General Question

kfingerman's avatar

Should I use google reader for pdfs?

Asked by kfingerman (1012points) March 1st, 2010

I read a lot of pdfs in my work and generally just download them and read them on my computer. Any reason that google reader would be better in some way? I can see its usefulness as an RSS aggregator, but what does it offer for reading pdfs?

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6 Answers

grumpyfish's avatar

I wasn’t aware that google reader could read pdfs…

njnyjobs's avatar

Google DOCS is the one capable of displaying PDF files… it is actually a better choice in quickly viewing attached PDF files from gmail email accounts.

trocado's avatar

no. Just Foxit

jamms's avatar

I would nt use google docs as it’s slow, clunky, and has a 10mb file size limit. If I’m just opening a PDF I agree with trocado and use foxit reader. If I’m archiving and searching multiple PDF’s I use evernote.

PacificToast's avatar

I use an Adobe Reader, but what do I know?

reijinni's avatar

You can if you want to.

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