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rebbel's avatar

[NSFW] A question about adjusting something?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) May 19th, 2022

The male genitalia sometimes needs adjusting.
Through walking or cycling, or any other activity, it can sometimes get twisted or otherwise uncomfortable.
Now it is a known (I presume) fact that people with male genitalia adjust it, if needed, even ‘en plein public’.

Do female genitalia also need adjusting sometimes, is my question?

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48 Answers

janbb's avatar

Not the down below bits unless underpants get twisty but that’s not the bits. Bra straps sometimes but the boobs pretty much stay put (in a floppy way.)

canidmajor's avatar

Not the genitalia, but the undergarments nearby so the bits don’t get chafed. A little skip sometimes does the trick.

canidmajor's avatar

Owe me a coke @janbb!!

Jeruba's avatar



chyna's avatar

@janbb said boobs, tee hee.
Yes, sometimes panties get themselves in a twist and they need a readjustment. But usually, women are discreet about it.

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Maybe if you stopped carrying around kittens down below your bits wouldn’t need so much adjusting!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Not the actual genitalia, like men but g-strings or maybe a hair twisted in lace or lycra. And we are usually discreet as opposed to some men, who don’t seem to notice all that fiddling and adjusting is a bit weird during a face to face.

JLoon's avatar

Yes. Just like yours, only moreso.

Every female who’s physically active – especially in sports – experiences camelwedgies, buttacos, brablemboobs, and swampwater leaks. And we adjust our clothing, the equipment, and ourselves as needed (usually with lots of attention from fans & freaks).

At an elite level the effort can make some of these problems extreme :

And when we try to make the gear more functional & female friendly, we risk getting judged out of the game by jerkwad skin police :

So it goes. But whatever you got, wear it with pride.

kritiper's avatar

I seriously doubt it. Anything down below that might need adjusting, if it were actually required, is fully lubricated and would slither around adequately so as not to require manual adjusting.
Boobs are another story, but lots of females don’t wear the right size bra anyway, so it goes without saying that some or a lot of fumbling would be required.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Um, guys, I really think this is a question best left to the ladies. STFU

canidmajor's avatar

But @Hawaii_Jake, they’re mansplaining so we silly girls will understand!

HP's avatar

Why is it that whenever some issue involving the mysteries of women’s equipment comes around for discussion, I still squirm? I mean I grew up with sisters, had a few girlfriends, and am not exactly fresh out of the box. But even now, revelations pop up about the ordeals of womanhood that leave me frowning.

JLoon's avatar

@HP – Frown away dude.

It’s life in the world.

canidmajor's avatar

And Stan…girls poop. Sorry Buddy, but it’s true.

HP's avatar

No mystery to the pooping, men are more shortsighted about the rigors of you girls than you want to believe. Here’s an example. I was in my 20s when a girl took pity on me and explained why in a house full of women the tp seems to fly off the roll.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@kritiper….lubricated? What lubrication?

HP's avatar

And that bra thing. That’s another one. I can’t believe the variety of harnesses, and I swear, i don’t know how women can decide what is optimum. And the money they want for some of those things!!!

canidmajor's avatar

We are truly magical creatures of mystery!

janbb's avatar

@canidmajor And only half the human race! who’d a thunk it?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@HP Did you know bras are actually harmful in that women don’t build as much muscle because we’ve been strapped up our whole lives. Ironically bra’s simply simulate perky breasts while robbing us of the same.

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL “bra’s” what? You’re using a possessive where no apostrophe should be used

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Fixed, someday maybe I’ll be perfect. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well you don’t have far to go @KNOW!

JLoon's avatar

@KNOWITALL – Woah girl.

You’re talking about something very different from choices female athletes have to make. It’s one thing to go Amazon around the house ( I do, a lot), but that’s not at all like the stress and stain you experience in serious sports, especially if your breast size is larger:

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III haha!

@JLoon Oh absolutely. I love sports bras so much but I can’t imagine actually playing with a busty build.
We had a joke about Dolly Parton running and getting black eyes. Must be hard. What do/did you play?
In soccer it was hard to watch the ball sometimes, too.

JLoon's avatar

@KNOWITALL – Dolly would have been a natural as a swimmer! I played basketball through high school & into college. Bras were everybody’s friend at practice & on game day, but finding ones that fit right, feel good, and won’t empty your bank account is always a challenge.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLoon Cool, several of my girlfriends were decent but not college level. Ever heard of Jackie Stiles? She has a training camp here and is a local celebrity.

JLoon's avatar

Jackie? Yes!

Anyone who trains with her is getting the best.

HP's avatar

You see, this is exactly what I mean. Bazooms improve buoyancy???? I was sure that was one of those myths from my cub scout days.

JLoon's avatar

@HP – Don’t want to lead you astray, but mostly I’m trying to be funny (Dolly would understand).

The correllation between breast size & swimming isn’t completly true, but not exactly a myth either:

The amount of adipose tissue is what can give swimmers an advantage, and in general women have more than men.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I will happily support braless women.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m still wondering about the lubrication thing! You ever gonna splain that to us @kritiper?

Dutchess_III's avatar

How do you know how larger breasts affect one in athletics unless you’ve been athletic with smaller breasts?

JLoon's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Can you remember what it was like before you developed?

Me too.

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s not a dry run down there, is it?? It’s enclosed, and it’s wet. Isn’t it??
It’s not dry like male genitalia, is it??

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@kritiper Keep digging. You’ll hit oil sooner or later the deeper you go. Keep digging. You’re doing fine. ~

si3tech's avatar

@rebbel Yes. The panties.

smudges's avatar

@kritiper Never needed lube, like Astroglide? And there are products specifically for the women who are shall we say, past their prime, who need to moisturize.

And yes, it’s been a while, but the last time I checked there were a few…umm…moist areas around male genitalia, especially if exercise had recently occurred, or hell, even just in the summer! Nope, not so “dry”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No it’s not wet. Why would it be?

canidmajor's avatar

No, @kritiper, it’s not always wet. Most of us observe basic hygiene practices, your experience with all this is completely nil. Really, no clue.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No @JLoon. I honestly can’t recall any difference from before and after I developed…..but it’s only logical that with 36 C bazoombas there IS a difference. Maybe I was slower than I would have been without them. But no way to know.

rebbel's avatar

Thank you to all of you for you open-hearted replies!
I definitely learned from you all.

deni's avatar

Yes, my genitals need adjusting especially after I ride a bike, ESPECIALLY if it’s a long ride. I don’t wear the padded shorts, and notice it’s worse when I wear jean shorts, which is often. The seam in the crotch sometimes really makes an imprint on me and when I get off everything is all smooshed and I have to adjust. Otherwise, I don’t need to adjust them much. Great question. lol

smudges's avatar

^^ Way TMI !

RayaHope's avatar

@smudges I have to agree on this topic. sheez

WhyNow's avatar

Adjusting the package is a thing in Brooklyn even if no adjustment is necessary.

RayaHope's avatar

correction: I didn’t mean I agree with the OP but with this being TMI and yikes what a crazy topic…

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