General Question

earthbound's avatar

Would you consider this being unfaithful while in a relationship?

Asked by earthbound (2points) December 1st, 2008

Taking a shower with someone who isn’t your significant other, but not touching or kissing each other.

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70 Answers

Perchik's avatar

In most cases yes…I could probably up with some hypothetical situation where it wouldn’t be (aka you are both fbi agents and ended up coated with poison that you had to shower immediately to not die…)

gailcalled's avatar

Perhaps not being unfaithful, but being very stupid.

jessturtle23's avatar

Uh, yeah. Would you like for your SO to shower with someone? Duh.

binary's avatar

Depends. If you know that it would hurt your significant other to know that you showered with someone else, then it really doesn’t mater what we—or you, for that matter—think on the matter. Take their feelings into consideration first… the whole “do unto others” methodology does not really work here, I wouldn’t think.

Edit: I’ll add that if this person is of a gender that you do not share a sexual orientation with (for example, if you’re a straight male showering with another male in a locker room) then it will probably affect the matte. I shouldn’t think that it would matter as much as showering with someone you could show sexual feelings with, such as (in the above situation) a female. Again, though, put yourself in the other’s shoes.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I think it’s okay if:

A) you’re clothed, like at a waterpark or something and
B) this person is a very good friend of yours and your SO understands the relationship you have with this person.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I think it depends on who the other person was: was it a friend? a sports team acquaintance? an ex? a sexually attractive person?

A lot of it has to do with the relationship between you and the other person, and what your significant other thinks of it. But do remember that, essentially, regardless of the shower partner, it’s an intimate situation that could be considered pretty racy.

chelseababyy's avatar

It’s only okay if your significant other knows and approves. Put yourself in their shoes

nocountry2's avatar

Guess what? If you have to ask…..

gailcalled's avatar

Why would you even consider it, unless you are in an area with a severe water shortage? Then everyone should shower ensemble.

lynzeut's avatar

Is this a real situation or is it hypothetical?

aprilsimnel's avatar

What happened, exactly? Every situation is different.

earthbound's avatar

This is enitrely hypothetical. I’m just simply wondering.

babiturtle36's avatar

It’s not ok. You’re naked with someone else. If I came home to my boyfriend telling me that he took a shower with another person, it would be over. I don’t care if they didn’t touch. They shouldn’t be in that situation to begin with.

adri027's avatar

Hell no it’s not ok!!!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Let’s not go down this path again, please. Enough with pseudo double-blind head game cheating questions.

EmpressPixie's avatar

In the vast majority of cases: Yes, that is cheating.

In some very specific, very strange cases: No, that’s fine. But all of these cases include talking to your partner before doing it. Unless, as previously noted, it is a matter of life or death. In which case you talk about it directly after your life is saved.

pasca's avatar

Totally not okay. Naked or not.

Edit: Totally agree with AlfredaPrufrock also.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Also: was it just done to get clean and be done with it, saving time or something? Or were there other intentions?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Nope, not okay.

chelseababyy's avatar

@alfreda, I’m right there with you. No more

Judi's avatar

pretty bad, unless you brought your baby in the shower with you or something. I can’t think of another legit reason.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my significant other inches away from another dudes naked junk. Especially in the shower. Taking a shower with someone of the opposite sex is usually some what of an intimate thing, despite if there is any kissing or touching.

RandomMrdan's avatar

How pleased would you be if you came to find out your significant other was showering naked with someone of the opposite sex? Most people would say, pretty upset…seems like a no brainer to me. I’d be pretty steamed about it.

Overshard's avatar

Depends on the situation IMO, but in most societies this would be considered being unfaithful.

Jeruba's avatar

Unfaithful? Strictly speaking, no, not unfaithful.

Entirely inappropriate behavior for a person who’s in a relationship? Absolutely and without question. I’d say that’s a person who doesn’t know the meaning of being in a relationship and is not ready to be in one.

