Social Question

Mom2BDec2010's avatar

What is the most exciting thing thats happened to you?

Asked by Mom2BDec2010 (2669points) September 6th, 2010

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11 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

Hmm, there have been several. My top three are:

Marrying my husband.
Having my son.
Finishing nursing school.

FutureMemory's avatar

Falling in love.

muppetish's avatar

Hahahahaha, oh, my mind went somewhere else :)

I’m going to say learning to read. Graduating from university will be the most exciting thing to happen to me next June (unless I get accepted into Grad School! That’s slightly more exciting.)

wundayatta's avatar

Alka Seltzer.

faye's avatar

Going to Greece for my sons’ wedding- wow!

TexasDude's avatar

Being in the woods at 4 in the morning with another guy who has never camped in his life. We were out of firewood, the fire was dying, our two friends had driven back to town two hours before to get some more food and neither of them had a cell phone. It was pitch black. We could hear coyotes running through the trees around us. My friend and I stood back to back and the coyotes all started howling at once all around us. I duct taped a flashlight to the barrel of my rifle and scanned the woods but couldn’t actually see any of them. The howling kept going and it sounded like they couldn’t be ten feet away. We just stood there for another 20 minutes or so until the howling stopped and our friends returned with the food. They got stopped at a DUI checkpoint and got delayed.

Dewey420's avatar

making whoopie

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

I’ve got a really crappy memory so I’ll go with the most recent and that’s getting accepted into the Pharm Tech program at school. It’s been a very long, ugly process of waiting. It’s been a year since I applied. I got a letter from the school sayign I wasn’t in and all my friends got in. Then about a month later, I got a letter saying I got in. So, when the training is done, I will never have to work retail again and I am just exstatic about that.

Ben_Dover's avatar

Tonight for the big Labor day BBQ, Suzy baked some incredible Carrot Cake!!! Yummy yum num…

rts486's avatar

Shooting at somebody while they were shooting at me. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time.

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