Do you think that Hollister/Abercrombie clothes are worth their price?
Asked by
chloelily (
March 24th, 2008
from iPhone
-look cool/rich
-feel “hot”
-cool friends
-very expensive
-degrades people who don’t shop there
-“walking advertisement”
-looks so expensive that you could be judged early
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85 Answers
here comes my opinion….
you don’t look cool or rich.
you look sheepish and stupid.
the clothes are horribly made and are linked to sexual advertising and i find it gross.
why would you pay a lot of money for that?
especially the usual holes in the clothes. . .
cool friends? no.
clique following friends.
embrace your uniqueness.
make your own damn clothes [;
No way. Labeling is so want to be. Make your own styles.
Ok, so we have 1 Hollicrombie basher, 0 Hollicrombie fans.
I love Hollister and Abercrombie, that’s all I wear. I don’t think Hollister’s prices are that bad. Abercrcombie is what takes all my money. Everyone has their own opinion, at school I used to take a lot of shit for wearing it. But those people who said those things eventually started wearing it themselves. I just don’t pay attention to the Hollicrombie Haters.
I was going to start answering when I realized that ishotthesheriff said exactly what I was about to but with less capital letters…
and that’s good “teejay”.
i mean i may hate the two stores and the clothing, but at least you just wear what you want and don’t care.
just for the record, i haven’t started wearing the clothes lol.
Just a note for the Hollicrombie bashers: they DO have style, a very distinct one at that. Please do not make false accusations.
no one said they didn’t have styles. i said it was sheepish and gooch said to make your own and not follow along.
What about you chloelily what do you think of Hollister and Abercrombie?
Yeah, but I wanted to point that out before the accusations go flying.
If you are a man and you go buy clothes a an Abercrombie store you walk out carrying a bag with shirtless guys on it. Personally, thats not what i like to walk around with, but if thats what you like its fine with me.
I have been waiting for that question, teejay! Thank you!
I like Hollister, but I am with you. Anercrombie’s a money sucker. Personally, I find that abercrombie’s marketing sometimes gets too sexy. I never shop there, yet some of you will ne saying, “What’s the difference?” the answer to that is the clerks. Abercrombie’s clerks are way too revealing.
Yes if I was a guy carrying an A & F bag, I’d feel kinds gay LOL. But, as a gal… Well, nevermind… :)
Yes, a very good example, Eambos. You never know with those mallwalkers :D
The only Hollister shirt I’ve ever worn was from my GF and i hated it(don’t tell her) It was skin tight and said “Hollister” in every thinkable place.
I like my shirts althetic fit (not too baggy), but i mean this thing was like wearing a wetsuit!
Ok, good point. Problem is, not everyone fits in Hollicrombie tees. I guess that they are marketing to slimmer people. Even though I like Hollister, if I was fat, I would feel discriminated against, but of course, they just couldn’t come out with HCO plus sizes. Then the slim crowd would not buy from there. Very, very sticky situation here…
hmmm, when will sloane ever be done, I ask? That’s another question to ask on here,
OMG and his answer never appeared!!!
I see slot of heavy people wearing Hollister and Abercrombie that shouldn’t. They are obviously too big to be wearing it because you can tell that the shirt is way too small for them. I’m not trying to be mean, but you have to take a look at yourself in the mirror and see that you don’t look right.
Great answer. I wanted to put it like that, but couldn’t think of a way to put it politely like you did.
hollister I dont mind, I go straight to the clearance section,. Despite the fact that hollister and abercrombie are sister stores, they both seem pretty different. I hate abercrombie and fitch. The music is way too loud, I start shaking. Both stores are so dark!! Do they do that because everything seems to look better in the dark? I just dont know. And the holes in the pants…I just dont get it, and dont want too.
oh, and it smells like a baby prostitute in both stores. I actually saw a worker spray TONS of cologne on the clothes!
Me too, Haight. The clearance then is just like normal stores, but not as good selection. (everything is picked over) By the way, DO NOT go in Hollister on a weekend in the clearance. It is. CRAZY!!!
Well yes. They even spray it on girls’ clothes, to make you smell like you were smothered by a guy or something. That’s one thing I don’t like.
