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GAMBIT's avatar

How long will it take before Americans start bad mouthing Obama and his Presidency?

Asked by GAMBIT (3958points) January 21st, 2009

Are we ever satisfied with our leaders?

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36 Answers

pekenoe's avatar

Unfortunately, yesterday.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I thought the same thing. It won’t take long. Some people aren’t happy unless they’re finding fault with someone or something.

tonedef's avatar

My mom was badmouthing his presidency two months ago. Many people need him to fail, so they know that they weren’t completely incorrect.

I’ve been tempted to make judgments based on certain choices that he’s made (Rick Warren, maintaining a position against same-sex marriage despite earlier support), but I think that it’s not fair to make any conclusions until he actually serves a little bit of time.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Right-wing pinheads started before he won the election. Everybody else will give him a month to two years, depending on the ratio of grey to brown matter in their cranial cavities.

basp's avatar

Already I have heard accusations that he has broken the law because of Mrs. Biden’s remark on a tv talk show.
Coming from a bush supporter I found the accusation to be a desparate attempt to discredit Obama.

forestGeek's avatar

As soon as idiot lazy Americans realize that he is not doing, fixing and changing everything we expect him to!

Hope is that someday all will realize that one man is unable to single-handedly change the the country, and that we all must hold our government accountable, change our bad habits and work together for change!

pekenoe's avatar

@forestGeek : suppose there is a chance that will ever happen? Before we self destruct preferably.

forestGeek's avatar

@pekenoe – not very likely! :)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@forestGeek, great post. You have it in a nut shell!

seekingwolf's avatar

There are critics everywhere we go. There will never be a leader that is unanimously liked. It’s sort of a fact of life I suppose.

I was badmouthing Obama for a freaking long time. I am trying to give him a chance. Some of my Republican friends, though, are not.

but mark my words, if he under-performs and breaks his promises, nothing will stop me from bashing him

Judi's avatar

I love Obama, but I always get scared when no one is questioning authority. Criticism is good for a healthy democracy.

onesecondregrets's avatar

For really “ignorant” Americans? Before he became president.
For slightly “ignorant” Americans? When/if they see he’s producing no positive change for our country.
For incredibly hopeful non-realist Americans? Never.
We got a mix of ‘em all.

seekingwolf's avatar

Awesome answer! Totally agree with you there!

scamp's avatar

I won’t say anything either good nor bad for quite some time. He made us feel hopefull during the campaign, and I hope he follows through. When it comes to any politician, I think of the old saying by Miguel de Cervantes: The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

So I’ll reserve comment for now.

bodyhead's avatar

I mean come on, what’s the worst he could do? Plunge the economy into the largest recession in my lifetime? Go to war with a country that didn’t attack us? Give millions of dollars of contracts to his best friends? Man, I would consider his presidency a humoungous failure if he did any one of those things.

Judi's avatar

Remember right after 9/11 when everyone was afraid of looking “unpatriotic” if they opposed Bush’s decision to go to war?
I totally agree with everything Obama stands for and wholeheartedly support him. I also think that people who disagree have a responsibility to voice their concerns. Disagreeing with your president when it is unpopular to do so is probably more patriotic than blindly following his lead. We have Bush to thank for learning that lesson, at least I hope some have learned.
We can also thank people like Keith Olbermann and Barack Obama for having the guts to stand up and disagree before it was cool, and while congress and the press were silent.

paradesgoby's avatar

I don’t think we’ll ever have the perfect president but if we keep looking at politics through critical lenses then we’ll have a better picture of what the perfect president actually is!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i’m not going to lie and say that if mccain had been elected that i wouldn’t already be bashing him, though i would make a conscious effort to give him a chance. however, i think a whole lot of people are going to bad mouth obama not only because everyone has different opinions, but because of the outrageous expectations he’s gotten placed on him. i obviously expect him to do an outstanding job, but i think he will meet massive amounts of criticism every second he doesn’t make every promise come true. he shows a lot of confidence in his ideas and promises, but he is still a politician, and he is still a man, who has four years to undo an incredible amount of shit. i expect him to make mistakes, though not huge ones that worsen what’s already been done. but i expect him to not be able to live up to absolutely every thing he has said.

coemgn's avatar

Wait awhile for the real criticism to start.

