General Question

seawulf575's avatar

How did ICE know where to look? (see details)

Asked by seawulf575 (17224points) 1 week ago

Every day since President Trump took office, ICE has been arresting tons of criminal illegal aliens. Thousands in just a few days. From what I’ve seen, ICE is going right to where the criminals are living or working and just arresting and/or detaining them.

That is a huge number to impact if they are having to do investigations to find these people and to know they are criminals. So how do they know where these people are? Was all this information available to Biden’s administration and they purposely let the criminals stay in this country? Or is this current effort being driven 100% from tips and whistleblowers?

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152 Answers

janbb's avatar

There is no proof they are arresting criminals only. It is my understanding that they are doing sweeps where immigrants live and work. If the administration was after criminals, they shouldn’t have released 1500 of them!

And I’m out of this question.

hat's avatar

“criminal illegal aliens”

fuck off

canidmajor's avatar

You are dangerously naïve if you thing anyone is investigating. Are you really that naïve, @seawurm575? Really? How embarrassing for you.

Also out.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We have had ICE office in my city for a few decades. They took a few off a job last week and found dope. In a local group, they are all over the state even rural areas.

I have no idea if someone is turning them in or how that works.

JLeslie's avatar

ICE always knows where lots of undocumented people are, but they tend to look the other way. Do you mean where to look for violent criminals who are undocumented?

Are there much more ICE deportations than usual? I’d be curious to know the stats.

I keep hearing the term criminal and if their only “crime” is being undocumented we need to stop using the word criminal for that it’s misleading and creating a situation of very poor communication.

ragingloli's avatar

Using the word “criminal” to refer to undocumented immigrants is intentional, and a deliberate dehumanisation of their victims, straight out of Göbbel’s playbook.
They are even raiding primary schools, for fucks sake.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli OR it is a descriptive term for the person…a criminal that is also in the country illegally. OR a person that is in the country illegally that has committed crimes while being here. As for them raiding an elementary school, you are misinformed. The teachers were going to fight with the officers thinking they were ICE looking to snatch up children. The fact is that they were Secret Service looking into some other, entirely unrelated investigation. But hey, most teachers are lefties so their response is pretty similar to what I am seeing on these pages.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just gas them instead of deporting them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Did you see all the Dr Phil videos interviewing the deported? Some were minor crimes but ithers definately were not and admitted it. Child sex crimes etc…
These arent all sweet grandpa’s folks. Laken Riley wasnt killed by a nice man either.

Lightlyseared's avatar

And to answer the question. It looks like they didn’t bother checking if the people they were deporting were in the US illegally before they arrested them. There are numberous reports of people with valid visas as well as US citizens being arrested.

Forever_Free's avatar

The moment I heard that they have “Daily Quotas” for arresting people told me they are not motivated by due diligence for correct apprehension.

jca2's avatar

I was watching the news, (the regular NBC news from NYC) this morning and they were showing raids and arrests in the Bronx. They said the agents (ICE, DEA, ATF) went to a particular building and were focused mainly on a certain apartment. I was also wondering what the OP asked, how did they know to focus on that apartment? I was guessing from tips. I wonder if they are paying people for providing call in tips.

They (the regular NBC news) mentioned criminals and one that had assault, kidnapping and some other arrests in his past, and he also had a warrant from Colorado.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gee. Wasn’t it supposed to be a case by case situation.
Oh. Yeah. That’s just the orange idiot blathering again.
My son has a beautiful dark skinned girl thanks to native American and Indonesian genes. He says that she is never allowed to go to Texas.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III She was born here so why would that be the case?

Dutchess_III's avatar

He was joking, but it makes one think. Especially with THIS administration.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Well as long as thugs like Ibarra are gone, maybe we can get the actual immigrants who need gelp back safely. Thats my hope.

elbanditoroso's avatar

We live in a surveillance state. Has been this way for 20 years. ICE knew where to go because they listen to our phone calls, read our mail, track our cars, etc.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli I know, but people are talking about two different things and so there is no real conversation. Democrats who agree with deporting or rounding up the “criminals” are talking about violent offenders, and Republicans are talking about anyone who is undocumented. It’s ridiculous to be using the same word for two different meanings. The Republicans are in the wrong, it is really horrible, I have been saying this same thing since the Republicans started doing it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie It was wrong to allow anyone in that could jump, climb or swim in to the US. Biden did this, Trump is trying to hel Americans not be raped or killed. Ya know like Laken Riiley.
I have sympathy for those who believed in Bidens open border policy, but I have more sympathy for those who came in legally and deserve to feel safe.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do you keep coming back to that ONE incident @KNOWITALL?

Dutchess_III's avatar

The boder issue is about empathy. Trump, Christian that he is, has none.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Because none of you mention her or the many others victimized or killed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have heard of her, but not the “many others.”
Can you provide us with a link to them?

Pandora's avatar

@seawulf575 even if you are legally in the States but don’t have citizenship and are accused of a crime, Trump wants them sent back to their country without due process. Just put on a plane and away you go. Doesn’t matter on the severity either. They are just automatically believed to be guilty and shipped away.
But then I don’t know why I bother explaining this to you. You are probably cheering that because you won’t see the Truth. Also I don’t believe everything Trump says. He recently said that he sent military to California to help turn on the water for the fires. Newsome said that never happened. Trump is a pathological liar.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’m really only talking about the vocabulary being used, not whether Biden or Trump is wrong or right. Can we agree to call violent criminals and people who just crossed the border who want to work and live here honestly two different things? Use two different terms. That is all I am asking for.

Blackberry's avatar

Millions die every year. Stop pretending to care.

Blackberry's avatar

Every 3 to 5 years, a father snaps and kills his family, or a woman kills her kids.

These are legal citizens.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III No, the stats are readily available via Google.

@JLeslie I’m willing to add criminal to any sentence in deference to the many wonderful immigrants that chose to come here and cause no harm. But make no mistake, I think legal is the only way to be here and expect to be defended.
@Blackberry Disrespect just wastes your time and mine, Captain Obvious.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Not sure I understand. Are you agreeing to not call undocumented immigrants criminals? That calling them criminals makes it confusing to discriminate between someone who overstayed their visa and is working as a housekeeper, and someone who is part of MS13 and killed a man?

JLeslie's avatar

I read that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it made an average of 710 immigration arrests daily from Thursday through Monday, up from a daily average of 311 in a 12-month period through September under President Joe Biden. If that rate holds, it would surpass ICE’s previous high mark set in the Obama administration, when daily arrests averaged 636 in 2013.


So, is there really that much different happening? Or, it is just on television and in the news more?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I will call criminals criminals who have committed crimes other than illegally crossing the border.
While that is also a crime, our government encouraged and supported it.

