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sunya13's avatar

How can i get Burnt apple off of glass Cookware?

Asked by sunya13 (169points) November 8th, 2009

i am a PCA and i was making a fresh batch of apple sauce for a client, to help her take pills….

i got distracted, didn’t have enough water in the pot and…BAM…BLACK CRUSTY CHAR COAL CAKED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POT….and because its glass i can’t just go using steel wool or something to scrap it off…i’ve tried seing soaking it over night twice, and uplastic scrapers and it worked a little bit, but nearly enough

if any one has a secret trick, a handy product, or any help at all…that would be a life saver…if not i have to buy her a new glass pot…which are expensive (unless you have a solution for that instead/also :D)...

in any case thanks every one for your insight

wish me luck

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13 Answers

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Sprinkle some automatic dishwasher detergent in the bottom, add about an inch of water & cook it on the stove. Let it boil. You’ll have to watch it, of course, but that should do the trick. That’s what I do if I burn something & it’s never failed.

eponymoushipster's avatar

soak the dish with hot water and palmolive, like, a few hours or overnight. works for me.

sunya13's avatar

@eponymoushipste thats what i did…didn’t work…thanks any how

@jbfletcherfaat n i’ll try that tonight…gotta go buy that dtergent…thanks i’ll let yall know if it worked for me

Buttonstc's avatar

If that doesn’t work, get a can of spray on oven cleaner.

After spraying the burnt area thoroughly, tie a plastic bag securely around it and leave it for at least 24 hrs. Or longer.

It’s the lye in the oven cleaner which gets off the burnt on stuff. You could also use straight lye, but it is just so toxic and caustic that it’s better in a more controlled form in the oven cleaner spray. Just be careful not to breathe in the fumes.

EmpressPixie's avatar

I like using baking soda and vinegar for cleaning hard to clean things (like all the crap burned onto the stove top). Sprinkle baking soda, add vinegar, scrub.

badmammajamma's avatar

have you tried boiling it with a little dish soap in it and then try to scrape? If it were stainless, I would say try Barkeeper’s Friend, but I don’t know how effective it would be in glass….

proXXi's avatar

Click on the apple menu. Select ‘remove’

ccrow's avatar

I have had good luck on glassware by making a paste from baking soda & water, & scrubbing with that. You will have to use a lot of elbow grease too!

sunya13's avatar

@proXXi thanks for bringing a little humor to my predicament

@jbfletcherfan ‘s plan is working but slowly…

@EmpressPixie and @ccrow, i’ll try a little baking soda next to finish it off…

as for the oven cleaner @Buttonstc , i’d try that but i’m working in a private senior care home…we can’t use overly toxic chemicals to clean….in fact my boss heavily prefers all natural products…she buys organic food, and uses solar power for half the electric…its a great job for me cause it makes it really easy to be GREEN

over all these are all very very helpful…thank you every one

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@sunya13 well, good luck with what ever method that’ll work.

gailcalled's avatar

I too use baking soda and vinegar, soak for a while and then apply elbow grease. Repeat many times.

YARNLADY's avatar

@proXXi Thanks for the laugh out loud of the day

filmfann's avatar

Boil vinegar in the pan. Simple as that, and it will be clean as a whistle!

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