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Should the US provide less support for Israel?
Asked by jca2 | 15 responses -
Has Netanyahu offered to stop the bombing if all hostages are returned?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 13 responses -
Why are so many people saying "Free Palestine!" after the Hamas attack? Why weren't they saying that prior to the Hamas attack? Aren't they just responding to a Call of Action by a terrorist group?
Asked by Kraigmo | 24 responses -
Are urban areas more likely to have negative feelings towards Jews?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 27 responses -
Can Israel free Palestine from the grip of Hamas?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 74 responses -
What do you make of this video of Netanyahu testifying before congress, encouraging the US to invade Iraq and kill Saddam Hussein?
Asked by gorillapaws | 9 responses -
What should Israel do next if after a two-state plan had been implemented yet more terrorist attacks come from Palestine?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 11 responses -
Where is this video incorrect about the history of Israel and the Middle East?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 28 responses -
What aid did the Israeli government extend to the United States after 9/11?
Asked by canidmajor | 12 responses -
Was the targeting of civilians by Hamas when they attacked Israel considered war crimes?
Asked by seawulf575 | 30 responses -
Is the total blockade of the Gaza strip by Israel considered a war crime under international law?
Asked by luigirovatti | 18 responses -
Will the Palestinian people celebrate when Hamas is destroyed?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 2 responses -
For a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians to lead to lasting peace, what should all Israelis and Palestinians do today in order to make it happen?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 19 responses -
How should the world respond to the rapidly worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza?
Asked by Caravanfan | 30 responses -
What is the basis for the apartheid charges against Israel?
Asked by LostInParadise | 15 responses -
When is criticism of Israel anti-semitic and when is it not?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 23 responses -
What is it you think makes some Jewish people support the state of Israel and others just not?
Asked by tinyfaery | 21 responses -
Should the US become involved in the war that Israel has declared it is in?
Asked by jca2 | 71 responses -
What are your thoughts about the mass poisoning of girls, in Iran?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 6 responses -
What happens if Judaism announces a messiah?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 25 responses -
What's the conspiracy theory link between Zionism and the Holocaust?
Asked by luigirovatti | 10 responses -
How many times has Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu from 2009 to 2021 died or almost died?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 3 responses -
Did Netanyahu switch to English to say “we’ll be back” to use words very similar to Trump?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 11 responses -
Why isn't the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians referred to as Civil War?
Asked by filmfann | 10 responses -
Why is being Jewish considered an ethnicity?
Asked by yaujj48 | 11 responses