General Question

joeysefika's avatar

What is it with people asking inappropriate questions?

Asked by joeysefika (3098points) March 22nd, 2008

Over the past month I’ve noticed an influx of bad and inappropriate questions that can be solved with a quick search in google or urban dictionary. what is it with people and asking e.g. “what’s a MILF” its just being immature and stupid often from new users just having a laugh to see peoples responses. I just thought this issue should be raised.

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28 Answers

trainerboy's avatar

What is appropriate for you may be inappropriate for someone else. What is inappropriate for you may be appropriate for someone else. It is subjective . If someone wants to ask what MILF is, you do not have to answer it.

joeysefika's avatar

Thats fair enough but i’ve found that some of the questions popping up on fluther could easily be solved elsewhere on the internet. for example people asking the meaning of words.

trainerboy's avatar

That may be true but does it really matter? There are many questions I overlook just because I am not interested. If you don’t want to answer, just move past it.

Perchik's avatar

@joey That’s a battle we’ve always been waging. Google vs Fluther. There’s always been questions where if you type in the question, word for word, into google, the first hit will be the answer.
I’m going to cut the milf guy some slack. With that question, it might be something he truly wants to know. He may know it’s something sexual and doesn’t want to google it because of porn results. (I’m trying to be positive here)

As far as your main question, inappropriate is personal. What you see as inappropriate or uncomfortable, may be perfectly normal for some people.

joeysefika's avatar

thank you @perchick i do understand that he/she may not want a screen full of porn but their have been quite a few similar questions asked i can only assume just for kicks.

hairypalm's avatar

Well I think stupid questions are funny.

trainerboy's avatar

Here is another thought. The people asking questions to have fun may be laughing their heads off at your question because they know they may have pushed your button.
Just an idea but you may have given them more incentive to ask those types of questions just to annoy you!

gailcalled's avatar

*There have indeed;” woodchucking, Jerking-off for Dummies, What r u doing now; I am sooooooo board.” I would be happy to answer questions that take some thought, originality, and maturity.There are many other sites for the chatty Kathies and the youngsters. I just googled MILF and found the acronym really edifying.

gooch's avatar

I agree that Fluther should be reserved for intelligent conversation. We have young people who frequent this site and should try to keep it clean. I have 3 teenage girls that I personally have not shared the Fluther web address with due to inappropriate content. It COULD be a wealth of good reading if not for the occasional trash questions and answers. I am not naive but choose not to be the one who exposes my children to smut.

ninjaxmarc's avatar

fluther is a good way of getting opinions on certain subjects over true fact by googling.

Eventhough this is on the web itself I like have interaction with other people through fluther instead of searching by google

squirbel's avatar


It matters because Fluther has rules and those questions are not accepted here. Just because it is the Internet does not mean the Fluther cannot set rules; nor does it mean the Fluther must be open to allowing low-brow or google-able questions.

There is nothing wrong with wanting quality, or getting upset with the lack of quality where it once existed. Feeling entitled to tell someone to just pass up questions without knowing or understanding what the real issue is is not right.

Simple Fluther rules:
• Google it first
• Search Fluther
• Formulate the question, careful of grammar
• No self promotion, spam, obscene, or leading questions

I am new, but I quickly got tired of the google-able questions and have steeply drawn back from the site. Each time I refresh, the answer to the questions is a simple copy-paste of the results of a google/fluther search. If even I feel this way, its worse for the original members.

trainerboy's avatar

Apparently fluther has accepted some questions. Thank you though.

gailcalled's avatar

@trainerboy; you surely understand the tone and purpose of fluther by now. Help us to make it live long and prosper.

trainerboy's avatar

Thank you Gail. I may see things differently than you though. I am ok with some questions that others would call inappropriate. I don’t decide which question get through and the question asked was not specifically about anything that I have asked. I was just giving my perspective. Is that ok?

gailcalled's avatar

Absolutely OK. This is call and response here.

trainerboy's avatar

Let it live long and prosper with diversity.

gooch's avatar

As long as the diversity does not mean smut. Inappropriate does equate to perversion and foul language which has no place here.

Perchik's avatar

@gooch….Inappropriate is within a person. What you call perversion I could call art….

trainerboy's avatar

Inappropriate equates to perversion???
I have been told some of my answers are inappropriate, but I never used foul language, so that makes me a pervert?

gooch's avatar

If the shoe fits wear it. If you have not violated fluther guildlines then we are not talking about you. If you read some of the questions and answers they are written about perverted stuff….ie. Eating feces.

trainerboy's avatar

gooch….good comeback. You must have a very broad definition of perversion.

trainerboy's avatar

I was asking for a bit of clarity actually, rather than an accusation but you did actually answer in a different sort of way, clarifying you view of perversion.

trainerboy's avatar

Your statement that inappropriate equates to perversion leaves very little room for ambibuity. Either stand by it or clarify please.
There are a lot oquestions that have neither vulgarity nor speak of eating feces, that some would call inappropriate. I have asked a question about raising minimum wage that for some reason has not gotten past the fluther moderators. If you are going to call something perversion, clarify.

gooch's avatar

As I don’t know about your minium wage question I can not comment maybe it was a previously asked question. I personally think foul language is not appropriate. I also think if you would not want to have your mom or child read your question it to would be deemed not appropriate. I personally am not attacking you all I have said is if the shoe fits wear it

gailcalled's avatar

Here’s a very famous response by Supreme Court Judge P. Stewart that may be appropriate or may be *ambiguous. (And if we’re voting, I don’t think stupid questions are funny.)
In 1964, Justice Potter Stewart tried to explain “hard-core” pornography, or what is obscene, by saying, “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced . . . [b]ut I know it when I see it . . . ”[1]

1 Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U.S. 184, 197 (1964)

trainerboy's avatar

Get real gooch. If a question is deemed inappropriate, and has no swearing, and I believe you have covered that part, is it, as you stated, perversion? You made the statement. Are you going to stand by it or not, because you, in my opinion are using a very incendiary term, very loosely and I would think that someone who is very concerned about being appropriate would be a bit more conscious about labeling something as perversion. That is a very strong statement . I personally don’t care what you may or may not call me because I know I am not a pervert. I am asking you to clarify. You answered the swearing question, got it, not allowed, but your statement, “inappropriate equates to perversion”, that part, is the one you have avoided addressing directly. If you stand by it , you are labeling a lot of people on here as perverts who ask questions without swearing but questions that are deemed inappropiate for some reason. Some even get by the fluther moderators.

gooch's avatar

Remember I am not the moderator so I don’t get to see what get kicked out. I do stand by my statement that perverse topics are not suited for fluther.

trainerboy's avatar

You know that is not the question. You did NOT state that perverse topics are not suited for fluther. You stated, again, “inappropriate equates to perversion and foul language” .So anything inappropriate is perverse according to you?
So if you have children and they put their elbows on the table, they are perverts because putting elbows on the table is deemed inapprapriate.

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