JLeslie's avatar

So, you lump them all together. Got it. I guess I should assume that Republicans are using the word criminal to mean anyone who is here without papers. Thanks for the clarification. It makes it almost impossible to have a conversation about immigration in my opinion.

Edit: I guess that is like a sin is a sin all sins are equal, which makes no sense to me either.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe I misread, are you saying you do not call the people who came across the border criminals? Not sure why I am having such a hard time understanding. Do you agree most Republicans are calling everyone a criminal that came across without documents?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Hard stats that are accurate with noncitizens are difficult due to pending cases, those out or in detention, ICE cant find them and many other factors.

I didn’t ask you to conform to my way of thinking, you asked me to deny a crime was committed for the sake of discourse. I obliged.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I will not call those coming across the border without permission criminals for the sake of discourse.

JLeslie's avatar

Thanks for clarifying. I appreciate you conceding to that for the case of discourse as you put it.

I guess what bothers me, not with you, but the conversations taking place in general on the topic, is most Democrats agree with jailing or deporting violent gang members and other immigrants who are not citizens who commit heinous felonies. In fact, even if they are currently here on green cards legally, I say strip them of their green card and put them in jail or deport them. Most everyone I know in my liberal circles agrees. That is basically the law too.

So, instead of Americans seeing places of agreement, the political sides are preventing a coming together on at least part of the immigration situation, they (in the ivory towers) want to keep Americans at odds with each other.

I am just tired of it; tired of Americans being so easily played and manipulated.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t find anything @KNOWITALL.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I’m not sure thats true since sanctuary cities denied law enforcement. I think there are layers to this subject and many points of view.

From my perspective, I’ve seen people all my life come here legally from every continent. So its difficult for me to wrap my head around people coming and going at will.
I dont hate anyone nor do I feel overwhelmed with sympathy enough to ignore laws affecting us all.

Pandora's avatar

@KNOWITALL Do you think Americans don’t go abroad and commit horrific crimes? Murderers are all horrific people. We have a ton right here. As a matter of fact American born and raised citizens have a higher rate of committing violent crimes than illegals. Why? Because they are mostly trying not to draw attention and most aren’t criminals. If they are all potential violent criminals than we have to say Americans citizens are all violent criminals.
Also if you look at the crime stats in the US, crimes have gone down a great deal since 1993. But people’s perception is that it has increased.

Why, because every crime now has the potential to be spread nationwide through the internet. Before, you only knew about crime in your town or city. Occasionally a particular crime would be spread nationwide on the News. But it was seen as rare when there was actually a lot more crime.
People don’t read statistics they read stories that make them paranoid and believe these crimes are rampant. Also this is then supported by gossip rags with no real evidence.
If it was my kid, would I want everyone deported? Certainly, but I would also want every male castrated but those I know. Hell I still think every guy who rapes or is found guilty of pedophilia should be castrated but funny I never see anything on that, being Trump would have to lose his nuts.
But I’m pointing out that this should happen to those found guilty.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Carry your federal ID, just like Germany in in the 1930s and 1940s.

Good times in the USA – - – NOT !

I’m considering carrying my passport because, I’m old with white hair and live in an area with around 9% of the people born outside the USA.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Pandora Some of the arguments here are proving my point even more, imo. Yes our own people commit crimes. Yes we have plenty of murderers already. Yes our economy is not great right now plus inflation is still hurting all of us.
What rational person says let anyone in that can get in?

Dutchess_III's avatar

They can’t come ,and go at will, @KNOWITALL.

Pandora's avatar

So @KNOWITALL , so its not about crime then. Its about petty people or racism. Bet you no one looking to deport the Europeans. Now when labor wages have to increase and our food prices claim, I guess no one will be able to say it’s because the the immigrants. Also, this isn’t a wide net to get criminals, or even illegal. This will eventually expand to everyone who is non-white. Also another thing. If all immigrants are sucking our economy, why are they going into worksites? Everyone knows that immigrants don’t work and only live on welfare. Oh, wait. Maybe they do work and contribute in paying taxes. Oh boy. Imagine that.

gorillapaws's avatar

Since undocumented workers pay more taxes than they take out, how are we going to make up the tax deficit by deporting them? Are we going to have to raise taxes on working class Americans to make up the difference, increase the deficit?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Pandora The race card, really? Also thats a whole lot of assumptions and feelings I havent expressed. Find another punching bag.

@gorillapaws I’m not an economist but Trump would probably say tariffs. There’s talk of doing away with all taxes if oil and tariffs are successfully negotiated.

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL Tariffs are a tax. It’s basically a flat sales tax, so you’re saying you want the middle class to pay more in taxes? and the billionaires even less?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gorillapaws Again, I didnt offer to be a collective punching bag for Republican policy, so lets stay on topic.

A tariff is a tax on the import or export of goods between countries. Tariffs are a form of foreign trade regulation and a policy that taxes foreign products in order to promote or protect domestic industry.,promote%20or%20protect%20domestic%20industry.&text=They%20are%20also%20specific%20to,and%20the%20country%20of%20import.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Do sanctuary cities protect undocumented immigrants who are convicted of felonies? I wasn’t aware of that. I still don’t understand sanctuary cities. I say that in pure honesty. My personal feeling on the topic is I don’t want local police turning in people to ICE, unless they are convicted felons, then I say lock them up or ship them out, depending on the crime. I am moving towards being ok with local police being able to arrest if they literally witness someone crossing the border illegally and catch them within a few miles of the border, but otherwise, I want all people in the land of the United States of America to feel comfortable going to the police for help or being a witness for a crime, without worry of being arrested themselves by ICE.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Here is a recent report with crimes listed. Also unauthorized citizens from Asia, Europe, Africa and the ME would be seperate from this little article.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And they committed those crimes because they aren’t US citizens?

Pandora's avatar

@KNOWITALL Oh, I forgot. Racism was eradicated. Wait till trump starts getting rid of the disabled and elderly by simply making sure they can get medical help or be able to afford it because the only way where he an all his rich pals get to keep all their tax money is by making sure he deletes any program that helps the poor.
Natzi Germany, here we come again. The third time should be a charm.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Thats the whole intent of sanctuary cities, is my understanding. Trump is targeting them now, but states like FL banned them.

‘A sanctuary city is a municipality that limits cooperation with the national government on immigration law enforcement. There’s no legal definition, but the term generally refers to policies that restrict how much information local governments share with federal immigration authorities.’

JLeslie's avatar

I’m just going to chime in by saying, just because we have citizens who are criminals, it doesn’t mean we want more of them. It is legitimate in my opinion to not want to deal criminals who are not even our citizens and who are taking advantage of easy borders and crappy follow up to people who are in the country who shouldn’t be. I really don’t understand Democrats on this point. Why not first agree we want violent criminals out, then give the statistics that very few immigrants are criminals? We should be giving MORE visas and be able to bring immigrants in through proper channels. It is not one or the other, we can make the immigration system better, which would include more legal entry and better systems to keep the bad people out.

