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rebbel's avatar

Does NeoCov make you nervous?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) January 28th, 2022

Chinese scientists found a new virus, in South-Africa, in bats, that they call NeoCov.
For now it’s an animal-only virus, but the WHO wants to do (more) research to see whether it could potentially be one that can go from animal to human.
Apparently it looks like MERS.
It would, apparently, potentially be pretty lethal; 1 in 3…..
My initial reaction, after I only read a header, was: “Oh my freaking god, now we’re done with…...”

What say you?



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5 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You see. This is why I stopped watching the news. Now you’ve spoiled my happy bubble.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I am more worried by neocons in the US than neocov.

anniereborn's avatar

Even tho I am vaccinated and always wear a mask, I just can’t care much anymore.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Interesting this bat was found by China in Africa. Fauci does his beagle torture in Africa.
No, I’m not scared. Causing fear-induced compliance is the point.
They will do what they’re gonna do. Being fearful won’t change the outcome.

CybertonSlapback's avatar

These viruses have always been found in animals. Nothing unusual. What is unusual is how it is passed to humans. I wonder if it were tinkered with. Other than that, no I am not worried.

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