(NSFW) Have you every practiced ATM?
I have never. The one thing I cannot correlate to is the fact that faeces is full of germs or is it? Considering we wash our hands after we use the bathroom. So why would we use toys, or other objects ass to mouth? Would it not pose health risk? Of course like all sex, some people love it and some will not. Id love to hear your take on it plus find out if it is “dirty” in the sense of the bacteria and germs found on faeces. Then why don’t the girls (men) get sick afterwards or do they? Also why do men enjoy this idea? of females doing it?
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98 Answers
You didn’t know shit has bacteria in it?! That’s why modern plumbing – which separates potable drinking water from sewage – was such a big deal. That’s why our country recommends various vaccines when you travel to countries that don’t have a modern plumbing code.
I’m thinking…laxative and saran wrap, lol.
It’s my favorite past time activity. Besides gardening.
GROSS! I never saw it for myself, but I’ve heard multiple times about a porn called Two Girls, One Cup. Just having someone describe it to me almost made me throw up. Until I heard about it, I thought only dogs ate shit. YUCK.
Fuck Not two girls,one cup.I’m off for a shower.
“So why would we use toys, or other objects ass to mouth?”
Yes, why would we?
“Would it not pose health risk?”
“Of course like all sex”
Ass to bathroom to get all cleaned up.
“your take on it plus find out if it is “dirty” in the sense of the bacteria”
And yes.
“Also why do men enjoy this idea?”
Poopy men do.
“of (Are) females doing it?”
Have you not seen the “Ice cream” video? “Two Girls, One Cup.”
The constant bombardment of facials and anal, including ATM, by current porn, is a turn-off.
See ya….Gary/wtf
@Just_Justine I wouldn’t reccommend that video unless you’ve got a strong stomach. I was sent there by a friend as a joke, and I got out of their quick. It is bad.
@ChazMaz Poopy Men?!?! Ahahahahahahaah!!!!!!
@Vunessuh Is it because they both involve fertilizer?
The cup. I haven’t seen the ice cream
@Just_Justine DON’T DO IT! I’m so serious, I started gagging just by my friend telling me what they were doing… >_< **flashbacks!**
I have never done this, but I think the appeal is in the domination of the recipient. There is something exciting about being with someone who would do anything for you. Or at least I imagine there is, as I have never been in that situation. I also think there are ways to minimize the dangers, like a thorough enema beforehand. Also, anal sex does not necessarily involves scat-play (which I find disgusting, but to each his own).
Some things you just can’t “unsee”.
@wilma That’s what I’m doing, thanks to ChazMaz, or trying to do.
I think doggy style is now off the menu.
Two Girls One Cup is one of those things that if you are tempted to watch it just because of all the talk about it but have not yet seen it, consider yourself blessed and just treat yourself and DONT WATCH IT. ew. ew.
ATM…i see no appeal in it. no thank you. never.
@deni – You’re too late!
@ChazMaz With all these images running thru my head the hard might be hard to do.
The famous philosopher Morton Downey Jr said“The anus is an exit, not an entrance”
Two girls/One cup, the shit looks fake. The vomiting into someone else’s mouth? Nasty.
I think the poo is fake too. But no question it came out the anus.
I have done it once, not knowing it was ‘ATM’. I was about 15 at the time. I think that was the first time I tried anal (I don’t know if having a penis in my ass for 1 second counts as anal), and it hurt so bad, that I just gave him oral instead.
My boyfriend and I recently started doing ATM my ass, his mouth and it feels pretty damn good. I used to be like everyone above, that is, I thought the idea was disgusting and I wondered why anyone would ever do it. I even had quite a lengthy chat with another jelly about it. We only ever do it right after a shower sometimes during so it is as clean as possible. It is not degrading at all; it is quite pleasurable. WE don’t do it every time and if either of us is uncomfortable, we stop.
I can’t help it, I have to ask, He must be pretty flexible?
@Just_Justine lol! Both! It’s so nasttyyyyyyy…pukes in mouth a little…
I enjoy anal sex but never feel compelled to have her perform oral on me afterward. My favorite is the doggy style surprise…
@KatawaGrey That was my inner child getting the better of my common sense. I’m going PM for a minute.
The only time was when I ate chitterlings (chitlin’s to y’all).
If the person whose ass it is is licking off their own stuff and they don’t have any STDs the only risk is gastrointestinal bacteria and not a high one at that. I don’t care to specifically go down on him after anal sex but I wouldn’t care.
ATM? Even the wife and I have our limits, I would rather have long needle play piercing. At least it’s _clean!
@ChazMaz well that poop was fake yeah, probably ice cream shoved up her butt. The gag vomit thing is quite common I must be thick skinned loll.
is the poop really fake? is there proof or are we just assuming? for the sake of my scarred brain, i want so badly to believe its not real.
@deni it’s fake. Who has ever had light almost whisked poop of that texture, plus exploding in one whipped up movement? If you have no wonder so many puplic toilets are blocked. No seriously I think they shoved it up there. She probably did omit it from a clean enema bottom. The gag part was real though.
ew. i cant take thinking about this anymore. but youre right, if they wanted to be a bit more authentic looking they should have used a darker color and told that girl to control her anus so it didnt all shoot out like that. unrealistic clearly. ew. ok im done
Okay, so, I have just been informed that ATM is not what I thought it was. Yeah, we’ve never done that.
I was sweating that one a little. I’ve been in the doghouse enough times I should know better but I can’t help it. Thanks K for being a goodsport. You can have a free shot at me anytime.