Edit: The immigration laws are inadequate and encourage breaking the law or circumventing it. Just because there is a law does not mean it is an ethical or moral law, laws sometimes need to be changed.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Pandora I hear enough of that childish fear mongering on Tiktok. Spare me.

@JLeslie Exactly. Biden wouldnt close the damn border! Literally selling border fence for pennies on the dollar that Trump had to protect the borders. He is tying to stop the bleeding, then tend the wound. I wish Biden would have, he lured those people here imo, its not right.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Biden eventually did, but I agree he waited too long.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie And as has been posted many times, the damn Republicans blocked that ‘Super Awesome’ bi-partisan deal.

@Dutchess_III I would think they sexually assault children and commit crimes because they aren’t good humans. We have plenty of those already. As has already been discussed.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Just to be clear though, I think many more people should be given visas, so whether they are here illegally or legally, they are still here. I feel if we were allowing more people in legally, we would have fewer people trying to get in at once, and we would have more control over immigration and the people who want to be here and make it here would not have to be worried all of the time about getting caught. I hope Trump wants the credit and finally makes some serious positive change to the immigration laws.

Right now, Trump is just making some big moves, and getting plenty of free publicity, which will result in people not trying to come and will cause people to return to their own countries on their own. There are plenty of people here on tourist visas working illegally who will be afraid of getting caught and banned for ten years, they will just go back to their country if it is not dire in their country and wait it out. That happened when Obama was deporting a lot of people.

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL I’m not punching anyone, I’m just clarifying your position. So the answer is we pay for the tax shortfall caused by deporting undocumented workers via tariffs that amount to a flat tax increase that disproportionately burdens the working class in favor of the billionaires? I’m understanding your position correctly?

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know if the bill was super awesome, but it seemed like a step to improve things. I am sure it was imperfect. Nothing is ever perfect.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie I never said not to get rid of the criminals. I’m for it but the reality is they just end up sneaking back in. Some are repeat offenders.
But what I do know is history keeps repeating itself. It starts with fear-mongering against certain groups. South Americans, (criminals), Lgbt, (criminals), disabled (criminals) certain faiths (criminals). It doesn’t stop it’s an insatiable disease of hate. Just look at how the Pastor who preached compassion was met with threats. Compassion in a Church. Wow. Our nation is being controlled by greedy socialpaths and it won’t go well for any of us.
The canaries in the coal mind are dying one by one and people are still believing they probably just fainted by fright. Or not my problem, I’m still safe.

So how about we just throw their ass in jail and kill the murderers. They aren’t only going after known criminals or they would just be emptying out our jails. Again not what we are doing. Ice has quotas they have to meet. If they don’t meet their quotas they will be fired. There are just illegals that are being deported along with their children. Also if they had already committed crimes in the US, why weren’t they in jail to begin with?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think the fact that they’re all male is the real problem. And other males are the ones creating the demand.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gorillapaws Listen, I’m not changing another definition to suit the liberal agenda. Tarrifs are not always a losing proposition such as in the Bahamas or Bermuda.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora I agree that just deporting true criminals is not usually sufficient, because they keep coming back into the country. I know you didn’t say not to get rid of the criminals, but you didn’t agree you want them out and that they exist to get that out of the way. Republicans are fixated on the people coming across the border who killed someone or brought drugs in. I feel like the only way to get that part of the conversation out of the way is to agree, state the percentages of immigrants committing these crimes, which are small, and then get down to how to deal with immigration policy.

As far as racism. I do think some people who are putting up such a stink about immigration are outright racist and hateful. It is not necessarily about race, as in color of one’s skin. Hell, the hateful people will change a groups race to fit their needs. The Jews were considered to be a different race and hated, and now they (we) are supposedly all white and hated. The Italians were practically considered Black adjacent when they were first coming over to the US and now they are white. The Irish were always seen as white, but they were hated and discriminated against. It is not always or only color of skin, it is who is being picked on at this time. If 1 million Polish people came in at once there would likely be hate against them.

Edit: I just wonder did you feel the same when Biden and Obama were deporting, or were you unaware it was being done?

JLeslie's avatar

I know many many people who have lived in the US illegally or worked here illegally. I would not want them to have been deported, I want them to have papers. They either overstayed a visa or worked while on a tourist visa. They were from all over the world. Wales, Ecuador, Thailand, everywhere.

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL This is basic economics. If we pay for the tax shortfall caused by deporting undocumented workers by say a hypothetical 25% tariff on Imports from Mexico, then things made there, like the subassemblies for vehicles will all cost 25% more, that means cars made in the US with those parts will cost more, (maybe 15%?). So when you and I buy a new car, we’re all paying a flat percentage, but billionaires, don’t buy billions of cars. they may have a few dozen nice ones, even a few hundred, but they don’t feel that increase as a percentage of their wealth in the way a normal American does. What you’re describing is a tax increase for Americans.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gorillapaws If you say so. Trump says otherwise and his BOS degree in economics is from Wharton soooo…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep @gorillapaws.
And trump has no clue what he’s doing. If he knew he wouldn’t care.
But…does it benefit China or North Korea, someone like that? Or is it just undermining the US?

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL According to his best friend Jeffery Epstein, Trump can’t even read a balance sheet. I think his Wharton degree is worth about as much as that bone spurs doctor’s note his daddy bought him to help him draft dodge Vietnam.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Then why did Biden keep Trumps tariffs with China as they were?
To be continued…I’m going to sauna.
I hope if you plan on wearing cute winter boots tomorrow you get home safely.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Beat you to it, its a fact. Just a bad thing when orange man does it.

The products that will now face increases are in line with Biden’s other economic policies aimed at boosting domestic manufacturing in industries including clean energy and semiconductor chips.

“Today’s finalized tariff increases will target the harmful policies and practices of the People’s Republic of China that continue to impact American workers and businesses,” US Trade Representative Katherine Tai said in a press release.

China is expected to retaliate by increasing tariffs on US-made goods.

gorillapaws's avatar

China has a history of manipulating their currency. Targeted tariffs on China in such cases may be justified. Funding budget shortfalls via tariffs though is a flat tax by another name. It greatly favors billionaires at the expese of the working class. Imagine if you got a 2% income tax break, but everything you bought increased by 20% due to tariffs. Would you be able to afford more things or less?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gorillapaws Sigh. I’ve tried to play nice and dissuade you from this subject at least 3x, so you asked for this.
Here you go in witing from a credible source. Trump brought in less than Biden, thats why Biden kept the tariffs and INCREASED them.
So are tariffs still bad?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Almost every country imposes some tariffs.

