Why is everyone so opposed to Sarah Palin?
Is it because of her apparent lack of intelligence, or because people are jealous of her having been a governor of a US state?
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90 Answers
For what reasons would you defend her?
There is no room for honesty in politics…it would screw up the whole game!!!
Alaska is the 47th most populous state.
If her governorship was a reason to be jealous, there are 46 other governors to be more jealous of.
She’s stupid.
She doesn’t realize she is stupid.
She hasn’t figured out that her appeal is her personality, and not her wisdom or ability.
She is a quitter.
She has almost no experience.
She refuses to take to task members of her own party, that do exactly the same thing (or worse) that she takes to task members of the opposing party.
She is hypocrite, openly, and sees nothing wrong with it.
But, golly gee, she shur is purdy.
I think the world doesn’t want her to be President…She needs more training and education.
I only wish everyone was opposed to her, and then maybe she’d go away.
Yeesh, why all the hatred people?
Here we go. Another “Let’s bash Sarah Palin thread”. yippee!
I spent a few minutes and thought about it. Here’s a list. I figure I owe it to you instead of just my wiseass remark a bit ago.
Also, saying that there are 45 other governors to be jealous of is a little factually incorrect, seeing as how there are new governors for states every few years. There are hundreds of governors to be more jealous of than her.
I don’t like her because:
-She does not exhibit intelligence.
-She’s anti-choice, even in the case of rape (the only exception according to her is if the mother’s life is in peril).
-She suggests abstinence-only education works. Even after her daughter’s ordeal.
-She’s fine with denying rights to homosexual couples
-She has to write notes on her hand like “Tax cuts” and “Raise American spirits”.
-Although she’s anti-choice, she’s pro-death penalty.
-She opposes marijuana legalization.
-She’s inconsistent with whether or not “the R word” is acceptable. She chewed out a liberal for using it, but not Beck or Limbaugh.
-She thinks being able to see Russia somehow improves her foreign relations capabilities.
-She’s working with Fox News.
-She likes the war on terror.
-She opposes stem cell research.
And here’s what’ll get me in the most trouble, if anything, for posting:
She’s Christian. She thinks the earth was made in 6 days, 6,000 years ago. She supported a “Day of Prayer” in Alaska, and would probably propose one nation-wide if she had the chance. She wants creationism taught in public schools. She admits to being one of those people that Obama warned about, those who cling to their guns and their bibles. She believes the U.S. is a Christian nation, despite the writings of our founding fathers.
Now. Tell me. Why do you like her? Is it her patriotism?
Jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of someone for being governor? That makes no sense. @Cruiser- Do you think people don’t like Palin simply because she’s honest?
I think @Sarcasm summed up my thoughts well enough to avoid a lot of typing. (+1GA to @Sarcasm). The only thing she can do well is to get the Far Right behind her. I’m not talking the typical, intelligent Conservative, but the bat-shit insane, frothing at the crotch uber-Conservatives that know nothing about fact-checking and have no common sense.
Granted, she may win MILF of the decade awards, but that doesn’t qualify her for high office.
I agree.
She is also an insult to all intelligent Women. She literally makes me ill.
See taught her daughter it was OK to have an illegitimate Child.
She should have know what her daughter was up too. She was too busy taking are of her self.
Let me copy and paste what I wrote in another thread:
“Palin is a demagogue, who spreads lies and misinformation about her opponents to further her own goals. She is the one who started the “death panel” nonsense. She abused her power as governor and then abandoned her office without finishing one term to avoid facing charges for the abuse, while lying through her teeth claiming it is ‘for the good of america’.
She is uneducated and anti science. She thinks that fruit fly research is a waste of money, despite all the evidence to the contrary. She believes in abstinence only education, while her own daughter proved that this approach does not work and she is a creationist.
What all this means is that she is unable and unwilling to look at the data and make logical conclusions and decisions based on them and instead makes decisions based on her preconceived and baseless beliefs, while lying and abusing her power to further her own petty personal goals. As a president she would make wrong decisions left and right, her being president would be detrimental to the country.”
Because she’s basically one of those people who’s ideals seem to be stuck some time after WWII and that frightens me. Every country needs advancement and enlightenment, not stagnation.