Judi's avatar

“Depends on what the meaning of the word “is ” is.” W.J. Clinton

lynzeut's avatar

If my husband came home to find me in the shower with another girl, I’m sure he would just join us. kidding

EmpressPixie's avatar

Okay, I’m still having trouble figuring out an okay scenario. In theory, I could see showering with my male best friend. We’ve neither one ever been attracted to each other and have slept together (not sex, sleeping) about a billion, million times. It’s just not an issue. But I can’t think of a situation in which we would NEED to. And even if we did, I’d talk to the boyfriend about it first just to make sure he wouldn’t mind. And I mean, if you didn’t need to, why would you want to? Unless there are extreme circumstances.

Like someone was crying in the shower and the other person joined to comfort. But then you don’t usually strip down to join. If the comfort is needed that quickly, then the stripping is unnecessary. Or at least underwear should stay on so that it is clear the purpose is comfort not… other things.

So I guess, what is the scenario here where two people are showering together? Because unless they want each other, why would they bother? In which case—yes, it’s cheating. Unless there are outlying circumstances, but then why are they both undressed?

I’ve shared a shower or two and it’s annoying. The spray usually isn’t big enough, you have to take turns, you might get cold, the other person might be a shower hog, you probably don’t want the water at the same temp. Unless there is damned good reason, why bother?

PupnTaco's avatar

Well, fuck yes I’d call that crossing a pretty major line.

Allie's avatar

I don’t think that’s okay at all.

galileogirl's avatar

Are y’all having water shortage?

wildflower's avatar

If there’s no touching – are we talking showering together as in a gym changing room type scenario?
I would not consider that cheating.
In fact, if there’s nothing ‘funny’ going on and the showering is for practical purposes, I wouldn’t consider it cheating…......just hygiene (which is still OK when in a relationship – in fact it’s encouraged)

bythebay's avatar

It’s like fluther is the new Cheaters Anonymous question board.

mzgator's avatar

If you have to ask a group of total strangers this question, you already know it’s not right.

If you really thought it was totally ok, you wouldn’t be asking.

dalepetrie's avatar

What do you mean, professional atheletes do it all the time?

Perchik's avatar

This question is completely hypothetical. We can all come up with cases where it’d be fine, but honestly, it doesn’t matter because the poster just wanted to know hypothetically.

jca's avatar

not ok to me.

cwilbur's avatar

It would depend on the circumstances of the showering.

I have been in a shower with three or four other men, and my partner didn’t consider it cheating. It probably helped that it was in a locker room at the time.

I can’t come up with a good scenario where two people would wind up together in a conventional bathroom shower without some hanky-panky being involved, though.

jca's avatar

i should have said “not ok to me if it was a gender that was attractive to my significant other.”

dalepetrie's avatar

This reminds me…back in the day when satellite dishes were 6 feet wide and did not require a monthly service fee, I was a teenager and my cousins had one of these, and whenever I was over there and all our parents were out of the house we’d search through various satellites until we found some porn. So, we’re watching this one movie, this sex scene lasts somewhere upwards of 20 minutes, but right around the time when you’d expect the money shot, the guy pulls out and tells the woman, “I can’t do this…I can’t cheat on my wife.” Aparently blowing his wad in her presence would have been crossing a line…I’m certain had the character been a real person, he would have had no problem finishing himself off in the bathroom, then it wouldn’t have counted.

Yes, I know this is a fictional character and all, but I have to imagine that there are people who have done something very similar to this, whose personal definition of where one crosses the line goes quite a bit farther than the mainstream. I think it tends to boil down to the fact that most of us have an amazing capacity to convince ourselves of whatever we want to believe, even if no one would objectively agree with them.

If you think about it, how many married guys ocassionally whack off to porn? Isn’t that being “intellectually” unfaithful? I mean, you’re deriving sexual pleasure from the images and actions of a person who is not your spouse, right? But yet, the lack of the physical presence of the other person means that no matter what your thoughts and actions may be, you’re not really crossing a line. I’d venture a guess that while some would say this is a form of cheating, most would say it’s not really the same.