In general, wealthy countries maintain low tariffs compared to developing countries. There are several reasons why: developing countries might have more fragile industries that they wish to protect, or they might have fewer sources of government revenue. The United States, for instance, maintained high tariffs for decades, until income taxes supplanted tariffs as the most important source of revenue in the 1930s.,tariffs%20compared%20to%20developing%20countries.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, I was aware. They just tried to do things that didn’t go beyond human rights, but if you think Ice is only picking up illegals than I have a bridge to sell you.

gorillapaws's avatar

The point is tariffs are effectively flat taxes. The wealthier you are, the more you benefit from flat taxes and the poorer you are the more you are harmed by flat taxes. Tarrifs can be used surgically and strategically to counter currency manipulation and other tactics used in trade, but if they’re being used as a major source of revenue generation—say a large blanket tariff on everything from a country as a means to generate revenue, then it is mathematically identical to a flat sales tax.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@Dutchess_III Trump is not a Christian, no matter what he may claim. He only claims to be so that he can get the Evangelical vote. That’s also why he switched his stance on abortion years ago.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know that @LifeQuestioner. He’s an embarrassment to the Christianity I Ioved. Just Ilike Rush Limbaugh was, IMO.Many of my Christian friends carried on about how great he was, so I listened to him one time. Disgusting. And I was a practicing Christian at the time.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso I thought about that as well. That means that they have known where the criminals are and they did nothing about it for all of Biden’s term. Of course, a lot of them probably came in during that time too.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Suffering from Biden Derangement Syndrome.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora Do you mean people here legally are getting mistakenly caught in the net? I’m sure that does happen, but it’s probably very close to 100% get sorted out before being put on a plane. This troubles me too.

I’m not a fan of stopping people and asking them for ID. I don’t want people profiled like that. I also don’t want anyone physically harmed. I want people to have time to prove they have documents if they were unfairly detained. ICE is going to places undocumented people are expected to be.

Biden sending the message that everyone will be let into the country caused people to leave their lives in their own countries and risk the trip here. Some of those people were in a desperate situation and might have tried anyway, but some that was not the case. During the past 4 years more should have been done to bring people in legally and deter the massive onslaught of people pouring in at once. There also were people coming in as far away as Asia through the southern boarder.

I know one of our jellies believes in totally open borders, and if that is your stand as well I respect that. If you believe there needs to be some controls, then what do propose? Give amnesty to everyone here now and just change policy going forward?

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III Don’t forget the guy who just burned the lady to death on the NYC subway. Also the South American gang that took over apartment complexes in Aurora Co. The leader of that gang was just arrested yesterday in NYC, in an ICE sweep, and has an arrest record of kidnapping, assault and the warrant from Aurora.

hat's avatar

I can’t believe people are doing this. It’s a lack of class consciousness that makes this level of boot-licking possible.

List thousands of crimes that undocumented immigrants have committed. It doesn’t prove the point you think it does – quite the opposite. The people who are actually a threat to your lives and financial well-being are selling you this because they won’t/can’t offer you any material improvement in your life.

What they can offer you are symbolic association with the in-group. They do this by painting an “other” as the threat. Sure, you are slaving away so someone can have a second yacht, while you can’t afford healthcare or food or housing. The labor they steal from you is invested in systems to exploit others. We all feel it. But they want to make sure that you aren’t aware that the hand in your pocket is theirs.

You are told that things are rough, but at least you’re not an immigrant. Actual material improvement in the lives of most of the population are not on offer. Instead, you’ve been given “whiteness”, citizenship status, the correct sexuality and gender identity, the correct language, the correct level of nationalism. Any time you hear people demonizing a group of people, the people doing the demonizing are fucking you hard. They’re damning you and your children to suffer. And you are expected to lick their boots clean, attack the other victims of these systems, and thank god that you’re not one of the “others”.

Not a single person in government (or here) who feigns concerns about “crime” and immigration actually care about crime. That is just a fact. The whole project is to protect the system that is allowing them to steal from you, your kids, and the rest of the planet.

“But what about crimes that we listed that were done by undocumented immigrants?” So the fuck what? Please tell me that you’re aware that:

- Crime rates are not higher among undocumented immigrants. In fact, data shows that the opposite is true.
– If you were concerned about crime, you’d do what everyone knows needs to be done to fix it: address the causes, not incarcerate.
– The prison industry is powerful and profitable, and is a key part of creating conditions that will bring about more crime in order to fill prisons. This also plays a role slave labor, further suppressing wages.
– If you cared about immigration, you’d stop the US government from destroying other countries. This is an indisputable reason why people find it desirable to come to the US.
– You don’t give a shit about borders. You are fine with money and jobs crossing borders all day long. You’re fine with imperial power destroying democratic movements and governments in service to global capital. You just don’t like humans crossing borders.

It’s so fucking embarrassing to see non-rich workers taking part in their own oppression by not punching up. For shits sake – who do you most empathize with? Who are “your people”? Is it billionaires or your fellow workers? Is it “Americans” or is it the workers in other countries who are victims of the same people who have fucked you?

Sorry for the length of this rant. Most people won’t read it, and I get it.

TLDR – “fuck off”

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Great answer!

gorillapaws's avatar

@hat ” If you cared about immigration, you’d stop the US government from destroying other countries. This is an indisputable reason why people find it desirable to come to the US.”

I just wanted to quote this for truth. The US has been exploiting latin America for the better part of a century via exploitative development deals, installing dictators and interfering in the politics of foreign countries to deny locals the wealth from their natural resources to the benefit of corporations. If we’d not engaged in this fuckery, you might see Americans sneaking into THOSE countries looking for a better life.

seawulf575's avatar

@hat if you are so into this, why don’t you tell the government to send you a load of illegal immigrants to live with you? We could send you some of the nasty ones they are after right now. MS-13, Tren de Aragua, even just some of the garden variety, unaffiliated rapists, child molesters or murderers. After all, you likely have more space than they would in their home countries. And the deportation costs would be nil. Then you can lecture us all about class issues.

hat's avatar

^ see?

The level of proud subservience is amazing.

seawulf575's avatar

^what I see is someone that talks the talk and dodges when asked to walk the walk. Let’s back it up a few steps. How many illegal immigrants have you shared your home with in the last 4 years? If you say none, then aren’t you also showing your proud subservience? My guess is that you will dodge answering this question too.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie Yes. There are already stories of people who have no criminal record and have work permits being deported as well. One young lady just posted that her father has legally worked and had a work permit for 30 years and Ice just showed up and hauled him away. She claims he has never committed a crime. This is what happens when you have a mandate to send a certain number of immigrants away. People wonder how they knew where to get most of these people and probably because most were legally registered in some way. Like having a work visa.

seawulf575's avatar

@Pandora There were stories from ICE that they would go pick up some criminal they were looking for and find another undocumented person in the same address so they would pick them up too. Could the story you have be something like that? I’ve also heard stories of ICE going to businesses and rounding up 4 or 5 people, taking them out, finding out 2 or 3 of them were not undocumented persons and then letting them go right then. The reason I ask about the story you gave is that if someone is here legally under a work visa, they cannot be here for 30 years. Depending on the situation and the type they are only good for anywhere from 3 years to 7 years. If the father claimed he was legal under a work visa for 30 years he is mistaken. It could be that they rounded him up because of expired visa, though it seems odd that they would just randomly get someone for no other reason at this point in time. Maybe later, but not now.

