General Question

Jeruba's avatar

What are the best online sources of independent, conscientious journalism?

Asked by Jeruba (56167points) 1 week ago

Many sites claim to be, but I’m wary of those claims. Do you have a recommendation?

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8 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Al Jazeera


janbb's avatar

There’s a new site established by journalists who have left WaPo. I believe it’s called The Contrarian but I haven’t tried it yet.

canidmajor's avatar

Ooh, @janbb, going to look that up!

gorillapaws's avatar

I tend to agree with Al Jazeera and the BBC, I’ve also seen good coverage by DW, but like all sources of news, they’re funded by something, and that source is ALWAYS relevant to the coverage.

For insightful political analysis from the left, I think Sam Seder’s The Majority Report is excellent.

flutherother's avatar

I get almost all my news, local and international, from the BBC. I also trust the Guardian online. It would be nice to rely on some sanitised biased source as the truth is so bitter.

SnipSnip's avatar

Scripps and Military

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