General Question

Elumas's avatar

What was the most memorable event of the year for you?

Asked by Elumas (3170points) December 30th, 2008

Any event this year.

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13 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

April 19. Milo arrived.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

The very unexpected snowstorm. Because it wasn’t just the snowstorm that was unexpected – it was also everything that happened during it.

lizarrrrd's avatar

sometime between september and october.

Elumas's avatar

When you met me of course.

Mine would be my first day at work.

lizarrrrd's avatar

not necessarily.

Jeruba's avatar

Personally, it was the death of my mother.

Publicly, it was election night. Specifically, 9 p.m. PDT.

augustlan's avatar

Obama. Midnight EST.

2late2be's avatar

June 10th. I got pregnant after only 2 months of being planned and trying! 29 weeks right now!

augustlan's avatar

@Jeruba: I’m sorry about your loss.

@2late2be: Congratulations to you.

seVen's avatar

Israel’s 60th Birthday.
Athough I’m not an Israeli I think it was most important for me due to the fact I fallow what’s going on in that Biblical piece of the world.

Jeruba's avatar

Oooh, I guess it was PST, not PDT, wasn’t it? Thanks, @August. And thanks.

PupnTaco's avatar

Obama’s election tied with me getting a winning spot in a prestigious illustration competition.

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