Pandora's avatar

@seawulf575 It seems he may have green card status (residency legal status) which can last up to 10 years. And I didn’t read anywhere that it can’t be renewed. Maybe it expired or maybe not. But this wasn’t a case of looking for someone else and getting someone else. They went to get him at his home.

Pandora's avatar

@jonsblond Although I do not generally trust the daily beast, this isn’t the only story I read. A Venezuela woman married to a citizen who had all her paperwork to become a citizen was swept up. The raid in Jersey that even took away a Puerto Rican military man happened because someone called ice to report there were immigrants. If you didn’t have papers, like license or passport you were taken away. Eventually released once someone came to show your papers but that shouldn’t happen. I guess we all need to get citizen numbers tattooed on our arms.

Blackberry's avatar

We hired people where I work, because the factory they worked at was shut down and moved to Mexico. We got 2 of them, but makes you wonder where the other 200+ people went.

These same people complain they have to listen to Indian people on a customer service phone call….

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora I’m against the quotas.

I seriously doubt most of the people being rounded up have been here 5+ years with papers. The story you told, was he deported? Or, just got caught up in the sweep? I hate that anyone here with proper paperwork get caught up in that, but you’re going to hear the worst stories.

In 1996 when my SIL who had a green card was detained in Miami Airport for over 6 hours with a 3 year old and an infant we didn’t go to the news. Her parents had to go to a store to get formula for the baby they were there so long. They wound up releasing her, but she had to appear for a court date all the way back in Miami, and we all lived over an hour (over 60 miles) from Miami. The judge immediately determined her paperwork was ok.

Stories like this have been happening before Trump, the news is just making you more aware.

I certainly don’t want anyone in my family to go through being inappropriately detained, so I don’t want it to happen to anyone else either.

When I was growing up I knew of INS raids, it isn’t new.

Like I said, if you want to let everyone stay who is here, I have no real quarrel with you.

Many of the people who came in under Biden just have temporary papers and are awaiting a court date. Is Trump processing them faster? Is he picking up those people? Who exactly are the majority of the people? I never said all of them have criminal records.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They’ve always known where to find them. They just never had an Asshole in Chief who ordered them to go get them.
All the previous Commanders in Chiefs had these moral failings called compassion, empathy, and intelligence.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump is desperate to appeal to the worst of us.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III That is incorrect. I put some stats above. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it made an average of 710 immigration arrests daily from Thursday through Monday this week, up from a daily average of 311 in a 12-month period through September under President Joe Biden. If that rate holds, it would surpass ICE’s previous high mark set in the Obama administration, when daily arrests averaged 636.

Blackberry's avatar

Also, keeping up with republican spirit.
Do you know if Laken Riley asked for it in any way? Were her pants sagging? Did she have a criminal record? Was she wearing revealing clothing?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right @Blackberry?
O wait. That’s only a defense for natural born American terrorists and rapists.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The attention on Laken Riley is a bullshit red herring. Sure, one person was killed by someone here illegally. But it’s still one person, only one.

How many people are killed in traffic accidents in cars or trucks driven by non-citizens? I’ll be it’s more than one a day. Add in the citizens that kill people in car accidents and you have a real big number.

Or what about the crazies who shoot up schools and rock concerts – many of the right-wing religious kooks. Where is the outrage? There isn’t much and it dies down quickly, because the perpetrators are white males.

Using Laken Riley as the symbol for unjust killing is racist bullshit. Simply a method to blame brown and black people for society’s problems.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep @elbanditoroso. And virtually all the perps are male. So where does leave us?

Caravanfan's avatar

Everybody relax. The criminal illegal aliens as @seawulf575 puts it are all going to be put in a concentration camp in Cuba. @seawulf575 can go to bed resting easy that all of those parasites are being put away on an island so nobody can see them, right @seawulf575?

seawulf575's avatar

@Blackberry Your true character is showing through.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III “All the previous Commanders in Chiefs had these moral failings called compassion, empathy, and intelligence.” Huh. So is that compassion, empathy, and intelligence only for people that enter the country illegally? And I thought their jobs were to enforce the laws, not ignore them. so what you are telling me is that all the previous CiCs didn’t care about American Citizens, had no compassion, empathy or intelligence when it came to those people and that they didn’t do their jobs. Thanks.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Go back up the thread. This idea of ONLY ONE has been brought up before and addressed. But Since this is the second time it has been brought up, let me ask: How many murders and rapes (even of young children) is enough before it is considered a problem by the left?

mazingerz88's avatar

From Prof. Heather Cox Richarson…

January 29, 2025 (Wednesday)

In a conversation with Greg Sargent of the New Republic published today, writer Amanda Marcotte called out an important moment in White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt’s first press conference yesterday.

When a reporter noted that “[e]gg prices have skyrocketed since President Trump took office,” and asked “what specifically is he doing to lower those costs for Americans?” Leavitt answered: “Really glad you brought this up because there is a lot of reporting out there that is putting the onus on this White House for the increased cost of eggs. I would like to point out to each and every one of you that in 2024, when Joe Biden was in the Oval Office or upstairs in the residence sleeping, I’m not so sure, egg prices increased 65 percent in this country. We also have seen the cost of everything—not just eggs—bacon, groceries, gasoline, have increased because of the inflationary policies of the last administration.”

During his campaign for the presidency, Trump repeatedly attacked Biden for the post-pandemic inflation that afflicted the country, and promised to bring down “the price of everything.” Even before he took office, Trump had begun to walk back his promise, and J.D. Vance has also suggested price relief would “take a little bit of time.” Now coffee and egg prices are at an all-time high, and the administration’s solution is to attack Biden. No matter the incompetencies of the Trump presidency, Marcotte notes, it appears the answer will be: You might not like what we’re doing, but don’t you hate Democrats more?

President Richard Nixon’s team pioneered this strategy before the 1970 midterm elections to rally wavering Republicans around the president’s party. Nixon had won election with a promise that he would end the war in Vietnam honorably, but had, in fact, increased the U.S. presence there. By the end of 1969, with opposition mounting, he insisted that a “silent majority” agreed with his Vietnam policies. Then, at the end of April 1970, he told the American people that he had sent ground troops into Vietnam’s neighbor Cambodia. Protests led to the killing of four college students at Ohio’s Kent State University. Members of Nixon’s key demographic, middle-class white Americans, threatened to abandon him.

