Social Question

serenityNOW's avatar

Did anything make you happy today?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) December 4th, 2013

Hi All,

I came out to my boss today; since I’ve been having dates with a new guy, it was beginning to get hard to cover up my tracks. True, the dates were none of his business, but I’ve been working here for six months and it’s a small place outfit. Right now, there are five employees. So, what made me happy is that he took it very well – extremely well, and I’m thrilled. So, that’s what made me happy today… you?

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52 Answers

Juels's avatar

Today is my hubby’s day off, he gave me a big sleepy hug on my way out the door this morning. Sigh.

Juels's avatar

Oh, and I had a Starbucks chai tea latte this morning. Yum! Gotta love the little things.

Btw, congrats on being able to come out. It is nice not to have to hide who you are.

Coloma's avatar

I have been sick all week with a sinus/ear infection and cold and whatever other diseases. haha
I am HAPPY because my ears have finally, almost unplugged and my head feels about 10 lbs. lighter. I’m also happily high on Vicodin and Tylenol for my poor head and plan of napping/dozing/ watching movies all afternoon in bed. Yay!

serenityNOW's avatar

@Juels – It’s really those little things sometimes :)

tom_g's avatar

Congrats on the work stuff, @serenityNOW.

I am drinking a cup of chai and watching some birds play outside my window. I am happy now.

Juels's avatar

@tom_g Let’s hear it for chai!

serenityNOW's avatar

Oh, and no one please misconstrue and think for any moment that I’m implying that there are happy moments every day and on should seek them out; this isn’t some “life is too short” claptrap. I’m pragmatic enough to know that some days are just shit!

Lorna's avatar

Unfortunately no. I feel incredibly low right now, and having to put on a smile at work does not help.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Congrats to having an open-minded, open-hearted boss, or a boss that can act well, whatever, that is great for you!

My day is running smoothly and on time, that makes me happy.

serenityNOW's avatar

@Lorna – Ugh. I hate those days… apparently Chai is the answer.

Juels's avatar

@Lorna Sorry you’re having a bad day. I like your sexy avatar. Does that help?

Coloma's avatar

@Lorna I feel for you, I have been there lately too, and yes, nothing worse than having to be social and smiling when you are in a slump.

The rest of, Chai is not the answer, Vicodin is. lolol ;-) No, I am not a druggy, but since my doc gave me this for my sinus pain I have felt happier. haha

serenityNOW's avatar

@Coloma – I was going to write about the Vicodin but you beat me to it!
Of course, I don’t recommend drugs except for their specific purpose… (yeah, right!)

mambo's avatar

I finally arranged an appointment with an affordable doctor who will be able to help me, so I’m pretty happy about that.

flutherother's avatar

Watching the spray getting tossed across the esplanade at Largs while the sun went down and thinking of someone.

anniereborn's avatar

@serenityNOW That is wonderful that you had the courage to come out to your boss and that he was way cool about it! That is a great happy thing.

My happy thing today so far…..a friend’s 91 year old mother who was very very ill, took a turn for the better. She even avoided an operation that was scheduled.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I had my first “real” post-college interview at a law firm this morning, and I think it was a success! I’m happy that I didn’t blow it, but now I’m anxious about hearing back about the job.

kevbo's avatar

Woke up weighing less than I did yesterday. Ran five miles and while I was doing it felt plugged in to a sense of universal consciousness. Dyed my hair for the first time ever for a show that opens Friday (another thing to be happy about).

deni's avatar

I took the bus for the first time in a while, and the bus driver was so pleasant. He said HOWDY, which I like, and he was super jovial about telling me to take care and have a good day. I appreciate the little things like that. Also, the dog I walk really loves the snow, and we got a good 6 inches last night, and she does this cute hop when there’s snow on the ground. She bounces around a lot, it looks like, haha. And she found a dog friend and they ran full speed around the park for a good 20 minutes. I didn’t even have to walk the whole way to the dog park.

YARNLADY's avatar

I received an invitation to attend a birthday celebration of an old acquaintance of mine, so I am making arrangements for the trip.

I also have cleared out two boxes of stored junk, and reduced it to two grocery bags of trash and one two inch pile of keepers. I’ll try for at least one more box, if not two by tonight.

talljasperman's avatar

I had a Nanaimo bar and some ginger ale.

JLeslie's avatar

75 degree weather and mostly sunny skies while much of the country is cold.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I have my own love song, named after me, I think that is about all I need to say. :)

Pachy's avatar

The ending of “Angels in America.” Quite uplifting.

hearkat's avatar

Months ago, my sweetie and I bought tickets to a matinee on Broadway for today, so we had the day off and went to dinner afterwards.

ibstubro's avatar

Good luck with the new guy!

