General Question

gimmedat's avatar

Is it acceptable to clip one's nails in public?

Asked by gimmedat (3951points) February 17th, 2009 from iPhone

I am in a professional collaboration meeting with educational facilitators (teachers) from across my local district. It happened again!! Someone whipped out the nail clippers and started clipping away! I find this annoying and rude. I hate the sound of nail clippers, and it just makes me wonder where the dirty nail clippings are ending up. Is public nail clipping something that annoys you? Grooming needs to happen at one’s home. Fluthering, however, is good to be done anywhere!

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27 Answers

Judi's avatar

ewwww! how rude! I guess education didn’t do much for them!

eponymoushipster's avatar

that is one of the single most disgusting things you can do in public, especially if you let the clippings fall where they may.

i had someone once clip their nails IN MY CAR and LEAVE the clippings on the floor mat. disgusting.

i feel the same way about men using electric razors in public areas. do it at home, in the bathroom. get up 10 minutes earlier.

erincollins's avatar

Ew that is so gross! Agreed, that should never be done in public….. no matter what!

Adina1968's avatar


blondie411's avatar

gross, these two guys clip their fingernails in my office. I think the sound is like nails on a chalkboard. I’m just so thankful it isn’t their toenails!

Lost_World's avatar

No, just no.

imhellokitty's avatar

looks like we all agree – nail clipping is not to be done in public. I too have a guy that does it in the office, usually while he’s on a conference call. I wonder how long it will be before he takes out those scissors made to clip nose hairs! Ewwww.

aprilsimnel's avatar

No. Grooming in public generally is a no-no, aside from briefly applying makeup or lip balm or something like that.

gimmedat's avatar

I am so relieved to get so many equally disgusted responses! I have noticed more people clipping their nails in public, and I thought I was being easily grossed out. Now I know that we who Fluther have heightened sensibilities and refinement.

loser's avatar

Ew! No way!!! I hate when people start clipping away on the bus! It’s one thing if you happen to have a hangnail or something that’s really bothering you and can be fixed with a quick little clip, but wiping out a whole set of 10 is something else entirely!!! Rude!!!

eponymoushipster's avatar

just wait – someone will eventually pull up a foot and start clipping toenails in public, just because this topic came up.

steelmarket's avatar

There you go, @gimmedat – take @imhellokitty ‘s comment and run with it. Next time the clippers come out, whip out the little mirror, the little scissors, and tackle the nose. Maybe they will get the point. If not, pull up the shirt and start to work on those belly hairs.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@steelmarket he could always delint the belly button in front of him too. screams classy.

tb1570's avatar

Yeah, man, that’s just plain nasty!
So, what to do?

augustlan's avatar

No. There was a question on here a long time ago about a guy doing it at a table in a restaurant! Double eww!

loser's avatar

I think that would call for a great big, “Do you mind?!!”

dynamicduo's avatar

Yeah that’s gross. Fingernail clipping, like stray hair plucking, is done in the bathroom during hygiene time, not in the company of others.

onesecondregrets's avatar

That’s inappropriate. If it were a child doing this, okay. An adult? Should know better. And if they don’t think it’s inappropriate then social realms are a little off in their head apparently.

skfinkel's avatar

No. I also think it should be done out of sight of the people with whom one lives.

augustlan's avatar

It doesn’t bother me in the house, as long as they clean up after themselves.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I used to have a boss who did that. His office was right down the hall from mine & we’d all make fun of it. You could hear those nails popping everywhere. Finally one day I got up & looked around the door at him. He said “What?” I just shook my head at him. I don’t think he ever got it.

syz's avatar

Try picking your nose and sticking it to his clippers.

jbfletcherfan's avatar


Trustinglife's avatar

Consider me educated!

Not often, but occasionally, I would clip fingernails or (gasp!) toenails before playing Ultimate frisbee on the sidelines. Bad idea to have too long nails when playing. I had no idea people could be so disgusted by it! Good to know! I’ll think twice before doing that again.

samtheyankeesfan's avatar

oh, its not that bad, esp if the person cleans up after themselves! nail clippings are way down on the list of gross human detritus. plus, its equally gross to see unkempt nails vs. nice, neat hands.

nicobanks's avatar

I think all grooming should be done in the bathroom. That includes putting on makeup and brushing your hair. Nail-clipping in public is disgusting, although I see people doing it now and again. I suspect in other cultures it’s not such a no-no.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Not only is it absolutely repulsive (I am crying with tears of rage and disgust right now), but it can be a real sonofabitch if the clippings fly out and land on your eye.

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