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963chris's avatar

Is Fluther the venue for snarky mediators?

Asked by 963chris (1029points) January 22nd, 2011

Recently I’ve been getting my ass ridden by a certain moderator for capitalization, punctuation, vernacular & use of the ’+’ sign (of all things). I tried my best to explain the habit/difficulties & elicit a reason for this policy only to basically get an ultimatum to “play by our rules or you’re terminated”. I was unpleasantly surprised by the sharp retort as well as the attitude.

Fluther appears to position itself to be a fairly convivial, carefree, laid-back place to engage in discussion, debate + q&a; however, these rules & behavior (which aren’t at all up front & center) are making it appear more gestapo + draconian! What’s the deal? If this were the Atlantic or New Yorker or Granta, I could better understand it all. If these rules will decide your acceptance in the community don’t you think this should be more prominent? Textspeak + abbreviations are given the cold-shoulder as well! However will this company adopt to the twitterverse + mobile universe?

So it appears that the bottom line is that capitalized dross outweighs poorly-punctuated polished pondering? Makes no sense to me!

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