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Koxufoxu's avatar

Whats the best feeling in life? And why?

Asked by Koxufoxu (1532points) March 10th, 2023

Whats in your opinion the best feeling in life? And whats so special about it?

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21 Answers

Entropy's avatar

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

ragingloli's avatar

Taking a big fat dump, and emptying a bladder that was ready to burst.

zenvelo's avatar

The relaxation of the muscles after intense physical exertion. Could be from a BM, great sex, ending a run up a hill. stopping at the end of a great ski run.

zenvelo's avatar

@ragingloli and I are just variants of each other.

janbb's avatar

Feeling grounded in yourself and content with your life just as it is.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Falling in LOVE! That feeling you have for someone and knowing they have the same for you, nothing beats that!

kritiper's avatar

Eating a really good hamburger. Or two…

Acrylic's avatar

To trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

rebbel's avatar

A good sneeze.

cookieman's avatar

A truly good night’s sleep because it’s uncommon yet essential for good health.

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t know what the best feeling in life is since I’m still living. So far I’d have to say paying off the mortgage on my home. It was like a weight being lifted. It allowed me to have a whole lot more money to pay into other bills and not feel the squeeze of finances.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Being in LOVE with your soulmate!!! And living your life to it’s fullest!!!

gondwanalon's avatar

Reaching a hard fought goal.
Pushing yourself farther than you thought you were capable. It’s magic!
I don’t know why but it’s better than any drug or sex.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@seawulf575 yes! Now, I don’t have a mortgage, because I’ve never been able to afford to buy a house, and I don’t think I ever will, so I rent. But we sold our parents’ house last fall and I finally got my share of the inheritance early this year.

Mind you, it wasn’t nearly as much as I had hoped for, and I’m hoping it will be sufficient to get me through to retirement. So, I’m not going crazy with buying stuff, but it’s such a relief not to have to question whether I’m buying much needed paper towels one week as opposed to much needed toilet paper because my money’s so tight. And being able to treat myself every once in awhile to something is a nice feeling! I’ve also paid off a lot of bills that I was slowly whittling away at before I got the inheritance money. It was such a good feeling to pay them off completely in one fell swoop, and think about all the money I was saving by not having the interest to pay.

I can think of some other really satisfying things, but that’s definitely been one that happened to me recently.

seawulf575's avatar

@LifeQuestioner It continues to be an amazing thing when you start realizing how much of your money you don’t have to pay out each month. House paid off, car paid off, bills all gone. I have living expenses…electric and water bills and things like that…and I have property taxes and Homeowners insurance I have to pay once a year.

NoMore's avatar

No responsibilities, a wallet full of cash, and an ice cold beer on a Friday night. Those were the days my friends. Why? Fun to work up your courage before you try to hustle pool with some bikers and maybe get your face rearranged. Fun and games.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Having a grandkid crawl up next to you with a book.

Jons_Blond's avatar

An itch getting scratched.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Being in the zone (flow).

Forever_Free's avatar

Pride from seeing your children accomplish things in their life.

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