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ETpro's avatar

What's the Correct alphabetical listing method for last names like von Braun?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) February 17th, 2010

In a list organized alphabetically by last names, would Werner von Braun properly be listed under V or B?

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23 Answers

Val123's avatar

I would think under V, von. I think “von whomever” is akin to Mc names, like McFadden.

ragingloli's avatar

My guess is B, “Braun, von”

Val123's avatar

I think the trick is, for someone else looking for it, where would they look? I’d be looking under v…

ragingloli's avatar

I would look under B, because “von” simply means “from” or “of”

Val123's avatar

So does “Mac” and “O,” as in “O’Riley.” We still file them under M and O.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I agree with @ragingloli. My first instinct would be to look for it under B.

ragingloli's avatar

The problem is that Mac and O are both part of the word, they are written together without a space. “von” has a space after it, and is separate from the rest.

gailcalled's avatar

I just checked our local phone book. All are alphabetized by Mac, Mc, Van, and Von.

There are dozens of Van Alstynes, all listed under Van, and the same for the Von Doodleburgs.

erichw1504's avatar

I would say V. That’s the first letter of the last name.

ragingloli's avatar

Search for von braun.
It is listed as Braun, ‘first name’ von.
We both win!

erichw1504's avatar

@ragingloli Well, that’s weird. It’s listed as Brain when you look for Braun? I guess Brains are better than Braun!

Val123's avatar

@ragingloli Wull, ja! In Germany they may do it differently simply because a) they can’t spell and b) They’re fully aware that “von” just means “of”. Lots of ‘Mericans don’t know that.

ragingloli's avatar

°spanks Dutchess°

ETpro's avatar

Ha! No wonder I was confused. Thanks, all. :-)

erichw1504's avatar

Maybe you should look under “S”?

Val123's avatar

@ragingloli LOL! The fact that you called me ‘Dutchess’ instead of ‘Val123’ didn’t even register till I looked at it a second time!

Cruiser's avatar

Go with the V that is how it will be listed in the phone book

thriftymaid's avatar

Well, alphabetically.

ETpro's avatar

@gailcalled & @Cruiser The Phone Book is good enough for me. V it will B.

filmfann's avatar

Your giving that kind of power on a decision like this to the Phone Company?

Val123's avatar

@filmfann It’s certainly not as bad as the power that’s given to the DMV to decide who is qualified to drive and who isn’t.

Let’s see. A person has dementia. Doesn’t know green from red. Gets DL.
Person is perfectly physically and mentally competent….but can’t read. No DL for them.

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