General Question

UScitizen's avatar

How long does a cell phone service provider, Sprint, et al., keep cell phone records?

Asked by UScitizen (4306points) May 11th, 2010

Is this regulated by law, or company policy? There must be some point in time when even a subpoena would result in the answer that the records are no longer available.

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3 Answers

marinelife's avatar

“Verizon Wireless keeps “phone records including cell site location for 12 months,” Drew Arena, Verizon’s vice president and associate general counsel for law enforcement compliance, said at a federal task force meeting in Washington, D.C. last week. Arena said the company keeps “phone bills without cell site location for seven years,” and stores SMS text messages for only a very brief time. ”


njnyjobs's avatar

If indeed they are covered by the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002, some documents/information are required to be retained for a period of 7 years.

SmoothEmeraldOasis's avatar

@UScitizen and @marinelife, also @ninyjobs.These are very interesting answers I am pleased about being part of this site, I know that I will learn much and hopefully I will be able to contribute as well with what I know here.

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