I think she is distinctly underestimated by the sort of people who seem to flock to Fluther. This is a very sophisticated woman, with a keen nose for politics, and if you really believe she is dangerous, you had better not continue to delude yourselves that she is also stupid.
I happen to be one of the people who believe she is dangerous. She appeals to a classic Nativist impulse in the USA, and does so very well. Angry people who feel disenfranchised can be a formidable opponent (see Louisiana during the time of Huey Long, and FDR’s quite appropriate fear of the consequences.)
Try to restrain your contempt, and don’t underestimate this woman. It may be to your great detriment to do so.
Obama is a Christian, I am a Christian, Pallin is what ever gets her the most attention with the least amount of effort..
I think this is a great question. I was wondering why this was myself. Why all the Palin hate? Most of the answers here are simply hateful. Sarah Palin has a healthy constructive down-to-earth attitude. The media has taught you to hate her because she is very popular and a conservative
another Palin q – c’mon, what a waste of space
She plays dumb. That’s why I don’t like her.
@jctennis123 Most of the answers are hateful and short because we’ve had at least 5 Palin questions within the past 3 days. People are kind of tired of beating the same dead horse over and over again.
For those defending her, please explain to me how her rant and raving calling for Rahm Emanuels resignation b/c he used the term F*cking retard in a private meeting, but then supported Rush after he used the term repeatedly to millions of people and even referred to those people who have devoted their lives to help special needs people as retards is something YOU can blindly ignore and even support? And then to top it off call the rest of us hateful for pointing it out?
Explain please?
”The media has taught you to hate her because she is very popular and a conservative”
That is certainly not the case.
Ron Paul was popular and a conservative. And while I certainly do not agree with many his views, I like that man.
McCain as well. I like the man, despite his political alignment and views. While Palin happily continued to spread lies, fear and hatred about and against Obama during the campaign, Mccain defended him against the “Arab terrorist” tirade of one of his supporters at one of his rallies and called him a decent man. Mccain has a good core and that is why I generally like him, despite his political shortcomings.
Our contempt for Palin is entirely rooted in her own behaviour and activities.
@Shae I don’t support her at all. She represents the very opposite of what I and most others stand for, but everyone just seems to be responding way too emotionally, the hate speech just isn’t needed.
@ragingloli I agree, there are many Republican that I can’t stop myself from liking.
Lol…....this is funny…..But seriously…..you have to be a puppet to think Sarah Palin is a viable political candidate. I’m sure she’s a cool person, but she shouldn’t be in politics.
@Sarcasm It’s not because there have been several questions within a few days. It has been like this the entire time I’ve been a member of Fluther, and even before I joined.
I always wonder why people who do not like confrontation and heated discussions enter threads or chats that they know are going to be contentious and then scold the participants?
@Shae Who exactly is “scolding” the participants?
It’s funny because I thought it was the other way around. People who come into discussions with too much emotion and anger seem to be the ones who are asked to leave the discussion and not answer the question if they don’t like it.
”@Shae I don’t support her at all. She represents the very opposite of what I and most others stand for, but everyone just seems to be responding way too emotionally, the hate speech just isn’t needed”
Truthfully your first comment never even hit my radar but then you put @Shae in your post and so now you have my attention.
@HTDC Yeah, asked by you, Fluther’s new self appointed hall monitor. Do you have a little badge?
Not even sure what your last remark was trying to convey? But very sweet of you to get all personal with me. Love that you want to be my special friend.
But promise sweetie darling the day I get all emo about Sarah Pallin is the day I drive my car into a brick wall.
@ubersiren Yes! Exactly that! She is a threat to the status quo because she is a free thinker as of yet not beholden to a big corporate agenda…..NOTHING could be a bigger threat to the good old boy politics of Washington than a no strings attached pissed off Sarah Palin with an ax to grind!
”She is a threat to the status quo because she is a free thinker as of yet not beholden to a big corporate agenda”
You can not be serious. She is one of the biggest allies of big businesses’ right now in preserving their status quo.
@ragingloli links??? Can you provide links to her corporate agenda???
