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Aging Orphans: feeling a little bit alone in the world with both parents gone no matter how old you are?
Asked by anartist | 16 responses -
Do you act any less wildly when you fall in love at 58 compared to falling in love at 18?
Asked by envidula61 | 13 responses -
Do all tattoos turn to blobs as they age?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 10 responses -
How old were you when you starting covering up the grey (hairs)
Asked by Jude | 41 responses -
What are some things that you have found yourself doing or thinking that make you ask yourself "I wonder if this means I'm getting old?"
Asked by jca | 72 responses -
Can you imagine what you & your life will be like in 2050?
Asked by longtresses | 54 responses -
Do the benefits of joining AARP outweigh the pissed-off-edness that comes with realizing you're old enough to join?
Asked by augustlan | 18 responses -
What is making you feel young as opposed to what is making you feel old?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 13 responses -
What could be causing my sense of taste to change so much?
Asked by wundayatta | 11 responses -
How do you know you're experiencing unusual short-term memory loss?
Asked by ETpro | 31 responses -
How do you prevent a hernia? Are any exercises a risk?
Asked by Kraigmo | 5 responses -
Is it normal to get gray hair in your twenties? Is it a one-time thing or a sign of more to come?
Asked by lostinyoureyes | 14 responses -
When were you last in a tree?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
How much wiser did you become after your early 20's?
Asked by Paradox1 | 17 responses -
Do I really need to start treating my cat like a senior kitty-citizen?
Asked by tinyfaery | 12 responses -
Aging: downward slide towards the grave; or a climb through life's experience towards wisdom?
Asked by auntydeb | 21 responses -
Is there a great wrinkle cream that's worked well for you?
Asked by RobotGirlfriend | 6 responses -
Im a 27 year old female, am I still considered young?
Asked by cocojustice | 49 responses -
For you, what's the best part about getting older?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 24 responses -
Mature ladies: can we talk about perimenopause?
Asked by tinyfaery | 21 responses -
If you have been a forgetful type all your life, what are the signs that it's no longer just forgetfulness, it is the onset of dementia?
Asked by ETpro | 15 responses -
What do you envisage your old age to be like?
Asked by ucme | 63 responses -
Does white wine age well?
Asked by wundayatta | 12 responses -
How can I find people for my dad to play a full game of Risk with in Portland, OR?
Asked by LauratheRockStar | 13 responses -
Any jellies dealing with Osteoporosis? How do you manage it?
Asked by Jude | 10 responses