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Adina1968's avatar

Hotmail Question!

Asked by Adina1968 (2752points) December 2nd, 2008

Has anyone ever had trouble recieving email through Hotmail? People I used to get email from through my account now suddenly I don’t recieve their mail. It is driving me nuts! If anyone knows a way to solve my problem I will be very greatful!

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3 Answers

blakemasnor's avatar

Before I got on fluther it wouldn’t let me reply to any mail

answerjill's avatar

You’ve checked your junk mail folder to make sure that important stuff is not ending up there? Also, check to make sure that you did not inadvertently set your account to block emails from certain addresses or domains.

cardsinner's avatar

I’ve been having that problem, too. Never know what e-mails I’m not getting.

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