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Ayesha's avatar

How do you get yourself to sit down and study? (Read Details).

Asked by Ayesha (6218points) November 20th, 2011

Do you have any tips that you follow before a study session at home? Or do you simply force yourself when not in the mood and end up covering text that needed to be covered.
Share with us your thoughts. Thank you.

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6 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Can you go somewhere else? Like maybe the library or somewhere that you can not be distracted by everyday stuff? Maybe leave your phone turned off, go to a different environment, stuff like that.

jrpowell's avatar

Back when I was in College (2004) I got really into internet forums. I pretty much couldn’t study at home. I would go to the library without a phone or laptop. I graduated with a solid GPA. 3.75 bitches.

Luiveton's avatar

Put your phone/any electronic device in a seperate room. And tell yourself that after you’ve finished a certain section you’ll reward yourself with chocolate or whatever. So yeah, basically start off by getting off Fluther maybe? :)
Good luck.

bongo's avatar

Get comfy, make sure you have eaten, make sure you have a drink, turn off facebook/fluther etc., turn off your phone, force yourself to read something. I will assure you that if you learn nothing but one thing at uni, you will learn how to make notes and copy things from papers without actually taking it in. I can copy pages of writing and look like im making notes without properly reading the text im copying. I know many people who have been to university and have picked up that skill. I am supposed to be studying now. Maybe i’m not the best person to be answering this question….

Sunny2's avatar

A quiet carrel in the library was the only way I could do it. I have ADHD and had to get away from the distractions of where I lived. There are so many more things to pull you off course today, I don’t know how you do it! Determination helps.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Fear and desperation. LOL.

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