Nixon’s advisors urged him to win his voters back by attacking their opponents as lazy, dangerous, and un-American. They called their strategy “positive polarization” because it stoked the anger they needed voters to feel in order to show up to vote, a development they saw as positive. Patrick Buchanan wrote a memo to Nixon urging him to take much stronger control over the nation, to manipulate the media, and to go to war with his opponents, whom he considered illegitimate, warning: “[W]e are in a contest over the soul of the country now and the decision will not be some middle compromise—it will be their kind of society or ours.”

Nixon so internalized this advice that by 1972 he was willing to sabotage his Democratic opponent’s campaign in order to win, convinced that a Democratic victory would destroy America. He ended up having to resign when his participation in covering up the bugging of the Democratic National Convention’s headquarters at the Watergate Hotel surfaced, but in his 1980 presidential campaign, Ronald Reagan picked up the rhetorical technique of dividing the country in two.

In part, that depended on constructing a false world, claiming when challenged on his stories of government mismanagement that a “liberal media” was determined to undermine him. When voters elected him, Reagan began the dismantling of the post–World War II government that protected equality before the law, equal access to resources, and the right to have a say in government. Whenever it seemed that voters were turning against the Republicans’ policies, which moved $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 1% between 1981 and 2021, Republicans doubled down on the idea that popular government programs were “socialist” or “Marxist,” designed to redistribute wealth from hardworking Americans to undeserving “liberals.”

By 2020, accompanying that rhetoric with voter suppression and a flood of money into Republican election war chests had made many Republican voters loyal to the party above the country. So convinced were they that the government was corrupt and that they were fighting a war for America that they were willing to die of Covid in order to “own the Libs.” And in 2021 they tried to overturn democracy in order to keep their leader in power.

Now, in 2025, the impulse simply to hurt Democrats no matter how badly such actions would hurt the country showed in a social media post today by Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) that the Senate should confirm Trump’s deeply problematic nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because “no Cabinet nominee could damage the political future of Democrats more than RFK.”

Kennedy is before the Senate Finance Committee today in confirmation hearings to head the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Food and Drug Administration, among other agencies. Kennedy is a conspiracy theorist who opposes the vaccines that have slashed deadly illnesses in the U.S., and has attacked the institutions he would oversee; more than 18,000 physicians have signed a letter opposing his confirmation.

Yesterday, Kennedy’s cousin, Caroline Kennedy, broke her silence about him to write an open letter to senators. She warned that he “lacks any relevant government, financial, management, or medical experience” and, calling him a “predator,” warned that he has “gone on to misrepresent, lie and cheat his way through life.”

Forcing the Republican agenda by continuing to portray political opponents as dangerous to America because of wasteful spending and misguided priorities has reached cartoonish extremes. Trump has nonsensically claimed that thanks to him, the U.S. military has “TURNED ON THE WATER” in California, apparently misunderstanding that the Army Corps of Engineers had conducted maintenance on federal water pumps for three days and turned them back on when the maintenance was complete.

Yesterday, Leavitt claimed that the Trump administration tried to stop all foreign aid because Biden supposedly sent $50 million of condoms to Gaza and that the administration was just focusing on being “good stewards of tax dollars.” The story is simply false. The U.S. Agency for International Development spent about $7 million on condoms in 2023, the vast majority of which went to Africa through anti-AIDS programs; Trump’s first administration made similar investments.

At the same time they are portraying Democrats as wasteful and misguided, Trump and MAGA Republicans are claiming Democratic accomplishments for themselves. Last night, Trump claimed he had “just asked Elon Musk and [SpaceX] to ‘go get’ the 2 brave astronauts who have been virtually abandoned in space by the Biden Administration,” and Musk chipped in that it was “[t]errible that the Biden administration left them there so long.” In fact, as fact-checkers quickly noted, NASA says the astronauts whose damaged spaceship has returned to Earth are not stuck in space but are staffing the space station, and that a SpaceX capsule has been docked at the station since September in an arrangement made by the Biden administration to bring them back to Earth as soon as a new crew arrives.

True MAGA is buying the lies the administration is selling—Fox News Channel pundit Jesse Watters suggested Gazans were using condoms as balloons to float explosives into Israel—but it is possible Nixon’s system of polarization is reaching the end of its rope.

Key to Trump’s 2024 win was his insistence that violent crime was skyrocketing in the U.S.—in fact, it was plummeting—and he vowed to deport “criminal” migrants. Since he took office, a number of made-for-television sweeps have tried to demonstrate that he is making America safer. But his commutations and pardons of all the January 6 rioters convicted of crimes has made that a hard sell, especially as one is now wanted for soliciting sex with a minor and another has been killed by Indiana police for resisting arrest. In addition, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick of the American Immigration Council notes that Trump officials ordered prosecutors to divert resources away from truly dangerous drug traffickers to go after undocumented immigrants.

Those who believed Trump would not come for anyone but “criminals” are learning otherwise: NBC News reported on Monday that nearly half the migrants arrested in a Chicago sweep on Sunday either had nonviolent offenses or had committed no offense. While the Trump administration defends its sweeps by saying it considers anyone who has broken immigration law to be a criminal, being undocumented is in fact a civil offense, not a crime, and many of Trump’s supporters did not think he would make such general sweeps.

But the biggest wake-up call for those embracing the longtime language of polarization is that when Trump on Tuesday shut down all federal funding and grants to stop what he called the “Marxist” diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives of the government, he was attacking virtually all Americans. The administration’s pause of all federal funding and grants until it could make sure “DEI” had been purged out of them cut everything from Meals on Wheels, a food delivery program for shut-ins, to education, local law enforcement, and the Medicaid on which programs for the elderly depend.

The outcry was so strong that today the Office of Management and Budget issued a memo to rescind its previous memo freezing all federal programs. But Leavitt immediately contradicted the apparent content of the new memo, saying the cuts were still in effect. Judd Legum of Popular Information noted that the plan seemed to be “to create as much chaos as possible.” That chaos keeps attention on the administration, and it appeared to be a way for the White House to upend lawsuits against the freeze. So far, that has not worked. U.S. District Judge John McConnell said he was inclined to grant a restraining order, noting that “the administration is acting with a distinction without a difference.”

The Trump administration’s cutting of the federal funding on which Americans depend in the name of opposition to “Marxism” and “DEI” contrasts spectacularly with its embrace of the world’s richest man, Elon Musk; the billionaires in Trump’s Cabinet; and the billionaires who have poured money into the Trump administration.

