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wundayatta's avatar

[Possibly NSFW] What kind of "trouble" have you gotten into on spring break?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) March 7th, 2011

It seems to me that there are stories of all kinds of spring break wildness all over the place. Some of it is sexual, I guess.

I tended to get into trouble of a not so troubling kind. My favorite spring break was, believe it or not, the time I ruined my favorite shirt ever. It was green and had these brightly plumaged birds standing on each other’s heads between stripes. When I came home, it was soaked through and through with mud, and it never came clean again.

I had been on an outing club trip, and we went spelunking in caves in the West Virginia mountains. I had always wanted to go spelunking. I was cold and very wet and muddy underground, but also beautiful and wonderful and, as it turned out, very romantic.

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