Personally, I don’t care for their clothes. Not for their price, but more for the fact that SO many people wear it. There is a huge percentage of people that wear that clothes. And I, for one, like being an individual, my own person.
I don’t bother going to hollister on the weekends because it’s ridiculous how many people are there. It’s so crowded you can’t even walk around the store, and the line is so long!
Yes, dpena, but the girls’ outfits are individual, besides the little seagull on the bottom. I for one, enjoy that the patterns often match and outfits flow smoothly when you’re wearing all Hollicrombie.
Yes, teejay. I’m just hoping that when I to on Thursday, it wont be crowded, even though it is spring break.
I like being unique and different from other people. The problem is I started wearing Hollister and Abercrombie before it got really popular, and as time went by more and more people started wearing it. So now it’s common to see people wearing it.
Woah, Ive been afk for a few mins, but did you call me fat earlier?? I am very fit, but that doesn’t mean I like my clothing to be sticking to me like a wet bathing suit. And of course Abercrombie and Holister market to the thin… No one markets to the large or overwieght even though a huge percentage of americans are overwieght or obese.
O yes, i forgot! the mirrors inside Abercrombie and Hollister are all concave in order to make you appear thinner when you are trying their clothing on. Thats why nothing ever looks as good as it did at the store…
No not fat, erm… Just tummy muscle? Giant abs? That’s what I meant. Muscular. Serious.
But is it really individual when anywhere you look every girl is wearing an outfit with their signature eagle? Or every guy for that matter?
mhmmmmm… You have to buy in an extra size if you are a man and dont like wearing a belly shirt…
I’ve never noticed that, because I usually don’t try things on. And its a seagull, not an eagle. That’s A Eagle’s logo.
trust me, everything in the store is made to flatter you so that you buy something.
And, the seagull isnt too terribly noticeable on girls’ shirts. I’ve gotten some “Oooh where’d you get that”‘s when wearing Hollister.
Yeah, Eambos. Plus, I have a plastic brace around my belly/back for scoliosis, so I look really thin and perfectly shaped anyways… :)
It gives me good-looking hips. Lol
That’s what I was trying to say, it was being individual when you wore it, a long time ago. Now it isn’t because everyone is wearing it now.
Cool, but I wasn’t around long enough to get into it then… Well, I am going to bed. Its midnight here. Nightie night!
G nite, ill see how this discussion goes when i wake up
I better go to sleep too, I have school tomorrow.
I know teejay, but no one can tell the difference now. Except for you. The sad truth is, to everyone else you’re just an average hillicrombie wearing guy. You could’ve gotten into it yesterday of however many years back but you no longer represent individualism.
I know you’re right dpena and it sucks.
I can’t stand the smell of Abercrombie. Every time I walk by that store in the Mall of America I hold my breath.
I also can’t stand the guys that stand in the entrance with their shirts off. I have often been tempted to join them to see what they would do to me. Haha.
But back to the clothes. I would rather buy cheap clothes from a thrift store and have expensive gadgets. If I ever bought clothes from Abercrombie I would feel like I wasted a HUGE amount of money.
So no, they’re not worth the price.
OK, so now we have a third side to this discussion…
The more sides the better.
Everything shall be exposed.
I like designer clothes. For the price there are several other places that will get my money. Ambercrombie does not care about high quality, whereas for a little bit more I can get something from Diesel that will last ten times longer and be a perfect cut for my look, sans the giant logos.
The truth is what makes you individual is not what a collective thinks of you when they see you, but more what you think of yourself. I would rather blend in with a crowd knowing that I am the only one, in this group, that chooses to wear the clothes I wear because I like them and not because everyone else likes them. That is true individualism, in my opinion.