Sarah Palin a free thinker?
Well, her brain is free of facts, logic, and common sense.
But she sure is folksy! (wink)
@Cruiser I’m not debating whether or not that’s true (I don’t agree that she’s a “free thinker” but more of a non-thinker), but I don’t think that’s why most people don’t like her. I think it has more to do with her lack of intelligence, or facade of not having intelligence. That coupled with the fact that she’s been given power by the right makes her a nuisance more than anything. Not sure most people see her as a threat. Again, she may or may not be, but I don’t think that’s why most people dislike her so much.
She said that Africa was a country. Need I say more?
Because she is an open hypocrit. She dosen’t believe in sex education, just abstinence, then her teenage daughter gets pregnant! PRICELESS.. Does she think that people are just going to stop having pre-marital sex just because she is against it? Wow thats great, so she wants us to be uneducated about sex, and get knocked up. I wonder if she can sleep at night feeling she did her part in society by not condoning teen sex, while her teen mother is probably in the room next to her.
Obama’s goals:
– Healthcare reform, which would necessarily put big dents into the Health Insurer’s profits.
– Tougher regulations for financial institutions, equally bad for their profits.
– Emphasis on development of alternative energy sources, puts dent into Big Oil’s profits.
– Wrapping up Iraq and eventually Afghanistan, bad news for the military industrial complex’s profits.
Palin, together with her buddies at Fox News, Newschannel des Reichs, try their best to conjure up demons about how Obama is an evil socialist with a secret marxist agenda going to destroy the fabric of America, trying to create enough backlash and opposition against him to derail these efforts. Who would “profit” from this sabotage?
Big Business.
I’ve certainly taken some jabs at her, and I’ll try to explain where my animosity comes from.
What riles me is not Sarah Palin the person, but Sarah Palin the phenomenon. It troubles me to observe that to a sizable segment of our country, what matters in a candidate for high office is not well-considered public policy, or an informed understanding of the world at large; what wins them is appearance, “likeability”, folksiness, godliness…in short, image.
Certainly, image has always played a role in politics, but Palin is all image. Were we not fresh from the two (!) terms of the Bush presidency, I’d be inclined to say that Palin could never have a chance at high office; surely we couldn’t be so blind as to elect some candidate who is so clearly nothing but image. Surely people could see how this person is just being used as a pretty public front by far less endearing elements. But having witnessed the Bush phenomenon, I’m far more wary of the Palin phenomenon.
I do want to shake someone, but it’s not Sarah. I want to shake all those Americans who think that likability, the “common touch”, a personal connection with Jesus and camera friendliness are the keys to the White House.
What is really sad is that so many people like her or think she adds anything constructive to the political scenery. She is ill-informed (to be kind), and tops that with faulty analysis. She doesn’t understand cities or much of any serious policy. She does what her handlers tell her to, except she puts her own little folksy acting on top of it.
Of course, part of it is that there are so many Republicans who believe the nonsense she spouts. Or they just like the look of her or the feeling of her. They are mostly as ill-informed as she is.
Personally, I find her hypocritical—mostly over her vehemence about marriage and children being born to parents who are married and all that other “family values” rubric that represents anything but family values. But when her daughter has a baby without being married, she says next to nothing, other than it’s a private matter. Well, duh. That’s what family values are. Private matters.
But the really funny thing is that she’s a caricature of herself. Whatever she does, it leaves me shaking my head with disbelief. The things she says, the way she acts—if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it.
She’d be of no consequence except the press loves her. They fawn at her every move. It’s revolting. But then, we can’t call them the press any more, can we? It’s all blogs. Hell. Even I have a blog. That about shows you what it means to trust the press.
@wundayatta I happen to know quite a few Republicans that agree with me that she doesn’t belong in office. Unfortunately, there are enough Americans that can’t think for themselves (more accurately, they have such an aversion to using their brain that they may as well not have one; not stupid so much as willfully ignorant) that she has enough support to at least stay in the spotlight.
Say what you will about her, but she has a little bit of charisma, and to many people, charisma means more than competence.
