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tennesseejac's avatar

And how do you get Dick out of Richard?

Asked by tennesseejac (3778points) January 14th, 2009

And who would rather be Dick than Richard, nicknames are suppose to be better.

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45 Answers

cage's avatar

Tricky Dicky

Jamspoon's avatar

Ask him nicely?

richardhenry's avatar

Leave me alone. What did I ever do to you?

Bluefreedom's avatar

With a crowbar?

cage's avatar

You’re in my avatar for christsake, you attention-whore!

richardhenry's avatar

Cage is on the money:

Back in the days of Old and Middle English, everything was written by hand; “it was therefore common and easier to use agreed-upon abbreviations.” An example of an abbreviation was “Ric.” for “Richard”.

The abbreviations led to diminutives, such as “Rick”.

Rhyming nicknames were fairly common in the 12th and 13th centuries, such as “Hick” and “Dick” from “Rick”. “Dick and Hick were among the earliest of the rhyming nicknames, first appearing in writing around 1220. Other rhyming nicknames include Polly from Molly, Bob from Rob (from Robert), Bill from Will (from William); and Hodge from Roger.”

Dick has remained a nickname for Richard. ”‘Hick’ has thankfully become obsolete, except when tied to ‘Dick’ in rhymes such as ‘Hickory, Dickory, Dock.’”


asmonet's avatar

@richardhenry: Wow, you have a list of winner names there buddy.

tennesseejac's avatar

@dickhenry: That sucks. Do you know When they start calling penises Dicks?

cage's avatar

When he came along, and they were like. God he’s such a cock… stupid dick.

asmonet's avatar

@cage: G freaking A!


tennesseejac's avatar

Why are dick’s considered stupid? That is a bad stereotype, I think I have a smart one.

cage's avatar

@tennesseejac if your penis had a voice it would be like
“duhhh me want woman WOMAN STAND TO ATTENTION!!! d’aww she go away now :( me think about woman STAND TO ATTENTION!”

tennesseejac's avatar

Yeah, but he can tell if she’s cute with just one eye, and he’s smart enough to know that oh shit that was a guy. I know he has a brain and I think he’s good at math, because c’mon stand buddy stand that was two ladies in the bath.

Allie's avatar

Poor Richard. So much abuse.

tennesseejac's avatar

@richardhenry Yeah, sorry dude I couldn’t resist. Thanks for the awesome answer.

simone54's avatar

And how do you get Dick out of Richard?

You just pull it out.

simone54's avatar

Oh someone already did my joke.

asmonet's avatar

Hick Dick fails. I like how insulting it is though.

augustlan's avatar

<< Had an older neighbor named Dick. Even if you’d used that your whole life, wouldn’t you change that shit in this day and age?

Jamspoon's avatar

The US had a vice president named Dick—didn’t seem to bother him much, though I suppose he might be considered a special case.

augustlan's avatar

@richardhenry You don’t really go by Dick, do you?

richardhenry's avatar

@augustlan Naw. Richard, or some people call me Richie.

augustlan's avatar

I am so relieved. For you. ;)

cage's avatar

@richardhenry I have never ever met someone call you richie.

cage's avatar

@richardhenry oh and apparently, Allie is not a slut anymore. strange huh

Allie's avatar

@cage I don’t think that’s so strange at all… Hmpf…

cage's avatar

@Allie luff you :)

Allie's avatar

@cage Yeah, yeah.. <2

LostInParadise's avatar

If we are talking about Cheney then I think it is a permanent condition.

judochop's avatar

I knew a man named Richard O’Hare. People called him Dick. My grandma could not say the O part of his last name right and she introduced him at a dinner once as Dick Hare. My cousins and I were about 12. You know how hard it is to keep food in your mouth when you’re laughing that hard?

cage's avatar

@judochop nice story. Shame his last name wasn’t Cheez or something :)

tennesseejac's avatar

what about the real life racecar driver Dick Trickle, why in the world would you want that nickname?

Maybe my pals Richard Head and Richard Butter decide to go to the nickname../

cage's avatar

“Good morning Jeeves”
“Good morning Master Bates”

tennesseejac's avatar

@cage is that a reference to that Richard Pryor movie? If so, nice one.

cage's avatar

@tennesseejac yeah! sure. why not…

tennesseejac's avatar

@cage ok so i just read on the other thread that you are 19. That movie came out in like 1985, but its awesome. There is this rich kid whose last name is Bates so the butler calls him Master Bates. “Would you like some tea Master Bates?”

cage's avatar

“I think I’ll just stick with the free wank today Jeeves”
“very well sir”
*Jeeves bends over to toss Master Bates off with his pearly white gloves (one hand behind his back if you can imagine him bowing)

robmandu's avatar



I thought that the British, by definition, could not be Hicks. Purely a south of the Mason-Dixon line kind of thing.

OTOH, with these Master Baiter -type references at the end, my worldview will apparently need some adjustment.

Anyways, have a bloody brilliant day you bloody lot of soddin’ tossers! And you too, @hickrenry! ツ

tiffyandthewall's avatar

lol4rl @ this entire thread

jonsblond's avatar

Nice and slow.

come back tennessee! We miss you!

SeventhSense's avatar

True story..I knew a guy named Richard Long. His parents had a great sense of humor. If anyone would say his name, last name first, he would positively beam. :)

Strauss's avatar

Sometimes the “R” sound at the beginning, if r-r-rolled, can seem to be a “d-d-d” sound, so Rick would become Dick.

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