Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Have you ever held up a sign in some demonstration, protest, or march?

Asked by Jeruba (55867points) July 25th, 2022

Tell us about it:
What was the event?
What did your sign say?
Did you make it yourself?
What was your experience of participating?

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14 Answers

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Years ago in High School. Some friends and I went to a peace protest at UT Austin. Held signs saying Give Peace s Chance. Went smoothly for a while until some clown tried wrestling with a cop. More cops came in and we got the hell out of Dodge. Perhaps that UT student should have Given Peace a Chance. Things were fine up until that point.

hat's avatar

Of course. We’d grab some poster board and write stuff on it. 1992 Washington DC March for Women’s Lives (reproductive freedom) that drew 500,000–750,000 people. A couple of pre-US invasion of Iraq (2003) demonstrations and one after. A few local events over the years.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes. Around 1971–72. Anti-Vietnam war protest. Mixed in with Nixon disgust.

Didn’t do any good.

jca2's avatar

I was a union member for over 25 years and a union official for 10 of those years, so I attended many demonstrations, pickets, and rallies. Many signs were held up by me and others, and a lot of those demonstrations were on the news.

I also attended a pro-choice demonstration a few years ago and I made a sign for that, and was on the news.

RayaHope's avatar

I and my sister once made a sign that said “Down with pants” and we showed it to some boys after school. Let’s just say they were far too eager to comply. Boy did we get in trouble.

eyesoreu's avatar

Jigsaw Mania
“Gettin Jiggy with It!”
I was puzzled.

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Demosthenes's avatar

No. I haven’t attended many protests and have never held a sign. The last protest I attended was in 2011. I had friends who attended UC Davis and were protesting after the famous “pepper spray incident” that November, so a couple of my friends drove up there to participate in the protest against the UC Davis chancellor. I didn’t have a sign, but I remember seeing some good ones.

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JLeslie's avatar

I’ve never held a sign, but I try never to cross a picket line. When my grandfather died there were people picketing outside of where we held the service. I remember my great aunt saying the only way my grandfather would cross a picket line was in a coffin. Sounds like a scene in a movie. The picketers actually agreed to stop picketing while we were entering and leaving out of consideration for those mourning. I don’t remember exactly their reason for picketing, I was too young for it to fully sink in.

malcomkade's avatar

Saw a couple guys holding signs asking for spare change. I think they were protesting against not having any money.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“I like IKE” 1950s

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