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steelmarket's avatar

Who do you know that regularly gives you TMI?

Asked by steelmarket (3603points) February 19th, 2009

Too Much Information. Your mom? Your boss? Your….

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25 Answers

redsfan1324's avatar

My best friend. He consistently will say things like:


ten minutes later…

“I just took a shit.”


nebule's avatar

me… i give other people TMI…. it’s a matter of being intimate and honest

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I have no problem with TMI. Love to give it, love to get it.

By the way, I got and gave excellent head this morning…whoooppppss TMI

classyfied's avatar

My roommate. She will randomly tell me things that I do not need nor want to know. Like the other day she told me that she had been drinking a lot of fluids and her “pee was clearer than ever.”

blondie411's avatar

TMI…meh it is all about the sharing.

my best friend however was sharing quite loudly at a restaurant about the sexual escapades of friends recently, and how she needs sex, apparently she’s the only one not getting any…she didn’t notice the waitress staring at her waiting to ask us if we were ready to order.. whooopsie

nebule's avatar

@classyfied yep that’s exactly the kind of thing i do lol

EmpressPixie's avatar

My boyfriend’s best friend. But I give as good as I get.

Mtl_zack's avatar

I’m always giving TMI. I just let out these classic one liners that I regret later. Some of them stick around and become inside jokes.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’m generally not bothered by TMI, but I don’t give it either.

A couple summers ago my daughter & I were in a pizza place & had bought a pizza. The owner proceeded to tell us that he’d changed his recipe for the sauce. He said the other one he’d had gave him gas. We just looked at each other wide eyed. We didn’t need to know that!!! What a hoot! We still laugh at that.

jessturtle23's avatar

Daloon talking about his wet dreams :)

Mr_M's avatar

Gee. He must only tell YOU. We never hear about them! (Nor do we want to!) :)

jessturtle23's avatar

You must have missed his post.

Mr_M's avatar

This IS my lucky day!!!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’ve had to learn what actual TMI is, since when I was a kid, pretty much anything more than, “I’m doing fine, how are you?” was construed as TMI. “Don’t tell anyone your business!” was the watchword I grew up with; alas, that path leads to shallowness.

But bodily fluids and what not? Yeah, I’m uncomfortable with that. I had a friend who’d tell me when she was taking her phone in with her to the WC, and I’d say, “Friend, I did not need to know that.” And she’d say, “Well, I didn’t want you to wonder if your heard a flushing noise.”

Oh. OK.

augustlan's avatar

I’m not really bothered by TMI, giving it or getting it. The only thing that really bothers me if someone tells me every freakin’ detail of their mundane day. My mother used to call me every day and describe her day in minute detail. “I woke up at 7, no wait… it must have been closer to 7:30. I had eggs for breakfast…” and on and on and on!

blondie411's avatar

@augustlan that is how my mom is, she must think that is how someone tells stories to tell the details of every day in painstaking detail. To me that is TMI!

MrItty's avatar

One of my female friends from High School. She has no problems whatsoever telling the all the details of her sex life. ALL the details. Oy…

miss_meg's avatar

my co workers ugh hehe

tiffyandthewall's avatar

a bunch of my friends. i’m not really that bothered by it though, unless it’s just really boring and/or obnoxious. i usually just think it’s kind of funny

MacBean's avatar

I’m unceasingly curious about pretty much everyone and everything. To me, there is no such thing as TMI unless it makes me an accessory to a crime. I’m happy to hear whatever anybody cares to tell me.

As for giving too much info, most of the time I won’t offer up info on my own, but I’ll tell pretty much anything if asked.

Jack79's avatar

my aunt, who will go on and on about the recipe of the food I just refused to eat (5 minutes after lunch).

I do it too though.

KatawaGrey's avatar

It only bothers me if it’s someone I don’t know too well. I tend to head for the hills if I’ve known someone for a few days and I hear all about how she can’t get a boyfriend and how this guy she was talking to blocked her screen name and how she’s still a virgin… Ugh, I cut and run then.

However, if it’s a friend (not someone I just met) then it’s totally cool. I think I tend to be the one who gives out TMI, but I’m trying to get better. I’m beginning to realize that not all of my friend need to know the size and shape of my boyfriend’s penis…

shockvalue's avatar

TitsMcGhee :P

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