General Question

flo's avatar

Why no tight jeans but yes to compression stockings when it comes to circulation?

Asked by flo (13313points) July 12th, 2021

This is about swollen legs, blood circulation, fluid buildup etc. Is it wear tight things or do not, since the cure is:
But it says one of the causes is too tight jeans.

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11 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

Compression stockings are designed to compress from the ankles up. Tight jeans construct the blood vessels at the top reducing flow and increasing risk of clots.

gorillapaws's avatar

Just to expand on @Caravanfan’s great answer, the term is “graduated compression,” where it’s very strong compression at the ankle, and it become less strong the higher up the leg you go. Medical compression stockings are regulated by the FDA, have to meet strict standards, and should be sized by a professional.

kritiper's avatar

Compression stockings are elastic (spandex) and stretch while regular jeans have no (spandex) stretch.

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flo's avatar

Understood. How about standing too long? When does it become too long? Cashiers stand all day.

gorillapaws's avatar

@flo Prolonged standing can cause blood to pool in the legs. Your calf muscles act as a pumps to push the venous blood against gravity back to the heart. You have one-way valves in your veins that help keep blood moving in the correct direction. Walking helps, as does compression stockings.

Having a standing professions is one risk factor for developing chronic venous insufficiency (when your valves fail and leak blood the wrong way) that causes varicose veins, leg swelling/fatigue and can sometimes lead to more serious problems as well.

flo's avatar

Ok,. I suppose the cashiers are moving while they are standing? So, who are they talking about ? People in which profession stand (just stand all day) without moving?

The person I’m referring to walks a lot, goes up and down stairs, etc.

gorillapaws's avatar

Hair stylists, teachers, cashiers, greeters at storefronts, TSA agents, security guards, etc. often stand in one place for prolonged periods of time. Walking is good for venous circulation. It’s not the case that walking will make one immune to venous issues, there are many other factors at play too. It’s just that walking is generally beneficial.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

@flo as someone who cashiered for a number of years when I was younger, cashiers really don’t walk around hardly at all when running a register. They are more likely to pivot some while bagging, although sometimes they might walk around the back of the register to load bags in a cart. More often they stretch/reach across the register area to place the bags, assuming the customer doesn’t do so.

When I cashiered and didn’t have a line, I was forever walking the front end: collecting handbaskets, removing items left on the magazine rack that customers didn’t want and just left there (grr!), and the like. I think doing so allowed me to move around more, and incidentally got me promoted, as my manager liked me showing such initiative.

flo's avatar

1) So why don’t cashiers get to sit while they do their job?

2) If the swelling is just on the foot or if it goes all the way up above the knee, what does that mean? Do you see a website where it gets into that?

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