General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

The adjudicated rapist has sent soldiers to Guantanamo to the concentration camp for migrants; how will jailing children will stem the flow of Fentanyl?

Asked by Caravanfan (14079points) 1 week ago

If you think the question is disjointed you’re right. But it’s how the adjudicated rapist thinks.

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15 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Most of the fentanyl coming into this country is being brought in by American citizens, so it will have nearly zero impact.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’ll try to argue some fucked up way to try and make it legal. At least for a while.

JLeslie's avatar

It won’t affect Fentanyl traffic at all if that is hour main question.

Deterring people from coming into the US for work opportunities and safety won’t change drug smugglers from coming across the border.

That’s my opinion anyway.

mazingerz88's avatar

All part of the trump clown show.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

We will find out next week.

My guess, it will increase it. No one suspects a child drug mule

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Geee and people wonder why we Canadians don’t jump at the chance of becoming Yankees?
Gee I wonder why?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Reality and Trump in the same sentence is not going to happen !

Co-President Musk is making all the decisions and people have to tell Trump what and why he is signing executive orders.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think it will increase for that reason @MakeItSo1701.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yup Willie. Like they had to ‘splain what a “tariff” is. But they were able to ‘splain it in a way that they conveniently left the down side out

Pandora's avatar

Its only getting worse. El Salvador is offering to hold criminals from their country and even from ones from other countries and you only need to be suspected of being in a gang or with MS13 to end up in jail there. Now think of it. Whether they are criminals or not, we are offering to pay enough money to save their sinking economy to support these criminals. Now if you were in a third world nation, whats to say you don’t start saying a lot of them are criminals. Even the ones that fled and have us support them keeping innocent people in Jail, or worse. Execute them and then say they are still in Jail.

Lightlyseared's avatar

It’s not about stemming the flow of drugs it’s about punishing people for the sake of it.

ragingloli's avatar

You need to pay attention to the important bit:
“In addition, Bukele “has offered to house in his jails dangerous American criminals in custody in our country, including those of US citizenship and legal residents,” Rubio said. ”
They want to ship dissidents to El Salvador.

Forever_Free's avatar

Trump is the only person that adjudicated himself. He is still a rapist and criminal in most peoples eyes.

Pandora's avatar

@Forever_Free Adjudicated doesn’t mean not found guilty of a crime. He was still found guilty.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ Very familiar with the term. It was a “tongue in cheek” comment implying the same.

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