When the real criticism begins it will be by the lunatic left that elected him. Remember, these are the ones that riot when something happens that they do not like. The criticism begins when his electorate realizes he will not deliver or cannot deliver on all his promises.

The so called ‘rightwing’, well, we will just wait for the next election for a peaceful transfer of power, the same way Obama became President.

bodyhead's avatar

That is such a load of crap coemgn. The right wing people I hang out with (I like to legally carry a gun so I mostly converse with republicans), are all waiting for Obama to screw up.

Now, maybe I’m in agreement with you unless you are making a racial remark against the LA riots. Are you saying that left wing people don’t like it when there’s a national failure in management that sends the economy into the shitter?

With that I agree with. I walk a middle line but right and left wing alike should at least speak out when huge failures like 9–11 happen and not one person is fired. If you hold the party line just to prove a non-existant point, then you are the scum of the earth whether you are a democrat or republican.

SeventhSense's avatar

Let’s take a trip back from today 100 years. It seems like all the problems comes from these Republicans and Democrats. And they seem so different on the surface? Quite peculiar….Vanilla or Chocolate. It’s still ice cream.
D, RR, DD, RR, D, RR, DD, R, D, DDDD, RRR, D.
It’s almost like there’s only two choices…oh wait there is only two choices. Here’s another one-
Would you like the burger or burger with cheese?
Ummmm….Can I get some fish and a salad…

DREW_R's avatar

I already have. ;)

DREW_R's avatar

Here is a challenge to all on here.
Watch “The Obama Deception”.
It isn’t just about Obama but qite afew administrations, both Democrat and Republican since 1913.

It is on

I double dog dare ya.

YARNLADY's avatar

Never. There is absolutely no way that a president who gets elected by barely half the vote will ever be excepted by the other half. Even in a landslide election, there will be plenty of bad mouthers to go around.

YARNLADY's avatar

@YARNLADY correction, excepted = accepted.

Strauss's avatar

@judi, you are absolutely correct. There were pundits (not pundants) who were blaming him for the economic troubles that occurred after the election before the inauguration.

@coemgn many on that right wing, meaning conservative extremists, would rather stnd by and see Obama and the Democrats fail, even if it means that that failure plunges the nation into as yet unseen or imagined turmoil.

Per your comment: ”...these are the ones that riot when something happens that they do not like…”
Just who is it you are referring to by “these”?

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@Yetanotheruser , they want to see him fail, but they aren’t standing by. They’re doing everything they can to make it happen. Teabags. Town Halls. I thought they were just a bunch of sore losers. Now they’re starting to scare me.

Strauss's avatar

@IchtheosaurusRex I agree. The insurance companies and their supporters are trying to make the so-called tea parties look like grass roots efforts. I like the term “Astro-turf” because it’s supposed to look and act just like real grass roots, but if you look at it closely you see that it is an artificial corporately-manufactured imitation.

Those who oppose Obama’s policies have every right to do so, and I respect each and every one of them, especially those who feel so strongly about things that they take the time to show up at these town hall meetings. But I truly believe they are being manipulated by the same fear that has ruled the US for the past eight years. (~steps off soapbox~)

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@Yetanotheruser , these people aren’t just showing up. They’re being sent there deliberately to disrupt the process. They don’t want meaningful dialog on the issue. They don’t want the legitimate participants to be able to participate at all. These are people who hate Obama because he represents change, or maybe even because his father was African. Not much to respect about that.

Like Steven Pearlstein, I hope this desperate effort proves to be their undoing. If the health care legislation comes through in any substantive way, they lose big. Any cred they have with middle Americans will be lost forever. The Republican party will go the way of the Whigs 200 years ago. And good riddance.

Strauss's avatar

@IchtheosaurusRex I don’t think the republican party is on the way out of existence, but I might be wrong. I think it has been on the way out of touch with the needs of the people for a long time. Some say the “Neo-conservative” movement has its roots back 40–45 years ago, with the likes of Barry Goldwater.

