General Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

Why do people say there is opium in this pastry?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7991points) November 2nd, 2009 from iPhone

I had a lemon poppyseed muffin this morning, and a friend told me that if I took a drug test, that I would test positive.

Is that true? It seems completely ridiculous. Besides, if that was my excuse then they probably wouldn’t believe me.

yay for random but interesting questions!

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9 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

its true it’s just the seeds. if you have a positive, they go back and test the levels and you pass, but yes you will get a first positive for poppyseeds.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Poppyseeds make you test positive for opiates.

syz's avatar

There is no opium in your pastry, but poppy seeds are from the same family of plants and so can cause a positive test result.


troubleinharlem's avatar

@trailsillustrated ; so, in theory, I could eat a bunch of them and be ‘over’ the limit?

pinkparaluies's avatar

Yep. True true.

avvooooooo's avatar

A lot of poppyseeds would make you test positive. One muffin, however, won’t do it. You’d have to eat muffins for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack in between all three for an indeterminate number of days to test positive off of lemon poppyseed muffins. A initial false positive might happen (as a remote possibilty) but you would not have an issue with a more advanced test.

Your friend doesn’t need to believe everything she hears.

trailsillustrated's avatar

no, you’d test positive. then, they’d go back over the levels- it’s alittle more expensive for companies to do this, but it’s easy to tell by level who’s really doing dope and who’s not.

kevbo's avatar

Damn, I thought you were talking about Krispy Kreme.

Bugabear's avatar

Yes. The amount in the poppy seed muffin is enough for you to fail a opium drug test. The DEA is currently looking into this and is trying to remake it.

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