Yet, if one is in the presence of another person in a situation that “could” become sexual, but neither party is interested in it going there, everyone suddenly says it IS cheating, even though we have intent to receive sexual gratification in the porn situation, but no intent in say the shower situation, the difference being the physical presence of the other person, which lends itself to the physical ability to have sex, intent and desire seem strangely to be less important than proximity it would seem.

So, where does that leave strippers? Married guys (and women) go to see strippers, you have a completely naked person gyrating inches from you, touching you, acting in a very sexual way, and what do you do with that, either pleasure yourself or pleasure your spouse afterwards (assuming of course the clubs where you see strippers are not of the variety where anything can be had for a price). The line for cheating there seems to be that you remain clothed while that person is not, or perhaps more specificially there are safeguards in place to keep fantasy from becoming reality (at least theoretically).

So if we’re to draw a line in the sand, what line are we drawing? That two people who are of the sexual persuasion to be attracted to each other, regardless of whether they actually are or not, actually physically view each other while both are without clothing in a situation where hypothetically they could engage in intercourse, then it’s not OK, but if you somehow remove the hypothetical ability for actual physical congress to occur, then it is OK? Again, one could bring up strippers in the “girl behind glass” scenario where indeed there could even be two naked people pleasuring themselves, however, the physical separation (and the laws prohibiting sex for money) prevent actual sexual acts.

It would seem that intellectual desire to derive sexual pleasure from a person who is not your spouse is considered to be a natural human state (which is to be fair a hormonal/biological imperative of the species), in other words the difference is whether or not one takes physical action on the inate desire, or denies the baser instinct in favor of the marital commitment, and that makes sense. And one can do any number of things as long as they do not cross the line between intellectual/fantasy, and physical/reality. So to put one’s self in the place where that line could be crossed, even if there was no specific intent to cross it would seem to be an unacceptable behavior, and that too seems fair because what one intends to do fully clothed can change fairly quickly when one is met with certain forms of temptation.

Which begs the question, would it be impossible for two heterosexual people of the opposite sex, neither of whom was in any way obviously hideous to the other so as to be completely undesirable even if made completley available to the other party, to see each other naked and not acknowledge or act on any desires which may catch them off guard? Well, it is theoretically possible…it is tempting the fates, but it is possible. I would venture a guess that more happily married people would believe themselves to be capable of resisting such temptation than would actually be able to do it. Indeed, one could construct a scenario where the uninvolved spouse might actually approve of putting the spouse in such a situation to test his/her loyalty. Morality is an interesting and very subjective thing and I’d say the only opinions that really matter on the subject are three or four people…the two doing the showering and the spouse(s) of the one/those doing the showering. In a situation such as the one I described above (the test of loyalty), perhaps all parties would agree it is NOT cheating if nothing happens.

That having been said, no, I probably won’t be showering with any women other than my wife.

Trance24's avatar

First of all, why on earth where you showering with someone who isn’t your significant other?

Second YES I would consider it to be very unfaithful. For one thing you are both naked regardless of whether you or not your touching or kissing. Second don’t you think that would look just a bit odd to your SO? Three other naked women/men that are not in a magazine or porno are considered to be in the forbidden zone. Whether its just seeing them naked or touching them naked. Its just the rules.

Trance24's avatar

I just noticed your comment about how this is a hypothetical situation, so there fore I retract my previous statement of “why you were showering with someone else?”

wildflower's avatar

I don’t get how so many people are so convinced that being naked around someone other than your SO would be cheating. Am I really naive to think it’s possible to be naked around someone without it being sexual??
My opinion is:
Emotional/sexual intimacy with someone other than your SO = cheating!
Naked around others ≠ romantic/sexual intimacy per se
Showering ≠ romantic/sexual intimacy per se

So, given the hypothetical circumstances of showering, but not touching or kissing, I’m going to say it’s most likely not cheating

syz's avatar

Is this Steve?