His famous quote from his acceptance speech in 1963: “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.+

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@Yetanotheruser , some of the conservatives I talk to say that Goldwater would not approve of what passes for conservatism today. I concur. The Neocons really got their start with Reagan. For example, he courted the Religious Right. Goldwater wanted nothing to do with them. He was more representative of the libertarian branch of conservatism, favoring individual rights and responsibilities over Great Society liberalism. He was not a whacko by any means. A lot of what he said back in the early 60s has been taken out of context. His extemporaneous comment about using low-yield nukes in Vietnam had more to do with the landslide he lost by than anything else. He was really an intelligent and interesting person. He just had the wrong ideas for the time.

Strauss's avatar

@IchtheosaurusRex Although I did not agree with him on most things, Goldwater was one conservative I truly respected. I do not think he was a crazy, I just did not agree with him. Another was William F. Buckley. He was a truly intelligent man, and even though I disagreed with much of what he wrote, it was truly thought provoking.

I agree with you about Reagan. He came to the presidency with the agenda, as you said, of politicizing the Religious Right, as well as busting the unions. His first union-buster was the firing of striking air traffic controllers and de-certification of PATCO, their union. Reagan, working with a Republican dominated Congress, later signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which provided “amnesty” for millions of undocumented aliens, mostly farm workers in the Southwest. This act for all practical purposes busted the United Farm Workers by providing a way for large corporate farm concerns to hire legal workers at minimum wage.

The union-busting (which weakened unions and kept wages low across the board), the alignment with the “Religious Right”(which led to the “politics from the pulpit” and single issue voters) and the relaxation or elimination of corporate regulation and tax code (which led to obscene executive salaries and benefits, as well as easy access to offshore facilities) set the stage for the problems we are facing now.

How can the current administration be blamed for this?

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

See if you can find Reagan and Bush (I and II) in here. Look for Clinton, too.

The high cost of government is the Republicans’ most egregious hypocrisy.

Nullo's avatar

People have been badmouthing Obama for over a year. You just never hear about it because a lot of the media outlets choose to focus on different things.

It’s interesting how people that @IchtheosaurusRex and @Yetanotheruser disagree with only do so because their inferior intellectual capacity prevents them from arriving at the same independent conclusions as themselves.~

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

What does it matter?

Ask yourself this:

What has Obama done any differently than the last President? He voted to continue the Patriot Act, he voted to continue unwarranted surveillance of American citizens under FISA, the bailouts continue, the draining of our treasury continues, the Federal Reserve Bank continues to refuse to be audited, both wars continue and the one in Afghanistan is being escalated.

The oligarchic predator class which has bought the fealty of our elected representatives through lobbyists is still draining your tax money into their pockets through bailouts, illegal war and the theft of other nations’ natural resources, no-bid military contracts, etc., and ineffective programs designed for failure like the health care bill that is so married to big Pharma and the insurance companies it’s beginning to look like one big useless HMO—what’s different?

There is only one political party in America with crypto-right and crypto-left factions to make it palatable for those that still believe this is a democracy. This unified party is facilitated by a mainstream media owned by a politically homogenous cartel of very large multinational corporations whose job it is to keep us divided amongst ourselves while we are being robbed wholesale and reduced to a third-world nation of underpaid, underinsured, understaffed workers desperate for jobs.

There is no real ideology involved here—that’s all a facade. What a bloody joke and it’s on us; the citizen, the taxpayer.

McCain would have done the exact same thing as Obama, only without the solid backing of a duped citizenry. Obama has the backing because of charm and education, but he works for the same people as all the rest since the very public and gruesome assassination of JFK which demonstrated to all national leaders in the western world that to not cooperate with the banking oligarchy means death.

We cannot have a democracy by the people and for the people with a private Reserve Banking system loyal to Wall Street and their global interests and not the American people, a mainstream press that spews infotainment in lieu of investigative reporting, a Washington lobbying structure that is weighted thoroughly on the side of the corporatocracy, and election campaign financing that converts perfectly good candidates into whores of the oligarchy.

Add to this an inefficient educational system that no longer teaches critical thinking, guaranteeing somnolent constituencies unequipped to derive fact from fallacy.

Change those things and we may get our democracy back.

rojo's avatar

And, once started, they never stopped badmouthing him. Still do to this day.

But, even after ten years of it (started about a year before he was elected) they still expected, and still expect, Liberals to “get over it” and accept that Trump is everybody’s President and “respect the office”.

Fat chance.

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