@ubersiren Perhaps you may want to rethink rephrase what you meant to say since you just indicted a huge portion of this country that has aligned themselves with the free thinking Sarah Palin has brought forth that is resonating loud and clear with them…. you said..
(I don’t agree that she’s a “free thinker” but more of a non-thinker), but I don’t think that’s why most people don’t like her. I think it has more to do with her lack of intelligence, or facade of not having intelligence.
People like her because she is open and honest so unlike any other politician in my lifetime….people hate her because she is a threat to their sacred cows and hidden agendas…the protected status quo and apparently Obama’s failed vision of hope and change.
@ragingloli Last we talked you were very concerned about Palins ties to big corporations….what does this have to do with it aside from highlighting Obama being beholden to big Pharma, AIG, Unocol and Haliburton??
your quote:
Obama’s goals:
– Healthcare reform, which would necessarily put big dents into the Health Insurer’s profits.
– Tougher regulations for financial institutions, equally bad for their profits.
– Emphasis on development of alternative energy sources, puts dent into Big Oil’s profits.
– Wrapping up Iraq and eventually Afghanistan, bad news for the military industrial complex’s profits.
Palin, together with her buddies at Fox News, Newschannel des Reichs, try their best to conjure up demons about how Obama is an evil socialist with a secret marxist agenda going to destroy the fabric of America, trying to create enough backlash and opposition against him to derail these efforts. Who would “profit” from this sabotage?
Big Business.
”highlighting Obama being beholden to big Pharma, AIG, Unocol and Haliburton??”
What I have written in that post, which you just quoted, does not highlight Obama’s ties to these corporations. You should really read it again, slowly and carefully, because then you will realise that it says the exact opposite. Obama’s plans and ambitions that I outlined, healthcare, financial regulations, alternative energy, bringing the war to a close, will hurt big business, completely contrary to what you just tried to claim.
The “sabotage” Big Business would profit from that I referred to was not Obama’s plans, but the possible derailing and failure of Obama’s plans caused by the demagogery from Palin and Co..
Seriously. Read it again.
@ragingloli way off topic as it was you that implied Palin’s ties to big corporations which would then put her in the same cess pool as Obama and the rest of Washington….I am still waiting for your links to prove your point about Palin’s beholden ties to big corps….
I never claimed that she was in Big Business’ pockets or being paid by them. By “being an ally of Big Business”, I meant that what she does and what she hopes to achieve by her actions, will help Big Business, regardless of whether she realises this or not.
And do you seriously believe that if Obama was in cohorts with big business, his only goal being to please them and to shovel money into their pockets, that he would try to enact policy that would actually hurt them? Think, THINK.
you just exclaimed….
“I never claimed that she was in Big Business’ pockets or being paid by them. By “being an ally of Big Business”,
But originally in your own words…
You can not be serious. She is one of the biggest allies of big businesses’ right now in preserving their status quo.
Would you like to start this conversation over???
I just explained to you what I meant by that. Are your reading skills really that bad?
And how nice of you to omit the rest of the sentence twisting the meaning of what I actually said by 180°. Are you being intentionally dishonest?
@ragingloli go back and read dear…these are your words not mine. I am not trying to be nice, nor intentionally dishonest, I am only trying to express a clear thought and opinion on Sarah Palin something you appear to be having a difficult time with.
As Fluther’s new self appointed hall monitor, I order both of you to stop arguing, since the moderators haven’t stepped in yet!!!
I certainly have no problem expressing clear thoughts, you on the other hand seem to have problems understanding what I write even after I explained it to you.
”these are your words not mine”.
I would appreciate it If you would actually quote the entire sentence in the future, because here, you did not, butchering what I said and what I meant.
<<Moons @HTDC and takes of running>>
Lmao! * Issues detention card *
I wish I could add to this discussion, but I think @filmfann and @Sarcasm pretty much summed it up. If she becomes the first female president I’m going to need institutionalization (oh don’t laugh, we voted in Stupid before [Bush cough cough, we’ll do it again).
Not bad for my first question! :)
I suppose you think Obama, A senator from Illinois (read Chicago), is not completely in the pockets of big business.
I suppose you think because he talks big about what he wants to do, that he really wants to do these things (why then are they not getting done?)
