General Question

EmpressPixie's avatar

Do you ever ask questions just so you, yourself, can answer them?

Asked by EmpressPixie (14760points) January 5th, 2009
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19 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

Unashamedly: yes.

Harp's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

Don’t we all? ;)

shadling21's avatar

Mmmmhmmmm though I try to hide it.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I would do, but I don’t know anything.

scamp's avatar

Not really no. I have asked question I wanted to discuss, but I didn’t know the answer.

SoapChef's avatar

Thanks for ‘outing’ me EP! :0)
flutherbation, thats funny

EmpressPixie's avatar

@shadling: Me too (re: hiding it). This wasn’t one of them, but I figured with it, I was required to answer immediately.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Not quite, but I do ask questions just for affirmation from others…

queenzboulevard's avatar

I’ve thought about that before, so usually I try not to answer my own questions.

One of them that was really noticeable to me was “What are your most hilarious Youtube Videos?” In the details the poster named like 15 videos of his own. I was like oh I thought this question was for the rest of us..

No offense to the person that posted that question, it’s just that I assumed the reason he asked the question is because he wanted some new hilarious videos to watch…not just to give the rest of us his own funny vids.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@queenz: I think sometimes it can be both. When I do it, it is usually a very open question because I want to answer, but I figure that if I do, someone else must want to as well! A little give and take, if you please.

squirbel's avatar

I asked the question: “What is a gamer?”

While I have my own succinct definition, I have not answered the question. I believe doing so is counter-productive to gathering information, because you taint others. Some people are impressionable and will try to please the OP to get lurve.

All of my questions, except a select few, were treated in this manner.

tigran's avatar

I like to believe we all know the answers to our questions, so asking yourself a question is a good start to find an answer! What would Socrates do?

mea05key's avatar

i would sometimes ask question that i know i could answer it but i want to hear other people response on it.Those questions do not have exact answer so everyone can put down their opinion. i might somehow find a new idea from those answers.

lunabean's avatar

all the time! it’s quite entertaining i must say.

augustlan's avatar

Only one. Though I ask some open-ended questions that I want to discuss, and do participate in those threads.

wundayatta's avatar

If I know the definitive answer to a question, I really don’t see the point in asking it. If I want other peoples take on something that I have a take on, I’ll ask it, but I may or may not chime in later. Usually I’ll summarize or clarify (for some reason, I don’t seem to ask my questions very clearly), and throw in a bit of opinion at the same time. And there are occasions when I find myself going on at length on one of my questions, but that is usually in reaction to what other people have said, so I don’t consider that asking so I can answer.

mrdh's avatar

Yes. I am pedantic.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Ill ask open ended questions that i will answer, but i ask them to get everyone elses POV. But i would never ask any kind of factual question that i already knew. That would be a waste of fluthers awesomeness.

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