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philosopher's avatar

Do you believe in M theory?

Asked by philosopher (9065points) July 11th, 2010

I have been watching the Science Channel series Wormhole . I am reading Dr. Kaku book Parallel Worlds. It makes sense and Dr Kaku makes it easy to comprehend.

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8 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

I don’t disbelieve in it.

ragingloli's avatar

It is mathematically sound and as far as I know it is the only consistent unified theory we currently have.
However, mathematics is all they really have to support it. There is no evidence for it and they will have a hard time devising experiments to prove it.
I consider it the best contender so far, but I can not say that I believe it, because of the lack of evidence. But I also do not disbelieve it, because of the mathematical consistency.

philosopher's avatar

I am fascinated by it.
Dr Kaku book is also fascinating.

ragingloli's avatar

I taught him everything he knows

philosopher's avatar

LOL he is awesome.

Austinlad's avatar

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Jabe73's avatar

I have read some about it. I didn’t read the book you mentioned. It seems possible. Assuming ufos exist and visit earth this would seem like the most likely way for them to travel using wormholes. I do not have any idea how it would be possible to create wormholes however but intelligent beings many years ahead of us may have already figured this out.

Maybe I’m wrong on this but doesn’t this theory state that all matter “vibrates” between different dimensions in time to keep the universe from collapsing on itself (I’m not sure if this is another theory) but if this was true wouldn’t that be something of an opposing hypothesis to the big bang theory and more likely favor the steady-state theory? I have looked at evidence for and against both major theories and I’m not even sure which one I believe.

philosopher's avatar

Jabe the debate is on going.
Thank you for your intelligent response.
I suggest you read the book. Dr Kaku explains things well.

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