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Second sign. DO IT!

longgone's avatar

Long-term, a bigger sign with motion-activated lights and sprinkler? But first, maybe a very tempting sign that’s covered in something unpleasant and/or difficult to remove. Treesap? Glue and pink glitter? Skunk scent? It’ll be fun for him to explain that to his family.

Later, maybe switch to a more general sign. Perhaps something passive-aggressive about granting others the freedom to make up their own minds? Or some right-wing person with a quote: “They’ll take away your guns signs.”

No one else would know he’s being called out for stealing stuff off of people’s lawns. But he would.

Sounds like the worst of both worlds. The one person who’d know is the one who already doesn’t care. There would be no neighbourhood shaming, and you’d still risk making him angry. Still, I totally get the urge to do something.

The mature way to go is reporting the guy. I think I’d do that. But I also don’t see anything wrong with making life a little difficult for someone happily bullying his neighbours.

jca2's avatar

It sucks that he did it. It’s disrespectful.

filmfann's avatar

I would send him or show him the video.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I had my Clinton signs stolen from my yard in 2016. Don’t think a democrat did it.

raum's avatar

@longgone I hadn’t thought of that, that it would be the worst of both worlds. But you’ve got a good point there!

And the idea of a long term, glitter booby trap also makes me laugh.

I think reporting him would make it awkward AF and I’m not sure the outcome would be him realizing that it’s not a cool thing to do.

@filmfann The more I think of it, the more I don’t think it would go well. I can’t imagine a situation where we come out the other side as better neighbors. Maybe I don’t have a very robust imagination?

@Dutchess_III :(

@mazingerz88 The exact sign constantly reappearing would be a funny flavor of mind fuck.

Zaku's avatar

“What should my new sign say?”
– “Weird people steal signs.”

Caravanfan's avatar

Get another Kamala Harris sign and put a post-it-note on it saying “You’re being recorded and I can see you.”

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I wouldn’t. It’s infuriating, yes, but there’s just too many lunatics out there right now looking for an excuse to stretch their stuff under the new regime. Your safety is much more important.

But if you want to snarky idea, and since I know so I’ll reading the responses above that you know him and his wife, maybe approach him next Christmas with a present which is a wrapped up sign like the one he stole, with the preface of saying, since you seem to like my signs so much, I got you one of your own!

jonsblond's avatar

Can you put the new sign in a window instead? That’s what I did this past year because signs were being stolen or vandalized.

raum's avatar

Ooh! What if I put up a new sign with a tiny sign saying that I also donated $50 to ACLU and dedicated to the person who stole my sign?

raum's avatar

@jonsblond I thought about that. But I want them to know if they take it, I will just come back with another sign. I shouldn’t have to hide my sign behind a window. (Less of a hassle for sure though!)

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@raum and you have to remember that if the guy is crazy enough, he might just put something through your window to get at the sign. That’s the problem with poking the wild dog.

raum's avatar

@LifeQuestioner I don’t think he’s that crazy. So long as the sign is generic and he doesn’t know that I know.

Though then again, I also didn’t take him for a sign-stealing jerk either. So what do I know?

jca2's avatar

If you want to bust chops in a subtle way, you could say, the next time you see him, “I had a Harris sign but someone took it. I need to take a look at the camera footage and see who did it.
Imagine the nerve of a nice community like this, and someone does something really asshole-ish like steal something like that? I can’t wait to look at the video.” and leave that just like that.

raum's avatar

@jca2 That’s assuming that he’d be embarrassed. At this point, I’m really not sure if he would be? People seem to be fond of doubling down.

flutherother's avatar

You should fight fight fight. Put up a pro Kamela placard that claims she won the election then break into your neighbour’s home and put your feet up on his desk.

MrGrimm888's avatar

First off. If it gets back to the neighbor, it will likely be war, to whatever degree.
An ex-cop, is a civilian, no different from you.
I would call the Police. Show them the footage. Maybe act like you are first watching it, and notice it’s your neighbor.
It’s always best, to plant an idea in someone’s head, so they think it’s their idea.

The Police SHOULD take special interest in the case, specifically because it’s a former LEO.
There ARE plenty of good LEOs out there.
We have values. And to some of us, another one of “us,” doing something illegal and of poor character, motivates us to go after the officer.
Internal Affairs, shouldn’t be involved, if he’s indeed an ex-cop.

Keep in mind, you did not force this grown man, to do this.
One thing that EVERY LEO knows, is ”actions have consequences.
I used to say it ALL the time.

I’ve personally fired many other LEOs, from my venues I used to work. I have ZERO tolerance, for unprofessional behavior by a LEO. Fucking ZERO.

Guys like that, are THE reason, we have problems with the public. We are NOT a gang.
Although some departments, do act like it. And have deserved, negative reputations.