I suppose Obama budgeting another multi-trillion dollars to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan is a good idea, and will help America get back on its collective feet.
I think some of you responders must live in another country. Or another dimension.
@davidbetterman Lets see….
Energy policy was made behind closed doors between Cheney and the oil companies only, and Halliburton got some fat, no-bid contracts, so you might want to reconsider. You know what they say about people who live in glass houses ;)
I suppose that Bush’s policies created a lot of jobs, and allowing the rich to get richer meant more money for the average American too. Median income remaining effectively flat as unemployment rose never happened under Bush-43; it is solely the fault of Democrats and Socialists.
I suppose that we could just pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan post-haste would be a good idea. Just rush in, break shit, swear in a new president, leave, and blame it all on the Democrat.
I think that some of you Republicans may live in a world all your own.
BTW, you did do good for a first question. Lots of discussion and—so far 6 GAs… pretty good for a debut ;)—
@jerv Thanks
But you didn’t really address Obama’s big business connections (being from Chicago, you can imagine how connected he is).
He played the health insurance game, knowing nothing would ever get done (as did anyone who knows the games these people play).
You really believe that Bush, Cheney and the gang who brought about the housing market scam (It began in 2002–2003 and burst in 2007 or so) are innocents, and Obama is at fault for the depression we are currently experiencing?
Yes, seeing as we have absolutely no business in Iraq and Afghanistan (other than to create terrorists and terrorist organizations by dint our activity of killing their women and children) we could easily pull out tomorrow and be completely in the right for getting our murderous assets out of those countries.
I am not a Republican.
@davidbetterman Even my cat knew that nothing would get done about healthcare regardless of who won the 2008 election so that really is a non-starter. Politicians are politicians regardless of party affiliation, and the sooner people wise up to that, the better.
And no, I don’t lay the blame at the feet of any particular administration. Our current economic situation is the result of a “Perfect Storm” with many other factors, including many decisions made by people that the government has no control over. Of course, having DC propose salary caps to prevent CEOs from getting multi-million dollar “performance bonuses” while their companies are tanking is un-American, as is making people who earn 90% of the income pay more than 40% of the taxes.
As for Iraq and Afghanistan, the sad truth is that we were there and now have a responsibility to at least try and make sure that things are no worse when we leave than they were before we went in. That is a mighty tall order (if not totally unrealistic) but pulling out ASAP isn’t a viable option. Then again, I don’t think there really is a viable option; it’s a catch-22 really. Our best bet is to invent a time machine and stop Bush-43 from going in there the way he did. However, the flawed execution of the “War on Terror” is a long digression that I don’t want to get into here.
All I am saying is that any faults Obama has are a reflection of the flaws inherent in our system. The same can be said of pretty much any of the Presidents we’ve had, at least in the last few decades. And of course, it’s easier to blame a President than to blame all 535 members of Congress, the people who write the laws that the Executive branch is supposed to enforce.
Actually, claiming ”we were there and now have a responsibility to at least try and make sure that things are no worse when we leave than they were before we went in” was Nixon’s rationale for carpet bombing the Nam for over 7 years while we stole every poppy we could get out grubby little hands on… you know, the poppies for making the heroin.
Which, by the way, is the exact same reason we are still in Afghanistan…to steal their poppies for Lilly & co. and all the other pharmaceutical co.s paying off our politicians to keep us there.
Obama is just another politician. He is no better nor worse than Bush. He would not have been allowed to win were he a decent human being.
I agree.
Lurve for you.
Because she declared war on science. Because she doesn’t support sustainable development. Because she opposes good sex education worsening the problem of unwanted pregnancies. Because in terms of general education she stopped at the level of a 10th grader. There are exceptions. She has good knowledge of hunting. But this doesn’t qualify her to be nominated for anything except president of the National Rifle Association.
Europeans would be outraged if she appeared again on the national stage in 2012. We’ve got problems to solve in the 21st century and we need every country to elect their best people.
LOL I agree. You made me laugh.
Sadly some people do not comprehend she is a moron.
I know ten years olds who have a better understanding of Science and life.
I fear that our next President may be a reactionary. McCain was not but many are.
