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Brian1946's avatar

Have you ever been startled or frightened by something, that turned out to be innocuous?

Asked by Brian1946 (32729points) 1 day ago

I was sitting at home, alone in complete silence.
Suddenly I heard this high pitched, squeaky voice say something like, “Hello”.

I thought, “WTF is that?!”
So I looked down and the first thing I saw was my stomach, which immediately answered my question. ;-p

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15 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Pretty much everything has freaked me out at some point. Trees hitting the house, dogs making noise downstairs, random birds outside.

I am easily startled.

chyna's avatar

My brother is a woodworker. He makes me stuff all the time, which I love. He made me a wood cross for Christmas which I hung in my hallway. I hung it on one of those sticky hanger things as it weighed less than a pound. About 2 a.m. I heard a noise. After grabbing a weapon, a police baton, I went to the hallway where I have a night light. I saw something on the floor that looked to me like a snake. My heart was beating out of my chest. I flipped the light on and saw it was the cross that had fell off the wall and broke.

Brian1946's avatar


Is your baton collapsible?
I think one of those might be good for when you go out.

Intriguing that your cross broke, because I wouldn’t expect a wooden object to be broken by falling on a floor from a height of what seems to be less than 10 feet.
Perhaps you whacked it with your baton just to be safe? JK

Upon further reflection, I guess if the cross was weighty and the horizontal components were glued to the vertical one it could happen.

chyna's avatar

My baton was from when my dad was a reserve policeman in the 60’s, so it’s a 3 foot wooden baton. The cross was very ornate with the name Jesus on the long side, with the cross part very curved. If you didn’t turn it on the side, you wouldn’t know it said Jesus.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A kitten scared the crap out of me one time, I used to pick up the remains of dead animals from small slaughtering plants, well they put the scarps in barrels and we would hand truck these barrels to our trucks and then dump them in the back, I slid my hand cart under this barrel and this matted little head turned and looked up at me,I screamed like a school girl and jumped back this kitten then jumped off the barrel and ran away , glad no one saw that but think this way everything in the barrel should have been dead and this kitten wasn’t.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Are you sure it was your stomach? I thought it would say something like “feed me now” ~

Brian1946's avatar

It could have been that I wasn’t hungry, so my gastric goofball was bored and decided to have some fun at my expense.

BTW, is your birthday May 25?

Mimishu1995's avatar

is your birthday May 25?

26th. In 3 more months :)

ragingloli's avatar

door bells, phone calls, wakeup-alarms. every time.

seawulf575's avatar

I woke up one night and had a cold hand on my face. It freaked me out and I grabbed the hand as I bolted upright. It was only my other hand. It had fallen asleep and was cold.

Bill1939's avatar

When I was younger, a strange sound would attract my attention but not startle or frighten me. I would quickly identify where it came from and what made it. Now, just about any unfamiliar sound causes be to jump. Oh, the joy of living a long life (LOL).

SnipSnip's avatar

Many many times.

smudges's avatar

So many times! I have an overly sensitive startle reflex.

janbb's avatar

I was staying alone in a gite in Giverny, France. I got in, went upstairs to the apartment and turned down the bed clothes prior to getting in. A very large black spider was in the middle of the bed. It was not harmful but it sure scared the bejesus out of me!

smudges's avatar

^^ I absolutely would not have slept there that night!

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