It’s unlikely, he will have a serious problem over it.
I would tell thr investigating officer, you would accept a personal apology, in lew of charges. That’s theft, or vandalism. He’ll have to at least, have an uncomfortable conversation with real LEOs.

Like many conservative bigots, and overall wastes of life, they feel empowered and emboldened, by this administration.

The more we resist, the less likely it will become a norm.

If you do nothing. Why wouldn’t he take something else, if he felt like it.

Personally. I don’t care if it’s a stick of gum. Stealing from ME, has consequences.

I WILL have, what I call ASSHOLE competitions, with neighbors.
I have forced at least 4 families to move.
Not through violence, usually.
Just constantly calling the police about things, getting it documented.

And I usually become a VERY loud person. At my old apartment, years ago now, my next door neighbor was a total jerk.
The landlord, was no help.
I tried to be nice. I always start, with nice.
Eventually, I cut my exhaust system off, as close to the headers as possible in my old Ram truck with a 5.9 V8.
So it was WAY worse, than even straight pipes.
It definitely sounded, like a Blackhawk helicopter, every time I started it up, or came home at 3–4 AM.
In addition, I had an Olympic bench set, and would work out late into the early morning, clanking weights.
And I eventually spit on his car hood, EVERY day. (He threw his cigarette butts on my windshield.)..
When he would park in my space, I would park behind him, and make him have to ask me to move so he could leave. Unfortunately, I ALWAYS took forever getting that done, so he was constantly late.
I made it a point, to try to make noise 24 hours a day. And I would beg him to swing in me, if I saw him. The landlord didn’t want us fighting, nor did I.
But this guy was an older, fatter version of me. Big guy, so he thought he was tough.
I am happy to report that he decided to move away, after 8 months. 2 months of him being a complete asshole, 6 months of me out-assholing him.

Unfortunately. I wager that ex-cop, thought little of you. He will only continue to walk on you.
Trump reaffirms their stupidity, daily, so that won’t help.

If I were a current LEO, I would ask if you had confronted the individual, about your concerns.
As this IS, a neighbor thing, we don’t want to start a Hackfields and McCoys blood feud…
But honestly, I wouldn’t expect good results, unless I went with you in uniform to act as a liason between you two.

More than anything, I recommend you at least get it documented at the local PD, that this guy has stolen from you.
In such matters, the first person to call law enforcement, can have an upper hand.
Many bad neighbors, rely on their being a bully. Once the cops get involved, it’s a real problem, that the gentleman will HAVE to address.

At the absolute minimum, I would document this and/or any other interactions or actions by the guy, so that if it gets into a legal issue, you have been building your case.

Another way of handling this, offer him a beer. Make a friend, if possible.
If he’s not a bad person, he will feel guilty about it. Don’t expect a confession, but you can absolutely “kill ‘em with kindness.” Sometimes…

Good luck.

But plenty of people got in trouble for stealing Trump signs, as they should have. SOOOOOO…....

raum's avatar

@flutherother Definitely not doing that! He’s ex-LEO with guns in his house, dude.

raum's avatar

@MrGrimm888 It’s a little different when you have kids and also when you’re not renting. I don’t want to move. And I don’t want him to move either. They live next door to their kid and granddaughter.

Killing them with kindness is a solid strategy. But requires a certain energy that I have to admit I don’t have right now. I don’t want to build bridges with people who feel emboldened by this election.

My daughter told me that a bunch of kids showed up to school in MAGA hats yesterday. And we live in a pretty liberal area.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I was just spit balling. Sorry.

janbb's avatar

We live in scary times. If you feel he is approachable, I might tell him you saw him take the sign down and wondered why he did that. Otherwise, I think I would leave it be. But I’m wavering between activist bravery and fear right now so my advice is probably useless.

raum's avatar

@MrGrimm888 No apologies needed! Appreciate you spitballing with me. I’m just providing more context. :)

raum's avatar

@janbb I think that’s part of the problem. I’m not sure where we are at this point?

Do you think even just replacing the sign is a bad idea?

janbb's avatar

@raum I think that ship has sailed but if you’d like, maybe put up soon one of those, “In this house we believe…” or the “Immigrants are welcomed here” signs I see in Berkeley to show you are not cowed.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Dude stole, from the OP…
I happen to care, for the OP.

Your home, is YOUR castle.
The word “castle,” is even in several laws about defending one’s self.
My motivation is that he would, at minimum not steal from your property again. Or disrespect it, like spit on it, or let his dog poop on your yard.
I DON’T know this guy, but I would somehow draw a line, and if you put something else up, and he takes it, then what?..

What if you accidentally catch him, in the act? He might want an altercation…

As far as your not wanting to befriend the enemy, I would reference an old saying “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”

He probably doesn’t want to get to know you either. But a beer, or smoke, or whatever your customs are, would give him, the opportunity to at least not see you as an enemy.