I make myself happy, so I’m happy almost every day. If I have a miserable day, I’ve only myself to blame. lol

Smitha's avatar

Playing in the park with my daughter! I like it when we spend time alone together.

deni's avatar

@JLeslie It’s exactly zero degrees here right now! I Hate it!

JLeslie's avatar

Zero fahrenheit? Ugh, I always say as long it is above freezing it is tolerable, but zero! No no. Too cold. Even when I lived in MI it was rarely that cold. Even 10 degrees feels like it goes right through you.

Haleth's avatar

@serenityNOW That’s awesome! I wish you all the best.

Honestly today has been one of those days for me… it’s like walking around in a fog. The high point of my day was a bit of mild enthusiasm for my morning coffee. Some stuff in my personal life has me down. Right now it’s hard to imaging feeling anything more than “meh” or “oh, that’s nice,” any time in the near future.

anniereborn's avatar

@hearkat cool! what did you see?

ETA….My new shower curtain being up!

Lorna's avatar

Thank you @Coloma. I hate feeling like this. I read a lot of your posts and you always seem really happy and full of life.

Harold's avatar

Yes, after three years of work, I had a journal article accepted for publication.

hearkat's avatar

@anniereborn: We saw Betrayal with Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, and Rafe Spall. The acting was good, the dialog was good, but the plot was meh… I have a feeling it was far more compelling when it first came out in 1978.

serenityNOW's avatar

@Haleth – I hope today is better… I know what that’s like and it sucks! Trust me, often times my days are murky like that, but recently I’ve been on a roll. When things are good, though, I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
@deni – Yup; good to hear about the bus driver. My uncle was a bus driver for his entire working life, and he too is a very pleasant fellow :)
@Harold – That’s awesome. Congrats!
@talljasperman – I had to look up the Nanaimo bar. Looks super yummy!
Take care gang…!

Coloma's avatar

@Lorna I am by nature, but have had a very stressful year, it has taken its toll on my usual happy go lucky personality, not so happy, certainly not go lucky right now.

Hang in there!

YARNLADY's avatar

Another day, another happy surprise. I got a discount of $10 on a minimum purchase of $10.00 – Free! YAY. at J C Penny’s.

OpryLeigh's avatar

A little “hello” text from my boyfriend and my dad sent me a really cute picture of his dog. It doesn’t take much to make me happy!

Coloma's avatar

Still sick, feel like s—t, haha but, happy, because I drug myself out for supplies today and am now going to wait on the 1st big storm coming tomorrow afternoon. Might see a boatload of snow here and very cold, 15–20 degrees in my neck o’ the woods. Cozied up with my kitties and blankets and sick bed goodies. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

anniereborn's avatar

When my husband started to feel less sick

ibstubro's avatar

Memory lane has made me happy again today. Karen Carpenter. Gilda Radnor. Anne Bancroft.

Bittersweet memories, but sweet nonetheless.

I don’t know of anyone or anything that has brought me more happiness over the course of my life than Gilda Radnor. Odd, but an amazing tribute.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Gilda was GREAT! I was on the ground floor of SNL back in the 70’s. It’s never been as good as the original cast, ever since.

ibstubro's avatar

Somehow Gilda left an impression on me that has never waned. I know she has not been out of my life for more than 2 weeks at a time. Probably more like ‘less than one week’.

I love to be unhappy.
My life it filled with pain.
When days are full of sunshine,
I’m lookin for the rain.

I had that in a near continuous loop in my brain for decades. I still love it. How scarey is that?? lol

mattbrowne's avatar

The excellent preparation by the authorities for the terrible storm in Northern Europe still going on right now. Plus most people finally taking weather forecasts seriously.

jonsblond's avatar

Today is my parent’s 45th wedding anniversary and my mom is being released from the hospital and she’s going home. There were many times this year (even this week) that we thought she wouldn’t make it to see this day. Now she gets to sleep in her own bed with my father by her side.

Coloma's avatar

Yes! Still sick but it just started snowing! Woo Hoo…all cozy watching the flakes float by. :-D

ibstubro's avatar

Yes. I read @jonsblond‘s answer ^. That made me very happy for her and hers.

I’ve always found Simon and Garfunkel’s “Homeward Bound” too poignant to bear, or I would link.


serenityNOW's avatar

@jonsblond – that is awesome news. Well, I guess I’m on a good roll: I reconciled with a friend; I thought our situation was dire and a lost cause, but it just goes to show, you never know…

anniereborn's avatar

My sister ended up not calling me to do something that was extremely difficult for me to do.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@jonsblond I’m so pleased for your mother. I have been rootin’ for her to get well since you first posted about her. I hope your parents have a wonderful anniversary.

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