General Question

pouncey's avatar

I have been mad a lot recently, what can i do to prevent me being all angry again?

Asked by pouncey (702points) December 11th, 2009

its like mood swings i also get sad afterward.

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11 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Sounds like you should visit your doctor.

pouncey's avatar

@cprevite i don’t have a doctor

SirGoofy's avatar

Calm down, calm down now. Take a deep breath. Go to the closest mirror. Look into it deeply. See that person? That is a nice person….tell yourself this. Whatever it is that’s getting under your skin…8let it go. Just let it go.* Getting all shook up and pissed off is a huge waste of one’s energy. Really. Now…if this didn’t work…grab your pillow and plant your face into it firmly….now scream as loud as you can for 5 minutes. It will make you so exhausted…you won’t want to be angry anymore.

trailsillustrated's avatar

if your’e in your early teens it’s growing and hormones, it’ll pass, if youre older than that go to a free clinic and just see about it- you don’t want to have an anger management problem

pouncey's avatar

@SirGoofy might try that if i remember

anon's avatar

Take up running and whenever you get angry just keep running until you’ve forgotten to be angry.

Bonus: It will also keep you fit and healthy!

pouncey's avatar

@anon well that is true glad to see you on fluther by the way.

anon's avatar

@pouncey Glad to see you too! Although, I don’t know who you are and think you may be confusing me with someone else?... ;D

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

you can say hi to the witch… that will cheer you up ;-)

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@pouncey, I notice that your question says that this is a recent development, the bouts of anger? Has something changed where you feel you have less control over your life or circumstances than before?

Rather than react, take a deep breath and count to ten. Anger is a broad category emotion, and sometimes what you’re feeling is something else that, when correctly identified, can be resolved without anger. Giving voice to your emotions and letting them out before they erupt can help you gain control.

SeventhSense's avatar

Look to the thought. Behind every emotion is a thought. Decide if you want to attach significance to that thought and if the anger serves you. If not, consciously let it go by focusing on the breath. Indulging anger does not dissipate it. It only strengthens a bad habit. That’s not to say there are not times that anger is justified and helpful. But outside a loved one being attacked or grave injustices there are not many reasons to indulge the emotion. It’s usually just petty sleights or ego hurts that are being aggravated. Practice forgiveness of self and others.

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