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Dig_Dug's avatar

What popular movies do you actually hate?

Asked by Dig_Dug (4259points) February 12th, 2023

My list may get me killed or at least highly scoffed at!

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28 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Babe’s in Toyland. Turns out that it isn’t NSFW. Fooled me twice as a teenager
Gandhi, and Lawrence of Arabia… I can’t sit for three hours

filmfann's avatar

Forrest Gump
Independence Day

Acrylic's avatar

Star Wars, Star Trek, any of those “universe superhero” movies, and generally most movies that were nominated for best picture in any of the award shows.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and most musicals I dislike.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Avatar. I walked out. I couldn’t care less about Avatar 2.

smudges's avatar

This is almost the same as the question What highly regarded movies don’t you like? asked 2 weeks ago but I’ll bite:
Star Wars…had to keep asking who was who and why they were doing what they were doing and who were the good/bad guys, never watched any more of them.
Don’t watch superhero movies like Batman, except loved Jessica Jones.
Don’t watch romances unless they sneak it into a dramedy.
Haven’t watched so many movies that people my age have watched: Porky’s, the one with the gopher popping up out of holes on the golf course with that Blues Brother, so many others.
Men in Black, watched the first and that was plenty.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I walked out of the Batman movie with Bane in the first sequence. The music bothered me. I did watch at home later.

janbb's avatar

The Sound of Music

Dig_Dug's avatar

@smudges I did try to search to see if this was asked before I asked and nothing even close came up so I figured it was safe well so much for google.

rockfan's avatar

Not really “hate” but definitely dislike:

Lawrence of Arabia
The Shining
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom
28 Days Later
The Polar Express
Django Unchained
Mad Max: Fury Road

Dig_Dug's avatar

Okay one more answer from someone else and I’ll give mine. (gulp)

filmfann's avatar

A Clockwork Orange
Smokey And The Bandit

smudges's avatar

…so much for google

Yeah, I think you have to almost know what the question was in order for it to show up. LOL

Jons_Blond's avatar

Most musicals. I’m not a fan.

Zaku's avatar

All the Disney Star Wars ones (except Rogue One, which I found so-so).
Most of the Marvel comic book hero films.
All Indiana Jones after Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Mad Max: Fury Road.
All Alien films after Aliens.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Okay (some) of mine:
Star Wars in order that they came out ,after episode VI (although the Ewoks were dumb)
Godfather and ALL mafia/gang related movies or shows..yes even the Sopranos.
Avatar, sorry blue people.
The Thing sequel 2011
All the Batman movies

ragingloli's avatar

Most Disney movies, except zootopia, because I am a furry.
The recent Dune movie.
The Batman
Ghostbusters Afterlife
All the Hollywood Godzilla movies.
Batman Ninja

Entropy's avatar

Hate is a high bar. And most of the stuff I would say I hate is not popular. Like I could bust on Batman & Robin or Episode 7 and 8 of the Disney Star Wars trilogy….but they weren’t popular. EVERYONE busts on them. Transformers kind of falls in the same category. I hate it…but it seems like everyone else does too…and yet they make enough money to keep getting sequels. So maybe Transformers is my best answer?

Deerhunter wasn’t popular but it was highly rated, and it’s SO BAD. There’s ONE good scene (the russian roulette scene) and the rest of it is absolute trash.

The original Avatar wasn’t a bad movie, but would probably be my pick for ‘most overrated of all time’. But that’s not hate I guess.

gondwanalon's avatar

2001 a Space Odyssey. Pretty much went down hill after the first 5 minutes. The endless light show was brutal. “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that”. -HAL 9000

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^ Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do,.....
.......I’m half crazy,.....
...............All for…..the love of….... you.

jca2's avatar

Here’s the previous, from two weeks ago:

I googled “fluther what highly regarded movies don’t you like” and that’s how I found it.

I don’t like Marvel movies, Sci Fi movies (like Vanilla Sky or Star Wars), movies where there’s a lot of suffering or torture, like Hunger Games (or shows like Handmaiden’s Tale). I’m not a big fan of kids’ movies like The Minions.

smudges's avatar

^^ I’m a huge fan of kids’ movies! They take me away (like Calgon) and let me be a child with a child’s delight again. I also love bright colors, so that may be why I also like cartoons.

Yeah, I said it! Wanna make sumpin of it? 8D


Dig_Dug's avatar

@smudges There’s somethin’ about you…can’t put my finger on it! Did I go to school with you? (chuckle)

smudges's avatar

LOL You seem very familiar to me, also. Maybe we knew one another in a previous incarnation?

janbb's avatar

^^ Now I’m curious!

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^Curiosity killed the cat! meow…lol
getting off topic, ummm Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. yeah hate that movie! there saved it.

Kardamom's avatar

Pulp Fiction

tinyfaery's avatar

As a horror movie fanatic I get shit for not liking The Shining. I don’t find it scary at all and I didn’t care about what happened to anyone.

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