@davidbetterman I know a lot of people that voted for Obama solely because McCain chose Palin as his running mate and figured that President Obama was better than allowing Palin into Washington at all, especially as a VP to a President who is up there in age and of questionable/unknown health.
If you think Obama is a terrible human being, you might be right but he was the lesser of two evils in the last election. And yet, that is what our elections always seem to boil down to; the lesser of two evils. It’s not about electing the candidate we want, but rather about holding our nose and pulling the lever.
@philosopher I fear that you might be right. While Palin herself probably doesn’t have the traction to actually win the 2012 election, she might be able to help a better-spoken goober into high office.
The last think we need is another anti research fascist.
I don’t care what they think of me. They are immoral.
I will forever remind these reactionary soulless people that Nancy Regan changed her mind. When the lack of a cure killed her Husband.
I was a Hillary supporter. I was angry about how unfairly the Democrats treated Hillary. The rules committee was a joke. They were completely unfair to Hillary. I would have considered voting for McCain; but not for a moron like Sarah Pallian.
@philosopher I never was a fan of Hillary. I was about to vote for McCain until he announced Plain as his running mate. After that move, I question McCain’s sanity and judgment.
Yes I agree.
I knew before this that I was an Independent; but after how Hillary was treated I became one.
This country needs an Independent leader. A leader who will represent the people and not an extreme ideology.
If the American people really elect Sarah Palin, I think the European Union and many of the advanced Asian nations will put the US on the list of potentially unstable countries.
It will never come to that. There are too many smart Republicans who will fight her nomination.
@mattbrowne LOL ”If the American people really elect Sarah Palin, I think the European Union and many of the advanced Asian nations will put the US on the list of potentially unstable countries.”
No they won’t.
I thought much of the world had us on that list already. The only reason we get away with half the shit we do is because we are too big to tackle and nobody wants to start WWIII or commit suicide.
Well, that and a little greed, since we are one of the biggest importers of damn near everything.
I think America is still a great country. The problem is that the Politicians do not represent the American working Middle Class . The extreme R and L both have it dead wrong.
My Brother In Law would support a moron like Pallian because he adopted the R wing ideology. He is Pro Choice but he is also Pro greed. It does not make much sense to me.
He is well educated and worked hard his whole life. It is like they stole his soul and mind.
I was talking about a list of potentially unstable countries. The world was deeply worried about the march toward a more unstable US. This is one of the reasons why the whole world celebrated Barack Obama victory. Because there was hope he would change the direction of the march, ending unilateralism and ‘the UN is irrelevant’ policy. And ideed Obama brought the US back into the community of the civilized world.
George W. Bush did not only go to war in Iraq, he also declared a political war against many other countries including key allies. ‘Either you are with us or against us’ was the motto. Millions and millions of people worldwide who regarded America as their friend were shocked and outraged, even in countries sending troops as well like the UK. Rumsfeld wished to fuel dissent in Europe when he invented the artificial concept of an Old and a New Europe. Cheney’s goal was to weaken the union of European countries. I know this didn’t make news in the US, but in Europe it did. The damage done by the Bush administration was huge.
Obama deserves the full credit for ending this unprecedented nightmare in a very short time. He also knows climate change is a scientific fact with the potential to kill billions of people igniting wars once our ecosystems change too quickly and too dramatically. Maybe these are the reasons the Nobel committee felt so strongly about awarding the Prize.
Sarah Palin would be an even greater nightmare than George W. Bush.
There is no greater nightmare than George W Bush.
Sarah Palin as governor, never even had a plan for zupdog .
Nick the fascist Romney maybe worse. He’d like to force us all to follow his religion.
Don’t believe for a minute he would not. He opposes research.
I oppose all fascism. I oppose him.
@jctennis123 – No, my own understanding of the facts and Palin’s pettiness and her ability to lie through her teeth without conscience is what has taught me to distrust her and anything she says. That and the fact that she doesn’t have a clue.
@shae, you said EXACTLY what I was going to if I hadn’t read your answer first. Thank you!
Palin and Bush are both part of the US’ greatest nightmares. I don’t know which is worse!
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