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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What is the most outrageous thing an establishment has attached to a bathroom key?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37792points) 1 week ago

Many retail establishments attach a large, unwieldy object to a bathroom key hoping you won’t forget it when you leave the bathroom.

A restaurant in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii had the top of a 5 gallon tub attached by a heavy chain to the key to the men’s room. It made me laugh.

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22 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

A dirty hubcap at a gas station. It was really gucky, and when I suggested that they run it through the attached car wash, they were gobsmacked by the concept.

chyna's avatar

Back in my teens, when we drank and drove, we would have to use a bathroom now and then. One of the gas stations had a one foot heavy metal pole attached to the key. It was almost too heavy to hold up to the door knob to unlock it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Oh, the bad old days.

Maybe it’s my age, or maybe I don’t travel to the skanky places I used to, but now almost every gas station I go to has indoor bathrooms that don’t need keys.

Remember going to those old filling stations where the bathrooms were accessed from outside, the doors didn’t close tightly, and they weren’t heated in winter?

elbanditoroso's avatar

song about the need for bathroom key

Tropical_Willie's avatar

A billy club about 15 inches long (drilled with chain through key), it’ll never fit in your pocket ! !

jca2's avatar

Always when I touch those things, I think of all the pissy hands that have touched it in the past.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I always thought it was a crappy move when they did that.

seawulf575's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Crappy move? I see what you did there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@elbanditoroso…those bathrooms are exactly what we’re talking sbout.

jca2's avatar

I know this is off the topic a bit, but it’s in Social. I always advise people that when they’re traveling and need a bathroom, if possible, go to a hotel lobby bathroom instead of a fast food place or a gas station. The hotel lobby bathroom is always nice, especially if it’s a fancy-ish hotel like a Marriott Conference Center (the type that has a ballroom). Even a Holiday Inn, Hampton Inn, Doubletree, or that type is great, especially compared to a gas station bathroom. They have good soap, good paper towels, nice facilities, clean.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shoot. Once you’ve peed in a primitive outhouse EVERY bathroom with running and flushing water is luxury! Even peeing in the woods beats those nasty outhouses.

smudges's avatar

^^ so agree! Only bad thing about the woods is getting tp.

jca2's avatar

When I was young, I would hang out in a park and we’d go to the bathroom in the bushes, but to me, the gross part was not being able to wash my hands. There might be toilet paper or a napkin, but no washing hands.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’ll share my secret with everyone. Look for the local public library and stop there. Not only will you get free Wi-Fi, but you’ll get clean restrooms.

jca2's avatar

That’s a good tip, too, @elbanditoroso.

canidmajor's avatar

I have driven across country (granted, a long time ago) coast to coast probably a dozen times, just me and my dog. I learned not to give a rat’s ass, a seat and a flush are golden. Mostly hotel lobbies and libraries or diners weren’t ever available, so a gas station with a stupid key object was a marvelous thing!

Jeruba's avatar

On my last pass through Boston, someone told me that you can ask to use the bathroom at a fire station. Having no choice at the time, I did so: the one at the old station on Hanover Street in the North End, just over from the Paul Revere statue. A room full of cheery fellows was eager to show hospitality; the facilities were fresh and clean. That’s one amenity I won’t forget.

Sorry for thread drift, but I wanted to share this information.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Works @Jeruba!

In college, one weekend, I ran to Nebraska with a college friend to her home own 9for a party. Not Exactly an up and back trip in one day for a normal person, but we were teenagers. Teenagers are not normal people.
While at that party I managed to dump a full bong on myself (it looked like a flower pot, damnit! One of a million ways we trick the cops.)
So we went upstairs and found some perfume. Doused me in that.
Then we headed back to Kansas that night.
I had to pee. For like 3 hours I had to pee.
I finally broke and said “Pull off on the shoulder!”
She did and I was SO paranoid about cars going by and illuminating me. But Lord I had to pee like never before. So I did.
Then OMG!!! I could see the headlights of a car coming@! I peed as fast as I possibly could, which messed up with my trajectory, and I peed on the strap of my overalls, which was laying on the ground beside me.
Then I RAN back to the car!!
Tell you what…it was the only time on my life that I wasn’t hit by one single guy!! As those years rolled by I often wished they’d made a perfume called “Ode De Bong Piss.

So yeah. Give me a rat’s ass filling station any day.

Kardamom's avatar

It was an actual toilet seat attached to the key. You had to carry the thing with you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They sure were crazy about not getting their keys stolen!

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