CNN’s Chris Isidore notes that government subsidies built Musk’s fortune and that he continues to receive government contracts worth billions of dollars. In addition to government contracts, Trump’s tax policy favors the very rich. On Monday, January 27, the Senate confirmed Trump’s nominee billionaire Scott Bessent for Treasury secretary. In his confirmation hearings, Bessent told the Senate that he believes extending the 2017 Trump tax cuts is “the single most important economic issue of the day…. If we do not fix these tax cuts, if we do not renew and extend, then we will be facing an economic calamity.”

Republicans identify the rapidly growing federal deficit as a crisis for which Democrats are to blame, but in fact, President Bill Clinton—with an assist from Republican president George H.W. Bush—eliminated the federal deficit in the 1990s. What threw the deficit into the red was the tax cuts and unfunded wars under George W. Bush, along with Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, or TCJA, that disproportionately benefited the very wealthy and corporations. The U.S. Treasury estimates that extending the TCJA as is—Trump has mused on deeper cuts—would cost $4.2 trillion over the next ten years.

Slashing the federal funding that supports ordinary Americans will make it easier to fund federal contracts and further tax cuts for the wealthy. With that tradeoff so visible in 2025, will “owning the Libs” still be worth it?

Trump seemed to be worried that it might not be. This afternoon he threw red meat directly at the MAGA base with an announcement that he would be signing an executive order to open a 30,000-person-capacity migrant detention center at Guantanamo Bay to “detain the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people.”

seawulf575's avatar

^TLDR but did get the gist. Prices skyrocketed under Biden and now that Trump has been in office a week, the press is trying to blame it all on him. Pretty much the rest of the article did the same thing: they took all the problems Biden created and tried to blame them on Trump for not fixing them in the first week.

But all of that is really off topic entirely.

JLeslie's avatar

Housing prices skyrocketed under TRUMP.

Hospitality and other travel skyrocketed as countries relaxed covid measures. The increased demand for fuel raised gas prices.

Prices leveled off about a year ago not because Trump was elected. You can cherry pick some prices that are very high still or that increased recently, but overall it’s been more or less static and some prices came down over the last two years.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 They’re asking what happened to trump’s pre-election declarations prices will go down if they voted for him, not blaming him.

All he has to say is it was all BS. trump is BS personified. The least he could do is admit to his voters, the gullible ones, that he was merely BS-ing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course compassion and intelligence aren’t reserved just for brown immigrants @seawulf575.
And it is not the government’s job to simply enforce laws, it’s actually their job to create laws.
If they blindly flailed around violently enforcing stupid laws:

Black people would still be slaves and randomly hung for any reason at all.

Women couldn’t vote.

You’d have to be 21 to be allowed to vote.

Gay marriage would be illegal and punishable by death.

A husband raping his wife would not be illegal.

Liquor would be illegal.

Fluther would not have a “Social” section.

Who do you think CHANGED those laws?
Who you think created them in the first place? The tooth fairy?

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III You obviously didn’t teach civics in school. It isn’t the job of the POTUS to create laws. You were saying that all previous (before Trump) Commanders in Chief had the moral failings of Compassion, Empathy and Intelligence. The Commander in Chief is another name for the POTUS.

As for you list of laws, let’s look at them.

Blacks no longer slaves: Republicans passed those laws. They freed the slaves, gave them the right to vote, and gave them the citizenship.

Women voting: Both Dems and Repubs supported and passed that one.

Being 18 to be able to vote: The 26th Amendment Both parties supported this wholeheartedly and Nixon, a Republican signed it into law

Gay marriage: the rules concerning gay intercourse being criminal offenses was canceled by the SCOTUS in 2003 when the majority of the SCOTUS were Republicans/Conservatives.

Marital Rape: Still doesn’t have consistent laws across all 50 states. Most (if not all) are looking at it as a crime, but some are treating it differently with different punishments and criteria than non-marital rape. This one is a wash as both Dems and Repubs supported this

Liquor being illegal: Both parties supported this and both parties supported its repeal though it was FDR who signed the amendment repealing it into law.

So there is who I think changed those laws. And interestingly, not a single one of the changes was initiated by the POTUS. Isn’t that amazing to you as well?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulk575 than why is your hero Chief shit-n-the-pants bending and twisting laws to cover his lard ass and bypassing checks and balances ? ? ? ?

I know Trump can do no wrong !

Dutchess_III's avatar

Duh @seawulf575. The legislative branch makes laws. The president is not a part of the legislative branch.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Someone skipped that class besides Trump. @Dutchess_III

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Duh. I apparently had to make you aware of that since you were blaming Trump for not making the laws and for not showing the empathy, intelligence and compassion of his predecessors as they make them. You even went so far as to say it wasn’t the job of the government to enforce the laws but only to make them. You are a complete fool. You say silly things that are just plain wrong and when you are corrected, you act like you knew the right answer all the time. So were you just trolling? Making shit up?

jca2's avatar

7400 arrested in 9 days, according to the NY Times, Saturday 2/½025.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

One in 12 restaurant in my area are Mexican, Dominican or Jamaican.

Most other restaurants have at least one or two cooks/chefs that are LatinX, ICE just goes to any restaurant and looks for people to arrest (no grounds required because of Trump) !

Dutchess_III's avatar

Those poor human beings.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

A local Pizza place run by an Egyptian, born in the Bronx New York, has half the staff LatinX.
I haven’t been in there last month, I’ll ask next time I go.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think they’ll modify the current immigration laws to include ALL ethnic themed resturaunts, like Italian?
Oh wait. In 1963 the Constitution was amended to make that illegal. Not that it stopped trump Sr from refusing to rent to blacks.
HOW could one draft a law that targets a certian people and doesn’t apply to all other groups? You can’t. What applies to one has to apply to all. Damn that pesky Constitution.

My son dated a gal who came to Australia with her mom in 1999. She was 15 when she came. After a few years she got into some legal trouble, she served 18 months here, then she was deported. The Constitution allows for that. BUT they have to actually commit a crime first.
We can’t run around like idiots pointing at one entire ethnic group and assume that ALL of them have committed a crime then making them proove they haven’t and putting them through expensive and emotional hell in the process.

Trump’s gonna go down. Again.
He probably has no clue what what the Constitution even is. It’s just an annoyance to him.

(Sorry for the wall^^^ Ha ha. I crack my self up)

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III “HOW could one draft a law that targets a certian people and doesn’t apply to all other groups? You can’t.” Correct. But that is what DEI policies attempt to do…support certain groups while excluding others.

As for the case you cited about the girl that was 15 when she came to Australia. Let me ask: did they enter the country (Australia) illegally? Or did they come there in accordance with the Australian laws for immigration? Your story makes me think they came legally and one of the stipulations Australia puts on things is that the immigrants have to abide by the laws of the country. She didn’t so she got to be punished for breaking the law and then her immigration status was changed and she was deported.

