General Question

huntersglen09's avatar

What's a good name for a clothing line, that will capture people attention as soon as they see it?

Asked by huntersglen09 (2points) September 14th, 2010

i need a name asap

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19 Answers

delirium's avatar


“PENIS” would also work…

can’t deny that they’re noticeable!

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judochop's avatar

FUCK CLOTHES. or Fhuck Clothing.

Dog's avatar

Rancid Rags

funkdaddy's avatar

I ended up with a Drunkn Munky shirt and a Pimp Gear shirt basically because of the brand names being on the front. I guess I’ve got a soft spot for monkies with nunchucks.

Strangely my mom doesn’t own either, and I doubt grandma notices them in stores.

My point is it really depends who you’re selling to, the name will be a huge part of what you’re presenting to potential customers and should probably get at least a little thought.

@delirium I’d love to ask people if they’d seen the latest PENIS fashions though

augustlan's avatar

What kind of clothes, and who is your target audience?

Scooby's avatar

Rags to riches……. :-/

JLeslie's avatar

The woman who created Spanx, said after doing research she found that businesses with a k sound do well statistically.

I, like @augustlan need ot know what type of clothing, trendy, conservative, shirts, pants, gender, etc.

Pandora's avatar

Only fitting if you are selling stylish, quality clothing.

marinelife's avatar

Psycho Bunny. Unfortunately, it is taken.

Seriously, doesn’t it depend on the aesthetics of your line? Are they casual clothes? Women’s clothes? Men’s clothes? How about some more details.

john65pennington's avatar

In the 60s, there was a ladies line of clothing named Bobbie Brooks. my wife was a model for them and their clothing. i also thought this was a catchy name. anyway, i think this manufacturer is now defunct. you might check to see if using this name is still a copyright infringement.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Holy Jeansus Christ!

We put the ho in holy

MeinTeil's avatar

GreenPolarBearsGlobalWarmingSpottedOwlCheyrlCrowKyotoAccordAlGoreSkyIsFalling Apparel

You’ll make billions.

wundayatta's avatar


Probably taken already

Just put your name on it. “Hunter’s Glen.” Sounds manly. You could do plaid shirts and jeans and boots and cowboy hats and work gloves. Probably not what you had in mind.

JLeslie's avatar

@aprilsimnel Click is cute. I like it. Has the k sound and everything.

aprilsimnel's avatar


No, wait…

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