As the mom to one teenage daughter and step mom to two other teen daughters, my opinion is this….. The sizing of the clothes is too small. My daughter is five feet ten inches tall and skinny like a rail. She has to get a large or extra large for the shirts to continue to fit after a washing. That’s ridiculous. I also find they are not good quality clothing, but are cute. The two step daughters will not wear anything else. My daughter started wearing it because she wanted to look like them. Now, she will wear some of it, but has been leaning heavily towards buying tshirts from local artists or having her uncle send shirts from local vendors in Austin. She wants to look different from the others. In closing, as a mother, I would never purchase their shorts…..entirely too short….. Or jeans with holes that are way too low to look good on anyone…especially My daughter….there is just no reason for a teen to wear pants that low.
Ishotthesheriff, that is individualism,and very artsy, too.
Mzgator, you have brought up another really good point! I too am tall and skinny, but have to wear mediums and larges. At normal stores I am a medium. Now, I can easily see a sensitive person shopping there and viewing themselves as fat, potentially the start of an eating disorder.
Wow, Id really like to thank you all for your input, and it was interesting reading the debates!!!
anyone who wears hollister or abercombie is a dumb poser that has such a self confidence issue they need to see a counselor. Also what the hell happened to fitch?
Only if they wear it because of peer-pressure.
just because u wear abercrombie and hollister duznt mean u arent unique!!the clothes smell so good and the models are hott!! plus,if you go to the outlet stores the clothes are dirt cheap you actually save way more money than buying them there plus they hav a huge selection! abercrombie and fitch,american eagle, and hollister are the best fitting clothes ive ever worn because sometimes i get teased 4 being skinny and i look good and normal size in their clothes!so stop slagging their clothes,they changed my life:)
You word your response like a sterotypical A&F customer: it’s full of txtspeak and horrible grammar and spelling. The clothes are not unique, but if you were it because it is your own preference then it doesnt matter.
Wear* Eambos….not were.
That’s good for you Clauds…bet you’re one of the very few that actually think that, but it’s good you stood up for your “clothes that changed your life”.
Ugh, my mistake. Stupid iPhone, I’ll have to punish it.
I agree with Clauds. I’m seventeen, and I wear XS and 00 at Abercrombie. Their clothes hug every curve (yes, a skinny girl DOES have curves!) and make me feel hot and sexy!
Although she phrases it rather dramatically, I can sympathize with the sentiment that “Abercrombie has changed my life”.... Fat people think they’re the only ones who have problems finding clothes, but they’re not! When I try on most jeans, they never flatter my body the way I want. I am PROUD of my thin hourglass figure, and I feel that Abercrombie is the only company that appreciates it, too!
I can’t even shop Hollister, their sister store, because it only goes down to size 0 in jeans, and though they fit my butt (I have a very defined derriere), the pants sag everywhere else—gross! Not only do Abercrombie jeans fit my butt AND slender thighs, but their shirts accentuate my tiny waist and my pretty nice-sized chest for a girl so thin. Perfect!
Yes, I love tight, revealing clothing. Call me a slut, but I think women should be proud of their bodies and stop trying to hide them. And stop ragging on girls who are proud of theirs, and wear the clothes that show it!
If Abercrombie doesn’t flatter your shape, size, or personality, shop somewhere else. Just find something equally cute, sexy and flattering in your taste, and wear it with confidence! But don’t down Abercrombie or the people who wear it because it’s not your style or doesn’t fit you. It’s unattractive and kind of annoying.
Hm… that was definitely like some kind of advertisement.. for Abercrombie and YOU. Ha.
i perosnally agree with pink001
my story is pretty much exactly the same as hers.
plus, i love the smell of their perfume, and the way their clothes smell like it when you leave the store. and i love the loud music. i think it creates a really great atmosphere personally.
I am 14 years old and am pretty darn slim. I’m not skinny, but I am 5.1” and am 90 pounds, a few pounds underweight for my age.
I’m thankful for Abercrombie (not Abercrombie and Fitch, just Abercrombie) because they make clothes that help me look nice. I’m fairly flat and small, so they accent me fairly well. I love the babydoll tops.
Hollister, on the other hand. Yuck. I got a green and white top from there, my puppy ran one claw across the super-thin material, and snap. It has a million holes in it. $40 down the drain.
I’m sticking with Abercrombie. No hollister.
I agree with Pink001. Fat people are not the only ones who have trouble finding clothes. I walk into probably 99% of stores, try a few things on, and walk out because nothing is small enough.