That’s how I prefer my neighbors. Super friendly, outside, but I don’t hang out with them. I too live in a spot, where I’m surrounded by Trump’s sheep. They ARE good people.
They really aren’t what Musk calls them.
Better yet, just maybe offer one day. “Hey man, we should chill sometime.” That might make him try to avoid you.

I just wouldn’t tolerate this current dynamic. If it slowly escalates, maybe one day he’s had a few too many and throws his empty bottle at your yard…or worse…
I am a former LEO, so I guess I’m not pleased that another one of us, is not “representing” us well either.

I’ve seen yard wars in multiple neighborhoods, where people are clearly having a sign contest or something with the house across the street. I am however, unaware of how their relationship is with the neighbor they disagree with.

I canoe around my area, and walk in the swamps, and I have friendly interactions with most people. Admittedly, given my appearance, they usually think I’m a fellow Trump sheep.
When they occasionally bring up politics, I will usually veer away, and if o can’t change the subject, I’ll move on.
It IS a cult, for real.
At times, I feel like I’m one if the last real humans, in “Invasion of the Body Santchers.”...

raum's avatar

I think putting up another sign will let him know that it will just be replaced.

I don’t want to call him out personally if I don’t have to.

Maybe I’m hoping he will be embarrassed and just let the second sign be. Is that too optimistic?

Would a second sign be considered a declaration of war even if I’m not calling him out personally?

gorillapaws's avatar

You could always rename your WiFi network to “Michael_Smith_steals_signs”

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. It’s impossible, to know how the man would react to a new sign.
HOPEFULLY, it would be as you say, and things will be cool.

raum's avatar

@gorillapaws Ha!

@MrGrimm888 Keep your fingers crossed for me?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^As I suggested. Just simply put up another sign. Whether he was malicious or an idiot who thinks he’s done you a favor by cleaning your yard, the new sign should clearly convey to him what it is that you want for your own yard.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Build your new sign, out of cinder blocks.

chyna's avatar

Seriously, people get really angry over politics and do things they normally wouldn’t do. Look at Jan 6.
I would just let it go to prevent anger that could cost someone their life. Over a sign. Not worth it.

Demosthenes's avatar

Personally, I’d put up an “ACAB” sign, but I’m very passive aggressive.

raum's avatar

@mazingerz88 It would clarify what I want for my yard. And also would clarify his intent.

I feel like if I confronted him now, he would just shrug and say he thought he was doing me a favor.

raum's avatar

@MrGrimm888 This feels like we are veering into three little pigs territory. Should I start with a straw sign? :P

raum's avatar

@chyna There’s a voice in my head that agrees with you. But the other voices are louder. Not to say the louder ones are right though.

raum's avatar

@Demosthenes Hmmm…did I mention they have guns in their home? And that we have kids?

Lightlyseared's avatar

You’re living in a totalitarian dictatorship police state now. I’d leave it.

smudges's avatar

Do your children have to interact with theirs? If yes I’d let it go for sure.

raum's avatar

One of our kids is in the same grade (same school) as their granddaughter.

smudges's avatar

@raum In that case, I think I’d let it go while silently stewing and work on my own reaction to it – trying to find some inner peace. Angry adults can be scary, but angry children are on a different level of scary when there’s guns at grandma and grandpa’s house.

raum's avatar

Their granddaughter is really nice. So is their son and DIL.

Though I guess that could change if they feel that I’m attacking their grandparent somehow. :/

Caravanfan's avatar

I don’t think it’s worth creating a neighborhood riff about. But I would get another sign if you want a sign.

raum's avatar

@Caravanfan That’s the current question. Would they take a new sign personally?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Ok. So just be the American who appealed to the better angel of your nature and leave it be.

Sometime in the future if he takes another Democratic sign of yours again, just say “I wish you didn’t do that…again.”

canidmajor's avatar

Maybe also post that the property is under camera surveillance.

I think that not putting up a new sign, if you want one, is going too far the other way.

raum's avatar

Also a little bit of more context. Leading up to Inauguration Day, there’s been an increase of instances of people tearing down pride flags and Harris signs.

Our other kid’s good friend lives a couple of houses down the street and is trans. I feel like ceding this is kind of letting them down.

Caravanfan's avatar

@raum I understand. I’m just saying what I would do if I were in your position. Personally I don’t do lawn signs—never have. But I understand the sentiment. Interestingly enough my neighbors are long term hard core libertarians who have tended to vote Republican or Libertarian (when they didn’t have a crazy candidate). They always have a lawn sign. This year they had Harris/Walz lawn signs. (They are two of my closest friends)

raum's avatar

@Caravanfan I usually don’t do lawn signs for national elections. Living in a blue state, that feels kind of unnecessary.

