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emilyrose's avatar

Dream analysis time!

Asked by emilyrose (2272points) December 4th, 2008

I know you guys love this. Last night, I think due to some terribly cheap vodka, I had some crazy dreams. One was of my right hand being all cut up and swollen, it had nearly tripled in size. I kept looking at the gash in my hand and wondering if I needed stitches. I think I remember it hurting in the dream. What might that mean? Not sure if it’s important or not, but my mom has some crazy clumsiness with knives and sharp things. She is NOT allowed to carve the turkey. My mom did not appear in my dream though, but the cut up hand reminds me of her because she is always cutting herself, sticking her hand through windows accidentally, etc : ) It’s kind of funny actually.

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21 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

You are turning into your MOM! Run! Quick! While there’s still time!

sorry, couldn’t resist

Judi's avatar

Daloon is probably right. As we get older and catching ourselves doing what our parents did it can be creepy. My daughter told me she freaked out the other day when she caught herself saying to her son “You’re crusin’ for a brusin’ kid!” She screamed, “I’m turning into my mother!!”

fireside's avatar

A similar thing happened to Luke Skywalker when he had issues with his father.

Some people equate the right side of the body in dreams with the conscious mind while the left is the unconscious. Given that, this would seem to indicate that you are consciously aware of a situation in which you feel careless and may potentially be hurt.

skfinkel's avatar

Were you sleeping in a position where your hand was hurting? Not getting enough circulation? Sometimes that can cause a person to dream about the “pain.”

Trustinglife's avatar

I resonate with what Fireside said about the right side of the body being about your conscious mind. This makes sense here especially if you’re a righty.

If this were my dream… I’d look at what I am consciously working on in my life (and using my right hand to make happen). I’d ask myself how that activity was getting thwarted – cut up and swollen. And if it reminded me of my mom, I’d ask myself how I’m being like my mom in that particular situation. What do you think of that line of reasoning?

Zaku's avatar

I think your drunken stupor had you lying on your hand in an unusual way while asleep. Also you may be avoiding accepting your and your mother’s mortality and physicality – perhaps you normally don’t let yourself think and accept the inevitability of death and suffering or yourself and those you love.

emilyrose's avatar

Actually now that you guys bring up the actual physical pain thing I think I did wake up with my arm asleep from a weird position. I had forgotten that until now. The other stuff isn’t really ringing any bells, except the mom symbolism in some way. I rarely see my mom because she is on the east coast and I am in CA, and we had a really great time at Thanksgiving. I find myself missing her a lot, especially given that our relationship was very rocky until just a few years ago.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I would not usually interpret your dream as being about your mother, except for the fact that the dream reminded you of her. Remember, it’s your dream, so what it means to you is what we are trying to decipher. Did you make the association with her as soon as you woke up, or did your mom’s clumsiness with sharp objects only come to mind after you wracked your brain trying to interpret your dream?

emilyrose's avatar

Um… I can’t remember if it was right away but it probably was. It really is a family joke that comes up a lot. Also, for her birthday (same week as thanksgiving) I had made her a series of paintings that had funny messages about her and one of them was about cutting herself. She once cut all the way through her hand when carving a pumpkin! So its something I associate with her a lot.

Another thing about the dream was that looking at the hand it kept changing, looked different up close than when I held my hand out. I also kept wondering “do I need stitches?” One minute I would think I did, the next I didn’t.

Judi's avatar

I can see the panting now Titled “My mom is Emo.”

emilyrose's avatar

@ Judi—not sure I get it : )

emilyrose's avatar

OH! Yeah she’s not Emo like that, just clumsy and at least at the holidays, maybe a bit tipsy and not the best candidate for turkey carving!

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I would interpret your dream as being about your mother, then. Wondering if you need stitches is wondering if your relationship with your mother needs to be repaired. The hand changing appearance is the relationship changing and evolving.

emilyrose's avatar

Hm…. I like that!

Trustinglife's avatar

I’ve learned that all the characters in my dream are aspects of me. So another possibility is that this could all be about what your mom REPRESENTS to you. It could even be your internal mother or nurturer. And if that keeps getting cut, what could that be about?

It’s also interesting to me that you kept wondering “do I need stitches?” Maybe you need to do some repairing and “typing up loose ends” with your own self-nurturing.

Thanks for letting us in on your life in this way!

McBean's avatar

Hands and feet in dreams symbolize the way we locomote through life. Jungian interpretation would suggest that you are aware (even on a subconscious level) that the way you are moving through life needs some attention. Not necessarily that you’re doing anything wrong, just that you should keep your eyes open. (Maybe new opportunities are around the corner!)

SeventhSense's avatar

Did you follow that thread about the guy who cut himself yesterday?

SeventhSense's avatar

Oh because that was a pretty graphic injury (cutting) question.

robaccus's avatar

Your identification with/differentiation from your mother hurts – a little. This gashes are splits – seperations. You are wondering if it needs stitches. It is a dream about breaking away – flying the nest, or not.

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