Trance24's avatar

@Wildflower if your SO was in the shower with the opposite sex how would you feel?

wildflower's avatar

@Trance: no different than if he was at a nude beach talking to other women.

Trance24's avatar

@Wildflower A nude beach is far different from a shower. On a nude beach everyone is virtually naked, its in public, its not suspicious. One on one in the shower with someone, now thats suspicious and not faithful.

wildflower's avatar

Guess I’m just kinda stuck on that bit where it said there was no physical contact and because of that I find it hard to see how it crosses the “look-but-don’t-touch” line…..

gailcalled's avatar

Imagine the size of shower stalls, other than the open ones in gyms or locker rooms. Now imagine two naked people in one of them and the movement of arms, legs, shampoo, soap, rotation to get both front and back clean; now imagine how impossible it would be to not make contact.

However, if you are used to, comfortable with, and long accustomed to hanging around with groups of nudies, then I can, perhaps, understand. Perhaps.

jca's avatar

i agree with trance24 wholeheartedly.

wildflower's avatar

If noone got their ‘jollies’ – I wouldn’t file for divorce over a shower. I’d question it, certainly, but I wouldn’t consider it infidelity (mostly because we’ve never discussed the boundaries around showering with others….and I don’t think we’re likely to)

bythebay's avatar

The real question should just be WHY would you be taking a shower with someone other than your SO???? That would probably answer your own question.

dlm812's avatar

If you have to ask yourself that question, then yes, it is being unfaithful. If you in ANY way feel guilty, or doubt/regret that decision to do so, it is being unfaithful. There are many different degrees to unfaithfulness.

Mizuki's avatar

Will your S.O. be watching through a peep hole of sorts? That would be OK, as well as a turn on I guess.

Breanna93's avatar

I would have to say yes. Although you may not be doing anything your SO doesn’t know that(if they ever found out).

Siren's avatar

Not okay, in my opinion.

tb1570's avatar

i would not be ok w/ it.

punkrockworld's avatar

What the hell? How do you just end up showering with someone? And how do you even ask if that’s cheating. Ugh of course it is.
Showering is an intimate thing..

bigbanana's avatar

uhh I’m sorry can you clarify something for me?
in this shower “scenario” are you:
a)at camp – as either a camper or counselor?
b) in a locker room in an open stall?
c)with a parent?
e)rationalizing the shit out of cheating?

bythebay's avatar

@bigbanana: You may never get your answer because they asked this 3 mos ago and then never came back again. ;P

Alegio618's avatar

Not ok. Ever.

justus2's avatar

Depends on if the SO was ok with it or not.

shortysith's avatar

unless you live in an area with a severe water shortage or a community where there is open nudity and communal showering everyda, then hell no haha.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I think anything that makes you feel guilty should be considered unfaithful.

maccmann's avatar

Are you willing to share this information with your SO? If not = wrong.

I remember this ancient lady in a school film I saw when I was a kid who when asked any advice she could give to the kids listening to her tell them allegories and anecdotes in the film said, “Don’t ever do anything that you would tell your mother about.”

Simple but wise words indeed. Just replace “mother” with “SO” and there you have it.

Trance24's avatar

@maccmann Just a heads up you put “would tell your mother” =] Just being helpful

maccmann's avatar

@Trance24 DOH! yeah…what she said WOULDN’T tell your mother. I’d go back and edit it but it won’t let me.

GrumpyGram's avatar

Craziness. Took a shower together but we’re to believe that no touching was involved? It doesn’t matter if they didn’t “do anything” or not because They WILL ! This is just foreplay; they’re kidding themselves but not kidding me! lol It’s just semantics. I call it getting warmed up for an affair. Brother.

ItsAHabit's avatar

You must be a monk or a nun to be able to do this without touching. Even if you didn’t touch, I have to consider it cheating.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

If your SO approves then it’s not unfaithful.

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