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LadyMarissa's avatar

Have you heard that Bruce Willis is retiring?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16136points) March 30th, 2022

The NY Post, among others, announced today that Bruce Willis is retiring I had been noticing for several years that there was something off with his acting but couldn’t lay my finger on the problem. His eyes looked like people who have Parkinson, but he didn’t have the physical tics to support that theory. I am saddened for he & his family. I hope that they will have many good years together before this ailment fully manifests itself!

Not being a huge fan of the Action genre, I think my favorite work of his was The Sexth Sense with Haley Joel Osment. What is your favorite Bruce Willis movie & your favorite memories?

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25 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’d say it’s past time. His best movies were his earliest ones. And the TV show, of course.

Patty_Melt's avatar

That’s a darn shame.
I had a crush on Bruce when Moonlighting premiered.
Of course I love him in the Die Hard movies. For gosh sakes, he outsmarted Snape.
I love him in The Fifth Element.
He was fun in The Last Boy Scout.

I didn’t like The Whole Nine Yards or Hudson Hawk.
There are several I haven’t seen.

I think Armageddon as entertainment, and looking past departure from reality, is awesome. Even the crazy science is fun. I giggle at the enthusiasm of the guy with the mylar sails idea.
I thought Bruce really pulled it off in that one.

SnipSnip's avatar

I heard it on the news. It’s a very sad thing to happen to a talented young
guy. He’s just 67. I don’t follow celebs at all but I’ve liked him in the films I’ve seen…..none of those crazy big gun films he has done. Anyway, I wish the best for him. He is one of the Hollywood people who managed to remain human.

SnipSnip's avatar

@Patty_Melt What crazy science? I had just finished researching and writing a speech on NEOs when that movie came out. I was astonished how correct most of the science furnished to the audience was. I’m curious what you thought was crazy science.

filmfann's avatar

12 Monkeys
Die Hard
Sixth Sense
The Last Boy Scout

and my favorite Pulp Fiction.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not a disease I would want to have.

I feel sorry for him and his family.

raum's avatar

I always thought that aphasia was caused by other things? Not like its own brain disorder. But a symptom of something else? Stroke or Alzheimer’s?

LadyMarissa's avatar

@raum Me too, but I’m far from an expert on that subject!!!

@elbanditoroso Yes, his best work was his earlier projects. According to the article, he hasn’t been able to remember his lines for a while now. He wore an earpiece where they fed him his lines & they provided body doubles for his regular scenes because he couldn’t follow simple directions. That’s one of the reasons he didn’t return to The Expendables. He knew that he couldn’t handle the pressure to perform.

IF you look at him, his eyes are empty & his body basically blank. His smile looks forced. I find all this really sad considering the lively man he once was. I saw similar traits in Robin Williams before he died & I’m hoping to NOT have the same outcome in this instance. At least Bruce or his family have recognized that he has a problem & are dealing with it!!!

SEKA's avatar

This is sad indeed. I can’t remember a day in my life that there wasn’t a Bruce Willis movie coming out. Yes, I can go back and re-watch his earlier work, but it won’t be the same. I used to find that impish grin of his exciting

mazingerz88's avatar

Sad very sad. I worked for someone with aphasia and it’s a terrible disease. Been a fan since Moonlighting. If I want to feel better for whatever reason I listen to its opening theme. Nothing like roaming around LA at night listening to Al Jarreau’s soothing voice in that really cool song!

The last film I’ve seen and found entertaining enough was his buddy cop movie with Tracy Morgan. Hurts to see Bruce, Cage, Travolta and Cusack do low-budget digital movies.

Hurts even more to know when they get devastatingly ill. Glad Schwartzenegger and Stallone are doing fine. So much fun I got from most if not all of their movies.

smudges's avatar

@raum It is.

Aphasia is a disorder resulting from damage or injury to the language area in the brain. Common causes are: stroke, head injury, brain infection, slow-growing brain tumor, a degenerative disease that damages the brain tissues such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Complications often arise due to inability to speak rather than damage to the brain. Communication affects one’s job, family and social relationships, and day-to-day functioning. This can gradually lead to isolation, anxiety, and depression.

smudges's avatar

Can’t think of anything to say; my mind is blank. Just sadness.

kruger_d's avatar

I really liked The Fifth Element and of course, Moonlighting. His comedic timing is flawless.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My favorite is 16 Blocks.

Poseidon's avatar

67 year old Bruce Willis has announced he is retiring due to a disorder called Aspasia which affects his communication skills..

smudges's avatar

^^ Aphasia, too!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Sad situation, good actor.

SEKA's avatar

I’ve always enjoyed his acting even when I didn’t care for the movie

gorillapaws's avatar

Very sad. Favorite movies include Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, 12 Monkeys, The Fifth Element, and Moonrise Kingdom.

LadyMarissa's avatar

For those who are interested…What Is Aphasia

Patty_Melt's avatar

That is informative. Thanks for the link.

SEKA's avatar

@LadyMarissa Great link—thanks

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SEKA's avatar

@elbanditoroso I saw last week that the powers that be are working toward bringing to streaming the old Moonlighting episodes. I think they said that it hadn’t been worth doing before now because of the licensing fees associated with the music on the show. Now they think that CBS might find it profitable if they do bring it back while they still have the “old generation” who adored the show and introduce it to the “new generation” who should enjoy the show

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