But we’ve had a rash of incidents locally. And it felt like every little bit mattered.

I’m just thinking out loud. Trying to figure out the sweet spot between not making this bigger than it needs to be and supporting the marginalized in our community. By donating to organizations that make a meaningful impact. But also by holding space for them to walk through our neighborhood and feel safe.

janbb's avatar

@raum Maybe a trans flag or sign? Again, I think an “In this house we believe….” would do it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But how would they all know you’re supporting them unless you really broadcast it @raum?

ragingloli's avatar

“I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We’ve made too many compromises already; too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they’ve done!”

janbb's avatar

Here’s an idea(29.5%22+x+39.5%22)&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAy8K8BhCZARIsAKJ8sfSz5YydYc5ejZGpSyPi0eR7qw4StdQ_2adK8I8UHV-nWgGWfkhmKzcaAiRQEALw_wcB

Put this flag up right next to your door or Ring and that should get the idea across and keep it safe. Not sure why the linking didn’t work but if you click on it it works.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nice @janbb. I may get me one.

raum's avatar

I think I’ll make one with the kids this weekend, @janbb. :)

MrGrimm888's avatar

@raum A close friend of mine kept getting his mailbox run over. It was crazy, because it wasn’t especially in the road or anything, but it got ran over 4 times in his first year there.

He finally built his mailbox, out of cinder blocks. He painted it, and it looked OK.
Guess how many times he lost THAT mailbox?..

Regarding children, I’m actually going to take a different stance than others here.
The kids are THE reason, dude should have some type of accountability.

This asshole, whether he understands it or not, lives in America.
He has broken actual law, and he has broken the trust one should have in a neighbor, to at least not harm others in the community.

I’m not sure where you live, but a LOT of people have firearms in America. The number of gun owners, goes up each day…

The more I listen to your concerns, the more it seems apparent to me, that you feel threatened by this individual.
That feeling, is a direct response to his immature, and illegal actions.

The best way to handle such things is definitely by utilizing your active duty, real local police, to do their jobs.

Your concerns, are valid, you have been wronged.

He took it. I would bet money, he’ll take everything you put up.
That’s you prerogative, but fuck this guy.
If the police don’t take it seriously, call back and speak demand to speak with higher ranked officers.

You say, there have been other signs disappearing?
I’m going out on a limb here, and putting your boy at the top of that suspect list. Until proven otherwise.
Call the cops. Tell them you have video of a man stealing your sign, and make sure to mention that it IS a neighborhood problem.
It’s likely others have the same dude, on their cameras.
Ask them, to send an officer.
Then. Just tell the truth.
Trumpers are big on the constitution. This guy is shitting on your right to free speech.
There IS a punishment for that.
Like I said, you don’t have to necessarily press charges, and pursue it in court, but it would be wise to document his behavior and as I said, being the first to complain to law enforcement often has an advantage…

flutherother's avatar

Put the sign back up but drape it in the America flag.

smudges's avatar

I love the sign @janbb linked, but it kind of irks me that they call it a ‘hippie’ flag. I was a hippie, but many people would disregard it completely or not buy it because of that. I tend to think the flag would just piss off the ex-cop. They should call it a ‘Human flag’.

raum's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I wasn’t threatened by him before this incident. But there are definitely different concerns to weigh when an ex cop with guns takes your sign instead of some kids.

The incidents weren’t just in our neighborhood. It’s been across the city. The elections have just emboldened people to act out. :/

raum's avatar

@flutherother It would be a special kind of asshole to steal a hand painted sign, right? We’ll see how it goes.

raum's avatar

@smudges Yeah, weird choice to call it that.

jca2's avatar

Let us know what you choose to do, @raum.

raum's avatar

@jca2 I’m going to hand paint a sign with the kids this weekend. Similar idea to what @janbb posted. :)

janbb's avatar

I liked that idea because it was a flag you could hang it on to the house. If you make a sign, do put it close.

There’s going to be so much shit going down in the next several years; this is just the beginning.

raum's avatar

@janbb Yes! Will be putting it closer to the house!


raum's avatar

@Dutchess_III re your remark about how would they know unless you broadcast it.

I can’t remember where I read it. Whether it was a local FB group or an LGBTQ group.

But a young non-binary person said that when they walk through a neighborhood, they take a mental note of “safe houses” with pride flags and signs. Just in case they need help, that’s the doors they would run to and knock on.

That made me so sad to read. But also made me want to be one of those safe houses for them.

raum's avatar

@all Thanks for all of your responses. And for talking me off the ledge of starting an all out sign war. Haha

Sorry if I didn’t get to respond to each individually. But I read and appreciate all of them. Even the Star Trek metaphor. :P

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