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manuel_alarcon's avatar

Can't add records into a form in access 2007?

Asked by manuel_alarcon (299points) January 20th, 2010

I have this database with data about soil analisys. And it goes like this: a project, where are several samples; each sample with data (pictures, info, text) and the results. I’ve been asked to create a form to display the data; I made the form and inserted code to it so the pictures are read from a folder, and only the name of the picture is stored in my db. I´m ashamed to say i put a hard path, but at the end, it works; the idea was to keep it simple.
I can browse the records from the bar at the bottom, it comes with access, i dont know its name right now; but I cant add or edit records, even when i set the properties to “Allow Edits”, and “No Locks”, “Data Entry”, “Allow Additions”, to yes. I’ve been reading that if i have a problem with the database the records lock,.. How can i know why the form keeps me from add data? Do I have to create another form specifically to insert info?

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4 Answers

pjanaway's avatar

You need to make sure all the forms you create are labelled correctly, so they don’t interfere with each other. So unique names for each. You can do it within the same program.

If i understand you correctly. lol

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I suspect that the problem is in the query that you use as the “data” basis for the form. Some of my queries get overly complex while I’m designing in Access, and I have the same problem: a great-looking query that seems to show everything I want, but then can’t be edited or appended to. You probably have to simplify the query (sometimes do it in steps, as Qry_01, then Qry_02 when you add more tables, etc.).

I’d start with the query itself. If that doesn’t allow you to add (or edit) records, then that’s the most fundamental problem here.

manuel_alarcon's avatar

cool! i was thinking about that, because i separated the data in tabs. looks great, but when i add another table, it modifies the whole query and i lose the 42 records and can only see the 2 which are in the added table…

So, i guess that if I separate the process into: selecting the project;viewing simple data about the selected project, then a list of samples and then selecting a single sample to show would simplify and speed up things and minimize headaches? maybe itdoesnt sound so simple after all, but i think it may do the trick… I suppose programatically triggering queries, right?

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I suspect that the query problem is (to put it in technical terms) “too many outer joins”. That would be the most common reason I’ve seen for non-updateable queries.

As for a too-restrictive query (you have 42 records, but the new link cuts that down to 2 visible), then you have the link type set to “x = y” (I presume) instead of “all records from x, and the matching records from y”.

Maybe a combination of both of those things, then.

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