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Am I the only one who find the novel "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" ridiculous and the film with the same name decent?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 7 responses -
Has anyone read the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"?
Asked by cutiepi92 | 27 responses -
Have you read "The Cuckoo’s Calling"?
Asked by filmfann | 10 responses -
What is your favorite poem in the entire universe?
Asked by Equestrian18 | 20 responses -
How many pages long in a Word Doc is the average fiction novel?
Asked by Evoru | 6 responses -
Writers: How to know when it's time to be done?
Asked by Mariah | 15 responses -
Are love scenes in western novels written for mainly men or women or is it undefined?
Asked by Kraigmo | 7 responses -
Do you like to write?
Asked by Inspired_2write | 25 responses -
What is the diference between an essay, a short story and a novel?
Asked by antimatter | 12 responses -
What makes a novel good for you?
Asked by wundayatta | 11 responses -
Would the following synopsis convince you to read the novel it describes?
Asked by rdesai2013 | 13 responses -
How come aliens barely ever wear clothing?
Asked by Berserker | 25 responses -
When creating a character for a novel, what kinds of things do you think about?
Asked by wundayatta | 9 responses -
I like pirates. What's a good book to read?
Asked by pallen123 | 12 responses -
What three novels have you reread the most in your life?
Asked by wundayatta | 52 responses -
Whose tattoo is this?
Asked by desiree333 | 4 responses -
What is your favorite Stephen King novel?
Asked by Mr_Paradox | 31 responses -
If you describe someone as "born-again," do you need the word "Christian," or is that implied?
Asked by 6rant6 | 17 responses -
Did you hear about the republishing of famous novels with added pornographic content?
Asked by filmfann | 32 responses -
What are some examples of books in which the protagonist is the "bad guy"?
Asked by PhiNotPi | 18 responses -
Can you suggest a modern novel with a moral delimma at its core?
Asked by 6rant6 | 12 responses -
What are the rules around discussing a story plot with friends?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 14 responses -
What English language author uses the longest sentences?
Asked by 6rant6 | 42 responses -
Does anyone know where to start in either Star Trek or Star War's Book series?
Asked by careerbassmaster | 7 responses -
Writers, how do you teach a budding writer?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 9 responses