Meta Question

KRD's avatar

Anyone have any ideas to change Fluther up?

Asked by KRD (5264points) February 2nd, 2023

Any suggestions that should be added to the collective or something that should be removed? Put it in this thread.

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24 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would like to be able to make a career out of Fluthering.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would like a free on call nurse and other professionals ( like career counseling) 24/7

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would like a small paywall to log on the first time. A small amount to deter spammers and trolls. Also a way to report to the authorities with a paper trail.

smudges's avatar

Ummm…I think we’ve told you, on several occasions, as well as lots of other people, that fluther is not going to change. Ever. It is what it is.

jca2's avatar

I’m guessing this is a fantasy, or hypothetical, because it’s been said over and over that nothing is changing on this site. There’s no harm in wishing (when you wish upon a star) but don’t expect anything to change.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It would be nice to have a Question of the Day, that is intellectually stimulating. Like the Chinese balloon in Montana for example.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^^ Didn’‘t Auggie do that ??? ^^^^^

KRD's avatar

@smudges I know that Fluther may not change but why not mention ideas that might get added?

RayaHope's avatar

^^ I tried that but it not going to happen. Unless Fluther is taken over by another entity that would make changes, but then again we may not want what we wish for.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I miss Auggie for so many reasons !

smudges's avatar

@KRD Anything that is ‘added’ is a change, and it can’t/won’t change

Zaku's avatar

Well, the community can change, as can its habits, and behavior, at least in some ways. And it does, and has, over the years. Though usually without much deliberate intention.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Zaku You can say that again. The evolution is quite interesting to watch.

KRD's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I what happened to @Augsetine? Wasn’t he mod?

jca2's avatar

@KRD She was a mod and she passed away.

KRD's avatar

Wow! She must have been a good mod.

jca2's avatar

@KRD She was very cool and she was also a friend to a lot of us in real life and on other social media.

If someone got nasty on here, she’d do what we referred to as “cracking the whip” and she’d write “flame off, folks” or other fun and gentle admonishment.

KRD's avatar

@jca2 if that is passive aggressive then that is the best way to do it I guess.

jca2's avatar

@KRD Passive aggressive? I don’t think a gentle reprimand is passive aggressive.

Jeruba's avatar

After being a regular mod for some time, Augustlan became Community Manager, a role she filled until it became too time-consuming for her. She took care of all of us. Her unexpected death had a big impact on this community.

KRD's avatar

Rest her soul.

KRD's avatar

They should add a way to see your progress on the awards except the Atlantis awards since they are secret.

smudges's avatar

^^ You can see your awards on your profile under the “Awards” tab.

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