General Question

juwhite1's avatar

I'm just curious... why is it that people sometimes wake up with one armpit that is stinky and another that is nice and fresh?

Asked by juwhite1 (2971points) September 19th, 2009

I assume the same amount of deodorant in each armpit…

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17 Answers

mramsey's avatar

I don’t recall this ever happening to me. Maybe its just that I don’t check? But I would go with your theory on the amount of deodorant.

knitfroggy's avatar

I’ve never heard of that…I personally either smell good or stink on both sides at the same time.

Jude's avatar

Never heard of that.

dpworkin's avatar

Some axillary bacteria are ambidextrous, some are not.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’m assuming it’d depend on what side you sleep on, too. The one you’re laying on probably gets the sweatiest. just a guess

cyn's avatar

which one sweats more?

juwhite1's avatar

My husband has super-power abilities to have one armpit still smell like his scented deodorant, and the other stink up to high heaven in the morning. It alternates, but his sleeping patterns are pretty much the same. He rolls from one side to the other throughout the night. I can’t figure it out…

Maybe @jbfletcherfan is on to something if he has some sort of night sweats when he is on one side, then rolls to the other and the night sweats resolve.

Darwin's avatar

If you have a dog, perhaps the dog is licking one arm pit while you sleep, thus either removing the deodorant or the bacteria.

XOIIO's avatar

I’ve never had that, but ir seems that if you slept on your side, one armpit would sweat more than the other.

Judi's avatar

My sister had a boil under her arm once. The doctor lanced it and she bad really bad BO on that side for years later. Could be there is some sort of skin infection.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Does your husband sleep on his side with some of the sheet or clanket tucked under the stink arm? Maybe that’s rubbing the deodorant off.

dpworkin's avatar

If I had a clanket, I’d have it lanced.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@pdworkin I have tears rolling here

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@pdworkin: oh boy! I just saw this, sorry folks- 15hr shift is wearing on me. I’m crying and laughing at the same time but don’t dare show my boss.

juwhite1's avatar

He doesn’t tuck sheets or blankets under his arm, doesn’t seem to have any sort of infection, and we don’t have a dog that licks his armpits… I might have to settle for he’s just a bit odd if no one else ever notices this! Or, maybe it is just that he might sweat more while laying on one arm or the other, and work up a good stench before rolling over! Oh well… I lurve him anyway!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@juwhite1: Sometimes when we wake up, I notice the same thing about my SO. I always accused him of applying his deodorant unevenly, but now I’m not so sure!

knitfroggy's avatar

My dad’s sweat glands were clogged in one armpit and he didn’t sweat at all in that one and sweated profusely in the other. He had to use some special cream to get his pit glands unclogged. Maybe something like that is going on?

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