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Do you have a kitchen appliance that has never been used?
Asked by JLeslie | 33 responses -
What could be wrong with my dishwasher?
Asked by Skaggfacemutt | 19 responses -
In your home, do you replace appliances prior to the older ones breaking?
Asked by jca | 21 responses -
Know of a double oven with toast feature?
Asked by JLeslie | 11 responses -
What would make an acrylic fish tank leak intermittently?
Asked by jca | 6 responses -
Can anyone give me some advice about an electrical problem.
Asked by rojo | 7 responses -
Are you still using power when things are connected to the outlet but aren't on?
Asked by Mr_Saturn512 | 11 responses -
What makes a glass coffee pot with attached lid leak when you pour it?
Asked by jca | 8 responses -
Boring question #81: What would you give up for 6.5 years?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 17 responses -
Steam coming from cooktop?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 6 responses -
Will you help me choose my home water purification plan?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 9 responses -
What brand of stand mixer do you recommend?
Asked by shrubbery | 28 responses -
Will you share your uncomplicated slow cooker recipes with me? (Also an additional question about this CrockPot)
Asked by DigitalBlue | 13 responses -
Have you ever made cake pops?
Asked by jca | 8 responses -
What is a good flat TV wall mount that can swing out at a 90 degree angle from the wall?
Asked by jca | 11 responses -
How can I get a frog out of my washing machine drain hose?
Asked by Coloma | 33 responses -
Does anyone like their smooth top electric stove?
Asked by JLeslie | 24 responses -
Can you live without a dishwasher, microwave, stove or garbage disposal ?
Asked by Pandora | 57 responses -
What's the deal with stainless-steel appliances?
Asked by jordym84 | 21 responses -
What's up with glass beverage dispensers leaking? Do they all leak or is there something I needed to do to prevent it?
Asked by jca | 8 responses -
What can I do about a wall switch for an overhead light if the socket doesn't have a neutral wire and the switch does?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 21 responses -
Do you unplug your appliances (minor appliances as opposed to major appliances) when you're done using them?
Asked by jca | 26 responses -
The best way to secure a stand alone flat TV on the wall is?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 3 responses -
Best Buy is closing 50 stores. How does that make you feel and what does it mean for our retail economy?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 25 responses -
Which crockpot should I buy?
Asked by seekingwolf | 17 responses