General Question

rguest's avatar and iTunes? Any point in using both?

Asked by rguest (201points) October 24th, 2009

I just discovered ( I know I’m late to the party) and I’m trying to figure out whether or not it is a useful thing to use, considering I am a heavy and loyal iTunes user. Is there any point to using AND iTunes?

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8 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

iTunes reports what you listen to They don’t do the same thing. I use both. When I start iTunes starts.

Other than reporting what you listen to. only is good good for streaming audio.

Eventually your page will look like this

cade's avatar

I began using almost two years ago. Although it hasn’t changed my listening experience it’s been interesting to observe my listening habits, plus I’ve met several people that I’ve found are my musical soul-mates through the site.

Foremost it’s a music networking site. If used regularly it may open you up to the discovery new music. Your homepage will recommend new artists to you based on what you already have in your library. You don’t need to visit the site often. will “scrobble” everything you’re listening to without you ever having to log into the site. Also, if you happen to own an MP3 player your plays with add your plays to your library on after it’s finished syncing.

I would recommend to people who really love music.

Sarcasm's avatar

Nah. No point in using both. drop iTunes of course

kellylet's avatar

you can log into last fm on any computer, like maybe at home & work and itunes does not share well with others.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

You still need a player to play your own music on your computer, sync PMPs, rip CDs, etc.. Personally, I have iTunes on my computer and scrobble to using iScrobbler rather than the official client (which went for months without supporting scrobbling iPod-played tracks a while back).

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Also, I’ve had a few flings with’s “radio” but I do not like it as it is not predictable, controllable or fine-tunable like Pandora’s is. Fortunately there is PandoraFM and LastPandora, which allow you to scrobble tracks listened to on Pandora to your account.

Essentially, all I use for is the community (Pandora’s is almost totally undeveloped) and for planning what live music to see. It’s powerful though. When you’ve got some scrobbles under your belt and find people with “Very High -” or “Super Compatibility” you are sure to get some good recommendations on what to listen to.

tiffyandthewall's avatar isn’t really much to use.
at least, not for me.
i have a that i scrobble my music to. i think it’s fun to see who i’ve been listening to the most – statistics and all that.
and it’s awesome for finding new artists.
i don’t think it’s anything like itunes though. i’d never compare the two. i think is like a sidekick.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I use both so I can scrobble onto my tags music I buy through iTunes that might not be available on Also, I like the feature on that shows what bands are coming to my area, there are usually links to get the tickets right then and there and also share the links with friends.

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