Now compare that to what is going on in the USA. People are coming to this country in violation of the immigration laws. By definition they have already committed a crime. You can argue the severity of the crime all day long. But we have so many people that have done this that it is impacting our country in a negative way. Right now they are going after known criminals to arrest and deport them. If they happen to find other illegal immigrants with that person when they arrest them, they are just grabbing them as well since the goal is to cut back on the massive number of illegal immigrants. And yes, they did commit a crime.

The only hope some of these people have is if they decide to leave voluntarily (not get deported) and then try to re-enter the country legally. If they get deported, legal entry is almost guaranteed to be denied.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I feel so sorry for someone“s twisted mind and lack of logic and best a all ZERO compassion !

What-da-tink @Dutchess_III ?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Like DEI policies created the issue? HOW?! Oh. Same way it caused the air collision last week. Silly me.
DEI is simply a work initiative to try and include hiring folks who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance. Sounds like a fair shot, like Affimative Action was. And overall it was successful.
Oh wait. I forgot. Affirmative Action was also the cause of 9/11.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I tink it’s the rambling of some one who really doesn’t have any clue about what they’re talking about @Tropical_Willie. Like, ummm, what’s his name.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is he member of the National Socialist Party ? @Dutchess_III

Dutchess_III's avatar

I doubt it. Socialism is BAD don’t you know!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

National Socialist Party was Hitler’s Nazi party 1930s and 1940s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I know! And the way he used was horrific but it DID put money back into the states when he stole all their stuff. And free labor until they broke down abd then they just killed them.
But some socialism incorporated into any decent democracy helps everyone.
But we digress.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III “Like DEI policies created the issue? HOW?!” Again, you missed the point. The statement you made about making laws to favor one group over another is exactly what DEI does. It is policies that favor one group over another. If you feel like that about making laws that favor one group over the other, how can you support DEI?

But that was just an observation. The rest about the immigration stuff you completely blew off. What a surprise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In certain circumstances helping out one group is legit. That’s why the laws were changed so women can vote. But it didn’t exclude men.
And affirmative is legit. It doesnt
exclude everyone else.

seawulf575's avatar

I’m in total agreement with things like Suffrage. It was right to give women the right to vote in my view. But would it have been the same if the rules suddenly said that only as many men can vote as women? No. That would be setting some arbitrary rule to force equality. There might be many men that wanted to vote and couldn’t because you had to maintain the quotas. But that isn’t what DEI does. It DOES exclude groups. The reason that people were calling Kamala Harris a DEI hire is because Biden said “I’m going to have a black woman as my VP.” That statement suddenly negated all men, any Hispanic or Asians, and even Transpersons. Did we get the best candidate for the job? We can’t ever know because not everyone was considered.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well Kamala didn’t work now, did she. I voted for her. And there were no laws broken in the process

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh this is good seawulf575. So you probably shouldn’t read it.

“Some of what DEI is:

-ramps and sidewalk curb cuts
-subtitles & captions (TV & phone)
-family restrooms
-changing tables in men’s restrooms
-breast feeding/pumping stations & accommodations
-floating paid holidays
-pay equity & transparency
-parental leave (time & pay)
-coming back to a job after birthing a child
-not having to just accept workplace harassment
-work accommodations for a variety of disabilities
-flexible work arrangements
-size inclusive chairs and beds in medical facilities
-belt extenders on planes
-various food options for vegetarians/vegans/kosher/gluten-free/etc at medical facilities
-non smoking areas/end of smoking indoors
-being able to have medical professionals and your coworkers use your preferred name (not just queer people have those)
-wellness programs and incentives
-more relaxed & inclusive dress code policies
-rooms to pray/meditate at work & other public places
-employee recognition programs
-employee/network resource groups
-large print materials
-materials in different languages
-multiple religious options at hospitals
-accessible bikes and public transit accommodations
-businesses not becoming fully cashless
-company-covered mental/behavioral health resources

Some of What DEI isn’t:

-hiring an under qualified person for a job just because they’re a person of color
-hiring based on race just to meet diversity goals (this is illegal)
-a new fad or buzz word. DEI work has been going on for many, many years, under different names.”

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III Some of those things on the “this is what DEI is” list maybe fall under the umbrella of DEI (it’s debatable but they may) but they may also be things that are retained regardless because of customer service, or convenience for the business, for example, family restrooms, changing tables in mens’ rooms, businesses being cashless, seat belt extenders, large chairs in waiting rooms, religious options at hospitals, large print materials. Some of the things will be offered, still, by employers if they want to retain good employees, for example relaxed dress codes, wellness programs and incentives, company covered mental/behavioral health resources, parental leave, flexible work arrangements, breast feeding stations, employee network resource groups and employee recognition programs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. But DEI has the same laws governing it as all the rest that come under that umbrella.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And the equal opportunity act worked @jca2. Business saw the profit for them by initiating them.

flutherother's avatar

They could be told to wear some identifying symbol on their clothing, not a yellow star obviously, and make it a criminal offence not to display it.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m sorry, your list of what is and isn’t DEI is a complete crock. Most of those things existed long before DEI hit the scene. They are accommodations that people asked for at some point along the way. They are things that can be done for all people, not just some.

DEI initiatives, by definition, are policies and practices that establish equitable hiring in a work place to ensure diverse groups are included. They literally are policies that direct the hiring of specific groups to ensure the make up of a company is as diverse as possible.

Basically, if you change the label for your two lists, you have it right.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III You are also confusing Equal Opportunity and DEI. They are not the same thing. The EEO is still alive and well as it should be. DEI is the antithesis of that. It is favoring some over others in the hiring process…exactly what the EEO was trying to stop.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The EEO enforces laws that make discrimination illegal in the workplace.
To hire a candidate in a wheel chair just because they’re in a wheel chair would be illegal under the EEO. Which you agree with.
It’s super confusing I know.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yet DEI does that and you support it. It specifically says to skip over whites to hire minorities or skip over men to hire women. So it is illegal by your view. The FAA has even been sued for this and the case is still pending since 2015

That is what DEI does, ignores qualifications to ensure you are getting diverse.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, per your article, that’s the accusation and the EEO is on it. If it’s prooven to be true we’ll hear about it!
Patience Padowon.

seawulf575's avatar

You’ve spelled proven wrong a couple times now, just to let you know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I ama terrible speller! Spell check saved me a LOT, but it doesn’t seem to be user friendly anymore.
I did wonder about “proven” but spell check didn’t tell me that it was wrong.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blackberry Laken Riley is one of many, no matter how you try to spin it. Could have been any of us on any day, sure, but it wasnt. What about the crime wave in New York. Or murders when they took over the apartments?

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_III yoo reelee R a teribel speler.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I NO IT!!!!! That’s why I hid behind Spell Check all it these years since I discoverd it on! I have been DECEIVING yu!

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