It pretty much sucks. I think slimmer people have a much HARDER time than larger people, in fact.
Hollister and Abercrombie. These are my only stores i will ever buy myy clothes in. I love the style and i don’t care about the prices as long as they are cute. In my school, if you show up in something other than abercrombie or hollister you are definatly going to be talked about. You have to keep up with their style though. And the ripped jeans, my absolute love. There is nothing to get about them, they are just perfect. And you don’t have to be super skinny to fit in their clothes, it’s just if you are super heavy and have rolls of fat on your stomach, you are obviously going to notice that. I think their clothes are amazing and if your a hater, then just have fun shopping in macy’s and sears!
my point- hollister&+abercrombie; amazing stores, cute clothes, amazing smelling fragrences, and best store in the mall.
Are you guys serious? I stopped wearing Hollister and Abercrombie&Fitch in 6th grade. I am a Senior now and all I have worn for the past three years is Lacoste and some Ralph Lauren. Atleast you are getting what you pay for with them, Hollicrombie or whatever is such a ripoff. Everytime i bought jeans from either one of those stores, one time in the washer makes the back pocket label basically crumble off. Worthless clothing is all it is. Lacoste is definitely the best quality clothing bu get expensive ($70—$125 for polo shirts) but Ralph Lauren is the next best thing.
I hate Abercrombie and Hollister! They are too expensive. Go to Aeropostale or American Eagle and get the same same clothes for cheaper. I wear Abercrombie, but don’t like it’s prices.
Make you look rich? Expensive?
LOL, A&F is cheap as fuck. Looking rich is wearing Dolce and Gabanna or Gucci.
AE, Aero, and Hollister are all trashy. A&F is the only one where you actually get something decent for what you pay. But seriously, if you actually want stylish clothes at the same price, go to Armani Exchange, their clothes are soooooo much better.
If you actually have money though, and good taste then go to Neiman Marcus and get some real clothes.
I have Dolce & Cabana’s Light Blue Fragrènce pour l’hommes.
Aeropostale is nice, though. And AE.
i personally love abercrombie, and hollister. I think what maily led me to it was my sister, because she was having problems fitting in becasue of her clothes. But like that may be the issue but it really is for me. Abercrombie is actually sposed to be an athletic wear for some parts of their clothing. I am a very athletic girl. I used to be a cheerleader too, so it sometimes athletic and its preppy… thats great for me !
I love hollister and a&f! I too, like pink001, have an extremely tall & slim figure. I’m 16 and 5’6 and 105 to be exact. So if I go to places like Sears or JcPenney and the like, the clothes are too big on me. I like clothes that flatter my shape & make me look like I have curves. A&F is too expensive for my budget most of the time, but I have a lot of Hollister. And their stuff really isn’t that expensive if you buy it on sale, at an outlet mall, or from Plato’s Closet. They have really cute clothes for skinny people & I don’t understand why there’s always such a problem with them. I don’t think you should wear their clothes just to fit in though. Especially if you don’t have the right body type, it honestly looks bad. But I say just wear whatever makes you feel good about yourself, for me that’s Hollister. :)
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im big i love to wear aeropostale bags i never looked at there clothes i scared im to big to wear them.
Okay first of all for anyone who says Hollister is for anorexic people that’s not true. Yeah they make their clothes smaller than most other companies do but that’s because their clothes are designed to attract the surfer crowd and naturally all surfers are fit and thin. Their clothes are designed to show off their bodies and hug their curves.
And you CAN be individual while wearing Hollister. I love HCO and I add my own personal style to the ourfits, like cool shoes and bright accessories. You can add bright-colored tank tops underneath one of their t-shirts like white or gray. But whatever, everyone has their own opinions.(:
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I honestly like Abercrombie better, and that’s like, where I usually go but I’m pretty sure when I get older, I’m not gonna shop there anymore. If you don’t like how dark it is, or how the clothes are, then don’t shop there I guess?
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I love abercrombie especially their hoodies and their dresses are beautiful, if only it were a bit more affordable. I have various items from Abercrombie but none from Hollister.
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