@Adirondackwannabe: I’ve said worse things to less forgiving audiences. Thanks for setting me straight. :)
I used my ATM with no practice at all.
Okay, I’ll be the dumb one here. What the hell is ATM? Ass To Mouth?
Nasty. Too much for this six year old to take in. I mean does everyone realize this is where food comes out?
Some people just need therapy. LOTS of therapy.
Everyone here is saying that doing ATM means you’d get poop/ germs in your mouth. The only way that would hypothetically happen is if you did anal sex without a condom first. You can also get a bad infection if you have unprotected anal sex and then move on to vaginal sex, or if you do it without changing condoms. But hypothetically if you had anal sex with a condom, changed condoms, and then went on to something else, it wouldn’t be that wrong…
“Everyone here is saying”
Don’t include me in “everyone”.
I thought ATM was licking/sucking a penis that was in an ass? If it’s just licking the ass, then I’ve been a recipient… Kinda tickled =)
I don’t think I’d ever lick an ass though.
@Facade you were correct. It is getting anal, then sucking the dick. Rimming is licking A-hole
i have had it sorta , a condom was involved then i tootk off the condom for oral…it was good that way
Only on Fluther. The finer arts of ass to mouth, rimming, anal and scatology…
“And here’s Bob with the Weather”...
@Haleth and @evil2 ass to mouth does not count if you wear a condom during anal and take it off for oral
I always thought ATM was the same thing as rimming…
Apparently, I had no idea what atm meant before this question. I guess you learn something new everyday.
@OperativeQ I learn new things (about sex) all the time
It is where you go to get money.
Anal sex followed by oral.
I haven’t done Anal. I don’t fancy it at all, and neither does my boyfriend. If he wanted to I would give it a go though.
I don’t have any interest in it.
Sometimes you just need a good teacher…
@Adirondackwannabe: I read that really fast and thought you said, “I don’t have any internet in it,” and I thought, “well, hell, if anyone did, I think everyone would be doing it.”
@OperativeQ: Ha, that’s what I thought too. :)
That brings a whole new meaning to booting up.
Not something I would be into. Poop has alot of germs in it.
For the record: ATM means Ass To Mouth, which is when someone receives anal, and then gives oral to the penis/dildo that was just in their ass (this does not count if there is a condom on during anal, or if a condom is put on for oral).
I just clicked on this question as my mom walked up behind me. Just sayin’.
@Violet: I know. I just thought it was funny. My mistake…
@violet who makes up the roles on this stuff?
@Just_Justine I figured out the sexism thing yesterday, which in a somewhat disturbing way, helped me figure out why you keep smacking your forehead over the toy thing. I’m male, I think with my dick usually. I couldn’t relate to the toy angle like a woman would. I was thinking why would I shove a toy in someone’s mouth after the ass when I have a dick? Duh.
I had a really disgusting thought about this. How much toothpaste and mouthwash would it take before you would want to kiss or be kissed by someone doing this?
@evil2 I think it’s just a common porn phrase that is used over and over, made especially popular on the internet.
Man, this conversation is kinda judgmental!
I have used my ATM to get ice cream at DQ…..but thats as far as I go…..
I want to thank everyone especially @Just_Justine for bringing ATM my attention. When I started reading the thread I had no idea what they hell everyone was talking about. I thought ATM was a cash machine. Now I have been enlightened. I have never done it before but I can’t honestly offer any input on ATM until I have tried it. I’ll get back to you…
@Chongalicious You do NOT want to view that on a full stomach or before you eat It is like a train wreck, you are horrified but you can’t look away, my eyes, my eyes.
I think it is the yuck factor, if one has a very good enema having poop involved is very slim. But that is like any other part of sex, some are grossed over blow jobs or cunnilingus since both involves areas where urination takes place, so you have to clean there good as well, and with women you have the period to deal with. The thought of blood oozing from there will give some the Whillies.
For those men that love it I guess it has its appeal that she has no holds barred and is freaky and kinky enough to do anything, anywhere, anyhow, whatever they want they can have.
From what I heard from a doctor in another forum, the health risks are the same pretty much as regular anal. Nothing big really. Apparently the body has to get used to the bacteria from the other person so they don’t get ill. ATM, has particles of feces I’m sure, but not like if you were going to actually eat feces. Feces is a waste product as we all know, so there would be no nutritional value to it, making it the reason why people get sick. Dogs eat their poop all the time and it doesn’t harm them.
I’m not saying I do this, because I don’t, I’m just explaining the risks and sharing the information as I’ve read from different places. Plus, we are constantly sticking things with fecal particles in our mouths. Our toothbrushes and even other things in the bathroom area. When we poop and fart we release particles into the air and they settle on everything. Also if you don’t put the lid down before you flush it will also send everything into the air.
ATM health breakdown
I also saw this bit of info on another site:
“For a matter of fact the rectum of a person with a healthy digestion contains only traces of feces which contain much less bacteria then your fingers after opening a public door and even more less then your fingers after operating a keyboard of a public or semi-public computer. And those bacteria in feces are natural to the body – something what cannot be told about those on the keyboard etc.
For this reason sexual practices like described before are for sure a question of taste (again sorry for the pun but actually TRACES of feces are odor and tasteless by definition) but not of health.
The myth of human feces being so very poisonous/dangerous is probably derived from the Vietnam war where the Vietcong used to smear feces onto the spikes of man-traps to further infection (and for the humilating properties). But it´s not fresh feces being so dangerous but about any organic matter becomes infectious in the dschungle inbetween hours.”
Wiki article on ATM
Seems like it’s the basic risk of getting E.Coli.
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