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Why would a sexual connection be so important to some people and not so much to others?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) September 13th, 2011

This is a speculative question that you can answer hypothetically, or you can talk about your own experience. I’d like to know how important having a very strong, active sexual connection is for you? Or rather, how active and how strong is your ideal connection?

For me, with the right person, I can imagine almost never getting out of bed. While it would be physically impossible, in my mind I can imagine always being making love to someone. Always being physically and intimately connected. I feel like I would happily go without food until I died if I had that connection.

I’m not sure why I am this way—why it is so important to me. I think it has something to do with it being the only time I feel truly connected with someone. Without the physical connection, I don’t feel very complete in the emotional and spiritual connection.

I know there are people for whom sex is nearly meaningless. They don’t need any at all. This, of course, baffles me.

Where are you on the continuum? What is your preferred sexual connection in terms of intensity and quality and prevalence? What does sexual connection mean to you? Why do you think you are the way you are?

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